Sunday, May 18, 2008

Ya Allah.. To be honest, I feel like its just not me the last few days. Call me emo but Im nOT. I just felt different. Oh wells, shall not elaborate further.So yesterday went to Al-Istiqamah where had the chance to meet up with Saiful. Its been so long since I last attended a syarahan. The title's bout, 'Gejala Sosial, Salah Siapa?' by ustaz Saripi Rawi. But I guess the syarahan's a little bored? Hahs. Its funny though when I came to think bout it. If I were wf Saiful, Hafiz's rarely ard and vice versa. Bt, finally tmr we'll gt to meet yar wahai sahabats ku...Its a pity Aziz can't join us though.

Alrite, it was back to spiritual cleansing for me early in the morning just now. Attended Majlis Sambutan Maulidur Rasul and Meraikan Para Ulama at Hougang Stadium. At first I felt like not gg after waking up fr Subuh coz I wanna gt bck to sleep,hahs. But being a good fren, I decided not to bastard/pangsai Hafiz so I managed to ward off the Iblis distraction! Yes, Alhamdulillah ((: And, guess what? Hafiz told me he had the same feelings too! Haha. Inilah yg dinamakan cinta antara sahabat..

Well, it was worth it man! Though had to brave the sun for like 5 hrs, the chance of getting to see the ulama's faces was enough to make us frgt bout the hot sun, literally. The habaibs frm Indonesia lighten our spirits, our love for Rasulullah s.a.w. But am little jealous though coz the small kids gt to salam wf them bt I didn't have the chance to! ): Oh wells. The most important thing is I received barakah frm their presence and the invaluable knowlege gained (((: Lastly, the gema selawat/qasidah by Ustaz Shafi Nurul Anwar was awesome. It was a totally new experience fr me. Unlike previous majlis selwat/zikr wch I attended by Ustaz Tm Fouzy or Fakhrurazi, his was totally different. And as usual, it really moved me..

Tts bout it.. Tmr morning gonna wtch Ayat-Ayat Cinta at E!Hub.. ISQ'ans maybe i'll join u peeps at vivo bt nt sentosa tmr aytes.. We'll c hw it goes..

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