Thursday, July 17, 2008

Hmms.. where do I begin from here? Random things have been happening to me lately.. Lots of it. Guess only those whom I have talked to will know bout it. Not gonna write it down here man.. Some are funny, while others put you into a careful thought..Haha. Is it because of the aura that is revolving around me? I'm like going through a 'transition' phase in my life..Pretty interesting situation I'm getting myself into at times, huhu.

So knowing that my fellow sahabat Saiful have completed his 3rd epsd of his love antalogy series, I feel like writing too! Nyeahs. Macam rindu gitu dah lame tk berkarya.. So yeah, with the Accounting CA over and no more CA's till the exams wch falls on September, I managed to find the time and write down my thoughts..Got something to do with things that happened lately I shld say..Bet u guys miss Wak Ilham right? He's back now, literally..hahs..

Inilah puisiku...

Secerca harapan, sesinar mentari
Tipa hari ku berlari, mengejar yang tak pasti.
Kadangkala diriku ini bertanya,
"Apakah sebenarnya yang ku cari?"
"Adakah ini semua hanya sebuah mimpi,
ataupun mungkin ia suatu realiti?"
Apa yang pasti,
Hati ini enggan bersendiri...

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