Wednesday, March 19, 2008

"This is to inform you that as you have met the minimum requirements of the Malay Entrance Proficiency Test conducted by the RELC Examinations Bureau in full, you have passed the EPT". Hee! Im so happy the moment I opened the letter knowing tt Iv passed the test, syukur alhamdulillah((: With me passing the test, it gives me a higher chance/confidence in getting into NIE insyaAllah. As the validity of the test is 4 yrs, I'll be applying again during my final semester of my poly/ite yr( Im really hoping to gt to RP!). But there's still a little uncertainty in me as I will only gt to knw whthr there's still places fr me in RP only frm late March till early April.( Penantian kadangakala adalah suatu yg amat perit..) And I must make payments by tmr at ITE Bishan as Iv ben accepted fr a course in Business Studies(Administration). Oh wells.

However, Ain's msg kinda allayed my uncertainty. Its been a long time since I confide in her. prepare for the worst, hope for the best. whatever the outcome, itll be okay. Ill always support you. bottom line, know your goals, pursue your dreams.

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