Monday, August 04, 2008

Hehe..Klaka betul pagi tadi. I almost carried my bro's bag to school(the bag which I had long passed to him by me, so yeah the blurness) Hahs. Luckily bro's still having his breakfast and noticed I carried the wrong bag. Or else..

First period was Accounting..Nothing much..Go thru some papers. Gonna start on a new topic tomorrow.. OFA. Grr!! That Mr Foong was merely talking to himself lah.. Managed to only cacth up on the first part and the rest of it, gone. Dh tentu2 start on a new thing, MS Access..then go thru like nobody's business..Gah! As for BZF, Treble in a Teacup(not all members are present, no suprise here) presented our presentation..

S&W was superb lah seyyh.. Actually, Roy & me were like 'grumpling' among both of us as we wanted to have outdoor games. Seriously, the weather wasn't that hot. It was windy man..Come on lah peeps..But oh wells.We did manage to have a great time in the hall. Ms Gladys Leong asked me, Wee Kiong & Roy to choose our teammates for a captain's ball match. The three of us were chosen as the captain as we're the only ones who wore the Certified Firt Shirt, hee! And am so happy as my team won both matches..Weehoo..First match against Wee Kiong's team, we beat them 7-6. Then proceed on to play against Roy's team. Man, against Roy's team, it was one hell of a match. They gave us a scare by scoring first but I equalized(: We scored, they equalized..Perfect match. But in the end, I scored the winning goal.

Oh yeah, I fell again! Gosh..Took a damn hard landing. Initially I didn't feel any serious pain but now..hmms.. The pain seems unbearable when I bent (rukuk). Urgh ):

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