Friday, July 11, 2008

Glad to know that I'm not the only one who failed but duh..Sometimes being a little bit panic can do me no harm as it kinda helps me to stay on my toes,aytes? And its a nice feeling to get assurances from Ms Nooraini herself. Told me that she knew I can do better but I must practice. Alright, my bad! Kinda guilty when the teacher supported you but you don't do your part in helping urself,urgh. "Hanis, you don't like numbers izzit?" Hahaha.

Gosh. Ibu's been telling me that Sis Salena(my neighbour who's a teacher) said that I can still appeal to NIE.Hahs. Help me then coz I don't want the EPT Malay cert wch I acquired and lasts for 4 years to go to waste. If I can get into NIE, the better rite? So that I won't be wasting my time. But whatever it is, I'll wait for the next 'O' lvls results to come out before applying again. Boohoo.

And I'm like soo looking forward to the Overseas Community Service Programme. Thought of going next year but Ibu suggested this year instead. Planning to go either Chiang Rai or Vietnam on 13-26 Dec. Still waiting for Rajiv's & Wee Kiong's answer before we unananimously decide to go to which country.Hee.

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