Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Bulan Kesedihan

Just as I thought I was picking myself up literally, another problem crops up. Masalah demi masalah sedang melandaku. My probs, ibu's...Bout ibu's prob, I played dumb alrite. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. I hope tt all those shits can be solve soon.. .Ibu, pls don't shed tears. Coz jz thinking bout it, makes me wanna cry too. I felt guilty jz nw when I hear ur voice breaking up over the phone. Am really sorry if I have disappoint you, really. My eyes are beginning to tear as I type all these. U ppl always think tt Im strong enough to handle all these, bt in actual fact, Im not. Apa gunanya hidup? I feel tt Im always on the losing end of things. Aku slalu menolong orang tetapi diri sendiri terkapai-kapai... Somebody, guide me before I do something stupid. And I really hope tt I pass the NIE EPT fr Malay Language wch I sat fr jz now. Please don't turn out to be anthr disappointment, ya Allah. I don't wanna hancurkan my prnts hearts and waste their money..

I know tt all these happen fr a reason. Allah's testing me. My iman to overcome tis. I need to be redha. Bt its not even half the year! And Im not even 18 bt the cubaan's tremendous!Sounds paradoxical ain't it? I jz need a hug and a shoulder to cry upon...

Re: Kita tk bermusuhan kn? I jz need time to recover. Been bz and nw there's probs tt I need to overcome. Honestly, I feel lost. I don't wanna lose a great individual as of you. And its really sad tt it turned out to be like this.Throughout our friendship, iv been putting my egos aside. I wish we can forget the past and reconcile. Only time will tell..

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