Thursday, June 19, 2008

Encountered some weird/spooky stuffs when jogging just now. I know today's Thursday(malam Jumaat) but heck, I decided to jog anyway from 5.30 towards Pasir Park area 2.. Jog..jog..jog.. reached the Sungai Api2 Park which was quite ulu..entered there to do my cool-down..did some push-ups..pull-ups..Man, I gt goosebumps. There was absolute no one there and usually I can do the pull-ups but just now..I can't seemed to do? Plain superstitious? nah..Went out from that place and passed this girl in black again which was still seating at the bus-stop..Walked a couple of steps passed her and like a few secs after, I turned around but the girl wasn't there!Spooky.. There was no bus. And its impossible for her to walk that fast into Sungai Api2 Park..Hmms..Wallhu'alam.. Am thankful that I didn't kena kacau by watever things..Alhamdulillah..

On the way home, passed this crazy lady(yeah, she's really crazy alright..) and I was expecting myself to get thrown with abusive or only God knows what else she can possibly do to me..But guess what? She turned her face away, put her hands together and started 'praying' to me..(Palms together like praying to Tua Pe Kong)Hahaha. Total randomness..Cool or what? She's scared of my aura kot..hehehe.

KK, I'm speaking 'bubbles' now.. But I assure u readers what I encountered just now were absolutely true...

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