Thursday, February 07, 2008

Im having imsonia these pst few days. Tired bt can't sleep! ): So like usual, I woke up at 1.47 a.m. in the morning and started to listen to the radio on my mp3. Im thankful tt most of the mediacorps' channels are 24 hrs nw(: Bt then, I hd this terrible stomach ache at 2.30! Gosh. Went to the kitchen, make myself a cup of milo and ate some plain biscuit..God! I still can't sleep..My inner feelings ws like urging me to talk to Allah. Well yar, I did fr bout an hr.(Im hoping I gt HIS redha and everythin' tt I ask termakbul,amin) After wch, baru blh tido..finally.hee! And tt ws at 4.09,mind u!

Woke up at 6.30+ fr subuh then went bck to sleep again.huhu. At 8.30, gt myself set fr the cycling trip. Gave a ring to the guys(saiful,ahmad & azhar) at 9 to make sure they hv woken up,haha. Ahmad ws 20 mins late! I ws like telling Saiful:" Eh, ni kalau tadi kite sembahyang dhuha pun sempat seyyh"(coz we're waiting outside al-istighfar msque) =)

Alas, we're off to East Coat via the Changi Coastal connecter at 10.30. Reached East Coast at 12.30. I felt really segan coz its like we're 'gatecrashing' ahmad's cuzz picnic! Bt his makciks & nenek we really nice to pelawa us mkn..hehe. I gt myself a plate of rice wf lemak lodeh & ikan pari while azhar ate noodles((: After wch, ahmad & I proceeded to the beach to berendam, hwuaha.

We thanked ahmad's makciks & nenek b4 heading towards Al-Taqua msque fr our Zuhur prayers..We relax and chill fr a moment b4 gg to Bedok Food Centre wch ws alrdy nearby((: Azhar blanja all of us. Sweeeet(: Thanks a lot, dude! Ehks, benda yng aku ambk fr rojak cepat eyh korang sebat..mentang2 ler aku tgh shiok santap aku nye tahu telur,hehe. tkpe bkn rezki aku ): Bt janji kite smue kenyang, rite((: Prayed asar bck at Al-Taqua after wch went bck using the Bedok Reservoir Park connecter tis time rnd..And guess who I saw? Its Cik Anuar(one of my supervisor at Singpost) (: He's cycling too,alone. hee!

Reached home at 18.00 Aytes, ahmad nxt time hor..Dngr azhar ckp aku nk blanja dessert je terus tk sabar eh,lol. S11 kt tamp tutup larr..there's always next time. Thanks guys fr a great & wonderful day! =)

'Ghost town'..Chinese New Year mah!lol

Hehehee..siapa ni?

Me and my bike wch I bought lst Christmas(:

Awwwwh! haaha (:


Berendam sendiri nmpk, oii!
Buat ape tu? haha
Lepakz..Dh penat nye psl..hwuaha

Terrorists dari mane plk nii?!

Alhamdulillah makan kenyang seyyh..Azhar blanja!((:haha

Ehks, baju colour same nmpk? Korang plan
Peace out...(:

I'll try to post the vids..can't post it nw coz its too big and its frm ahmad(videoman:ahmad, anchorman:me!) =)

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