Sunday, February 03, 2008

Alhamdulillah, after two weeks of missing class at DPIC, I felt kinda refreshed coming back after a long 'break'. Finally, it was back to learning new and informative stuffs bout religion. U see, it doesn't get bored when u have a lecturer like Ustaz Lukmannul Hakeem((: U wld normally associate mst young asatizahs as graduates of Al-Azhar Cairo bt he's different. He graduated frm the the Mutaah Univerity of Jordan. All right, enough said bout him...haha. Every week there's sure to be new topics to be discussed and in tt sense, I love Sundays. Honestly unlike previous Sundays, I did hd the malas feeling of attending madrsh coz mst of the topics taught ws either repetitive or I hd alrdy knwn frm my visits to syarahans..Oh wells.

Aniwaes, today's the lst modul fr Aqidah Islam and we covered the topic, 'Ilmu Al-Quran Mengatasi Ilmu Moden'. Pretty interesting(: Basically, its about science in the Quran. There's ilmu Geologi, ilmu Botani etc tts alrdy being mentioned 1400 years ago! Cool..

And before I end tis post, I wld like to share an info I gt frm Ustaz. He said tt Rasullullah s.a.w. melarang kita untuk menyebut perkataan 'sayyidina' semasa tasyahud( tahiyyat akhir). If ur blurr at tis moment, here's wat I mean: ....'Allhumma solli ala Muhamad wa ala alihi Muhammad'. Don't add the 'sayyidina' to it. Dibolehkan hanya diluar sembahyang. PS. Personally, I hd always mentioned 'sayyidina'. Tis is bcoz the wrd 'sayyidina' comes frm 'sayyid' wch brings means 'tuanku'(seperti mengagung-agungkan). Wallahua'lam...

Ahh food fr thought(: Don't u knw tt org kt UK called us Asians 'Yellow Monkey' eventhough u have black hair or have dark complexion! Yes, Im not kidding coz my Ustz wrkd there b4 and definitely he's nt makin' tis up. So, to those Malay mats out there wf streaking yellow, orange hair etc, fikir-fikirkanlah ape yng akan dikatakan oleh mat UK if they see u in tt state. Hee.


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