Thursday, June 19, 2008

Alright man.. the last 2 days totally drained me! Haixz. Tuesday went to school to shoot our BZF role-play.. As usual, Kok Weng couldn't make it coz his grandma passed away..My condolences..(kinda ironic though, hahs) Husnozon je lahh Nis..hahas. Started at 2 dragged on until 5.30 pm? Damn..Ni smue Shaiful nye psl ahh can't complete his scene properly!Gah! So many bloopers on his part.. I only need to do 3 shots je tau..Hehe

Wednesday went to school again -_-'" Boringnye aku..2 days straight naik bus 53! Mendak2.. Covered the Shell Live Wire Sharing session as a photographer,hee! Coincidentally, the event was also part of the Entrepreneurship Club which I'm into also..So yeah, I killed 2 birds with one stone ((: Bt, yang tk bestnye kene dirilah fr the whole 2hr 30 mins..hahs..tkpe2..Dh over pun...hahs. Went KFC to eat wf Rajiv, Roy & Wee Kiong. Thank guys for being understanding..I knw u guys wanted to eat Subway since last time bt bcoz its not halal, you guys decided not to eat there. One for all, all for one..U guys rock lahh.. \m/ After finished eating, the guys left..Rajiv gotta cllct his NDP tix while Wee Kiong hd Muay Thai class..So Roy & me went straight home..

And oooh..I missed MOYL's frst episode of Ubin cycling,huhu. Jack the Penghulu or the other MOYL..pls2 organise episode 2..hehe..Dngr2..dragon-boating's nxt? BBQ kt East Coast..haha..

Anw, my hair's long now..Weehoo.. I'm thinking of letting it grow longer like the Click 5's frontman or juz wearing a hairband over my curly hair (:Hmms.. Or cut short..Botak? ahahaha. Ok dah, wanna go jogging now.. Chawz!

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