Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hrmph. Ibu's been reading 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' ever since I bought it! Haha. I bought it because I wanna read but Ibu ended up reading it after knowing there's episode 2 and in fact, if it was true, Ustazah Zanariah even told me there's episode 3! Hurrhurr. And they're doing the filming too in Cairo(:

Guess Sunday won't be bored no more..Will be having fun (I mean, no stress) for the 3 hrs of lessons..Its not fun because of play but I gt myself a new lecturer for my 5th module, Usul Fiqh. Ustz Feirul Malik whose an Educational Developer who work in MUIS is a fun guy..Gt a loud voice..Nt boring (Alhamdulillah) Hahaha. So as usual, new module with lots of different istilahs(terms) that I have never come across before... I particularly like his analogy that we, humans, are like a cup. He came up with these when speaking to those who already comitted zina to make them think back whether their past actions are right or wrong. He reminded us that when confronting with these type of peeps (nt only those who comitted zina), bear in mind not to say, "Itu haram..Eh, berdosa tau kau buat tu..Ini tk blh..yada2". There's a technique as in how to 'consult' people. It goes back to psychology..

Usul fiqh basically is different from Fiqh but nt much actually. It is more of a technique to know why that thing is haram or halal etc. The reasons.. Like for eg jz nw wch I learnt, wajib is broken down to many categories..We cannot just simply follow people.. We have to be completely sure ourselves. Like if people say that thng is halal, we follow halal je..tts not the way. InsyaAllah after completing this module, I'll be more knowledgeable and be able to show non-Muslims the beauty of Islam (it doesn't necessarily mean I praech to them..) and to explain to fellow Muslims this and that and what nots..Amin Allah Humma Amin..

Btw, dear Muslim bros and sis, we're in a blessed month too wch is Rejab.. so u all are encouraged to recite tis doa' :Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rejab Wa Sya'ban Wabalighna Ramadhan..(may Allah bless us in the month of Rejab and Sya'ban, and bring us to see Ramadhan..)

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