Sunday, August 03, 2008

Yesterday was hell of a stupid day! Thought I could earned myself $35 in a day as a kendarat but it was not to be. Reached Admiralty MRT at 12.45 and waited for Nani's uncle as he msged me the day before to meet him at 1.15 p.m Called Cik Mar as instructed but was told that she's in the bus otw from Geylang. Told me to wait there..So I waited till 1.15 and msged Nani's uncle. Was told to contact Cik Mar again. Like whaat?! -_-" Must be some kind of a communication breakdown. I thought that Nani's uncle goona be there. And by right, that Cik Mar (whoever she is, shld gt bck to me. Msgd her bt gt no rply..GRRR!) Waited patiently till 2.15.. left the place at once since there's no progress..Geramnye aku!!!

As soon as I reached home, zonked myself in front of the TV and began to watch the Korean DVD titled 'The Legend'. Finally, am now at the third disc. And its only the 11 epsd! Mind you, there's a total of 8 discs, hwuaha.

Why should I be angry?
Am I?
Maybe I shld adopt a could not careless attitude,rite?
Coz tts nt fully my prob anw..
Sometimes, I tried to husnozon(as our religion preaches)
But honestly, I do doubt ur intentions at times..
Hahs, the complexities of the female mind

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