Thursday, March 20, 2008

Innallàha wa malâikatahû yusallûna 'alan-nabiyy, yâ ayyuhalladhîna âmanû sallû alayhi wa sallimû taslîmâ. (Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.) 33:56 Its 12 Rabiul Awal and its our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.'s birthday, (Maulidur Rasul). May we spend tis blessed week with showerings of selawat and engaged ourselves with zikr. InsyaALLAH we will get baraka from the Prophet s.a.w.

Anw, dad & I arrived at Zam-Zam Restaurant at 12.30 hoping to collect the free briyani tt they're giving away in conjunction wf the stall's 100th anniversary & Maulidur Rasul only to find out tt the briyanis were sold out! So we went to have lunch at Victory frst, had our zuhur at Sultan Msque b4 joining the long queue. Managed to get 3 packets( coz I lined up twice,sssh)haha. There were Channel News Asia tv crew there( ehks, tune in to to your tv later.. maybe can spot me huhu ((:) InsyaAllah will be meeting the sahabats later to attend Majlis Maulidur Rasul held at Expo Hall 5. The atur cara as follows: Solat Magrib & gema selawat led by Ustaz Fahrur Razi. Isyak then ceramah bertajuk: Rasulullah s.a.w. Kawan, Sahabat & Teman oleh Ustz Ahmad Dahri, Dr Habib Ahmad Abdullah Alkaff(Indonesia), moderator Utaz Haron Hassan Akhtar. Nyai' back here..Oh wells.

All praises to Rasullallah s.a.w check out tis vid:

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