Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Okayyy..its been a week since I started work at Singpost and Im lovin' it. Its been full of letters & letters...& cards of coz each day,haha! Wat do u expect? Dh kerje kt Singpost. The makciks & aunties there are well generally friendly, esp Cik Fatimah who always tegur the three of us (Saiful,Junaidi & Me) wf hr smile without fail..And guess wat? I meet up wf a childhood fren of mine(ex PPIS)=) Its been sooooo long, 10 yrs mind u! Yes, Abdul Aziz. To be honest, Im more close to his cuzz Ahmad Hakim bt we lst cntct too. Tk sangkekn blh jumpe kt Singpost? Tis is prove tt the world is small indeed.

Finally, a fren of mine can breath easy as her love probs hv been solved. Gd fr u.. :) Aku plk? Nth eyh..Susah nk ckp.Hmms.

Perjalanan cintaku penuh onak dan duri
Namun,cabaran ini harusku tempuhi
Ku tak sanggup membiarkan ia pergi;
Jauh dari hati ini

Walaupun kekeringan tinta
Kan ku tetap ukir namamu
dengan apa yang ada
Kerana cintaku abadi nan setia

Percayalah wahai kejoraku,
Cinta boleh datang dan pergi;
Tetapi cinta sejati hanya datang sekali

Dengan kesucian hatiku ini
Ku harap kali ini kau benar-benar mengerti
Akan ketulusan cintaku ini...

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