Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Well the rainy days have kept me inside my house these days. With the continuing showers, it basically ended all hopes for any outdoor activities. Haixz. (Wait, I m nt mengeluh am I?) I definitely shouldn't! Inilah manusia..Diberi hujan minta matahari walhal hujan itu kn rahmat? There's definitely the pros & cons but what can we humans do, aytes? Its HIS will so we have to live with it... Luckily I did not went out for a jog after my afternoon nap. Thought that I can have a quick run at 18.00 but it started to pour cats and dogs again! Lucky me..( Am thankful to dad also for making me bz wf the sound card thingy) It sucks though coz the software won't work! Damn..

Oh wells. I should be having a paintball match as part of the madrasah reunion( Class Men 4A)tis March hols organised by Ustaz Yousef! Bt unfortunanately, the plans shorlived as majority didn't replied to Ustaz's e-mail & to those who did reply, cited sch/work commitments...

Hahs. I find myself without fail tuning to these 2 songs every time it rains. 'Rindu Bayangan' & 'Ku Ukir Namamu' ! hehe jiwang sungguh((: And I penned down 2 puisi! The first one was penned down as ilham struck while the latest one,( I juz wrote it like 30mins ago..) was purely to vent my feelings somewhere..Can't believe that its filled with melancholy & animosity...

Ya Allah! Kau maha mengetahui segala isi hati hambamu ini. Perkenankanlah & dengarkanlah rintihan dari hambamu yang dhaif ini Ya Rabb.. Allahumma Ya Allah! Kukuhkanlah instituisi keluargaku ini..Jangan sampai orang ketiga yang merosakkan kebahagiaan yang selama ini terjalin..AllahummaRabbanaTakabbalMinnaDua'anaWaSolatanaIndakaantasamiul'alim...

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