Monday, May 19, 2008

Finally I had the opportunity to step into E!Hub..ahaha. Alrite,I make it sound as if there's something great there. Actually was glad that I gt to gather my two sahabats together (: And luckily Hafiz managed to negotiate with his mum to allow him out or else he'll pangsai us at the very last moment,huhu. So, Ayat-Ayat Cinta was great! SubhanaAllah.. Im expecting more movies to adopt a similar approach as AAC if possible. You should watch ppl! Better still, read the novel first to capture the whole experience, aytes.

" Ehks, aku nk nangis tapi tk kluar air mata ahh.."
" Aah lah beb..Tk cukup 'feel'..."
" Bt, watever it is, at least terkesan ahh..haha"

Some of the comments frm Saiful & Hafiz..ahaha. Saiful's comment's left me smiling. ((:

P/s: Sorry fellow ISQ'ans.. Didn't join u guys just nw..

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