Wednesday, June 04, 2008 immune system is currently not cooperating and it sucks. Last Monday had Napha where we completed most of the stations except the 2.4 km run and pull-up. I was tad disappointed with myself as I wasn't feeling well and perform below-par. haixz. Bt wth. At least I set a record in class fr the sit and reach. 50cm mark yawz..hahas.

Oh, I passed my Accounting CA alhamdulillah. Though many gt 80-90+, Im pretty contented of getting 70. At least I improved frm the class test. Honestly speaking, the CA's easy and its my own bad for not scoring higher. Sometimes I jz get the jitters when come to big exams,hahs.

Tomorrow off to Perak for camp,hee! Wish me well and a safe return aytes((:

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