Friday, July 18, 2008

Wooohoo!!! Finally got hold of the Certified Fit Shirt man. Yeah.. Currently only me, Roy and Wee Kiong had the shirt with us. Yeah.. gonna wear it on Monday for S&W..Hehehe.. can kwai lan abit..hahs ..So just now after my prayer, headed straight to Woodlands Regional Library and meet up with Aziz to support Dinie for the finals of Bahas 4PM. Its mauduk was, 'Kemaslahatan Bahasa Melayu Terletak Di Tangan Penuturnya'. Pencadang: RJC and Penyanggah: TJC.. It was definitely a nice debate with the counter-arguments though I didn't quite understand RJC's point of view( not trying to be bias, but yeah..haha) So in the end, TJC won!! Congrats to Dinie and her fellow teammates (;

Alright, so guess things gonna be 'hectic' back soon? Gonna have my BZF CA on Monday..The OFA project's deadline is nxt week wch is tergendala..need 7-8 slides more..hahs..Yadadayada..But am definitely looking forward to tmr's course,hee!

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