Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Woohoo! I did lots of productive things today(: My day started off with a cyling trip at around 7.15 to Fisherman's Village(Pasir Ris Park) alone. Its been a while since I really exercise! God, the morning wind tt swept me as I cycled was darn cold. Naik bulu romaku.Hee. Along the trip, there were lots of ppl jogging and doing big walks. There were'nt much cyclists around. I could barely count them wf my fingers, hahs. Manage to do some light exercises and took a whole load of fresh air as I sat by the rocks, enjoying the serene beauty. The trip wld be much sweeter if I cld share it wf tt special someone. Oh wells.

So I was back at 8.30,gt myself all cleaned up and I made a trip to the market next. Man, there were lots of ppl. Ya hor, Chinese New Year coming..Silly me! Haha. Went back, did some household chores and I spring-cleaned my room, nyeahs. Cleared the shelves so it looks more systematic wf diff genres of books on a diff section of shelves, gt rid of old & unecessary stuffs etc. ((: Mop the room and ws quite shocked to see the amount of dust accumulated! Hee. I enjoyed cleaning up. Once u strt , u cld feel the momentum building up, hurrhurr

Ps. Ehks, I make a good husband tau! I can go to the market, sweep the floor, clear the dishes, hang launderies blablabla...And yes, I can masak two things! Pandai2 lah teka ape eyh.((:Almk, mcm promote diri sendiri plk..main2 je lah.. bt all those things I mentioned are definitely true hor..Don't believe me, ask my mum (: Im saying these coz the ratio of women to man is 6:1 So, lelaki yng dibolehkan kawhin 4 pun tk cukup to close up the gap. Its way out of propotion dudes & dudettes!

K lah, tts bout tdy...Feel Highly Accomplished (((:

Seeing the face of an Ulama' is already a blessing.. what more, hear his words and saying ameen to his doas...

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