Sunday, January 13, 2008

Woohoo! Yesterday's cycling trip frm Pasir Ris to East Coast ws one hell of a ride man.Hee. Saiful,Ahmad & Azhar met at my place abt 14.40 and we're off. Our journey started at SunPlaza Park>Bedok Town Park>East Coast Park> Changi Coastal> Pasir Ris((: At 16.44, the rain came dwn heavily while we're at Bedok Jetty. We hd no choice bt to brave the heavy rain home. Haha. Fun gillur. Made lots of noise at East Coast Underpass..mcm2 bunyi suare siape eyh?lol. Camwhored.. Took videos..

Pergi 4 orang tapi balik 3 orang.Hmms. Apsl eyh? Ye lar adelar orng tu dh lapar sgt sampai tk tnggu member. Ko cycle sikit punye laju! Tkpelah aku fhm.. Kau mesti mkn kn. Mklumlah dh kt Changi Village. haha.

Pictures & the vids will be up soon aftr I consolidate them...

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