Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I have not been blogging due to the time factor. Oh wells. I'll backtracked then. This gonna be long..Kalau rajin, bacelah..haha

Friday: Went to Kampong Siglap Mosque with Aziz. The khatib Jumaat sounded like Syekh Abdurrahman As-Sudais the Mekkah imam! Well, decided to go to that mosque as I'm oh so missed my old estate, Marine Parade! And f.y.i...that's the mosque where I first learned my Iqra', hee. After prayers, went to East Coast Park Beach to catch the sea breeze.Haha.Main-main air laut jap..(tpi tk minum tau..hehe) then proceeded to block 47, my old home. Blah2.. At night, went to Al-Istighfar mosque for Terawih prayers. Dinie tagged along (: But she left soon after Isyak prayers for some urgent reason wch she's nt gonna tell me. rawr(my mum asyik tanye tau, "asl dgn dinie?". hmms, i'll wait for that day once ur ready to tell me hor..heh). Anw, tanpa ku sangka, that's the last kiss from the Syeikh as I was literally cheated! ): Haixz..Panjang kisahnye..Nk blog nanti takut menambah dosa pula..so buat siapa yg tahu tu, fhm2 je lah. (;

Sunday: Had my DPIC exams..Weehoo! Confident beb. Haha. Maklumlah ade soalan bocor( oh, tt snd so wrng) No lah. Hahaha. Finally gt a break for two Sundays. So yeah. Ibu's side came over for iftar. Last week it was at Aunty Noni's place so it was our turn. Ibu made Nasi Ayam! Laku seyyh..dh boleh buka kedai,hehe. My bro & I while breaking fast tk tambah coz we thght of continuing it after terawih but after terawih dah sold out ): Hahs. Nevermind..

Monday: Dad loves me! Hahaha. Initially ajak Hafiz go terawih at Mydin mosque at Kembangan but he can't coz he broke his spectacle lens and his dad was working the night shift so his mum will only allow him to go to Istighfar. Nyeahs. Didin't expect dad to follow (: The imam there plk sounded like Syeik Saud As-Shuraim. 23 rakaat but by 9.20 p.m dh hbs. Cool kn! Musollah air-conditioned plk tu..Sedap sembahyang..Haha.

Tuesday: Went Qiam at Istighfar wf dad (: Then morning, dad started to paint the house while I did a lot of wiping..Wiped the windows..the walls of the room..etc. That's it folks.

Seriously, as we're nearing the end of Ramadhan, we tend to face heavy challenges to get to that elusive finish line. Dah masuk mlm tujuh lekor skrng..(as the Malays used to call it)The final stretch..Only a few days before Ramadhan leaves us. Ni lah time dimana Allah s.w.t. menguji tahap keimanan seseorang itu. Peeps starting to feel lazy...busy with Raya preparations.. etc

Ya Allah, terimalah amalan hamba2 mu yg tk seberapa ini..
Tulus dari hati hambumu yg penuh dgn noda dan kemaksiatan,
Ya Allah, lihatlah kami,
Pandanglah kami,
Dengarlah rintihan kami, Ya Allah..
Perkenankanlah doa2 kami, Ya Rahman..
Sesungguhnya KAU telah berfirman bahwa di bulan Ramadhan ini KAU telah menganugerahkan suatu mlm yg cukup istimewa,
yakni Malam Al-Qadr...
Maka kami memohon padaMu..
Supaya dengan izinmu, anugerahkanlah kami dgn Malam Al-Qadr itu..
Allah Humma Ya Allah.. kami ialah hamba2 yg dhaif,
Sekiranya KAU tolak amalan2 kami, maka kami akan tergolong dlm org2 yg rugi Ya Allah..
Maka perkenankanlah segala niat, hajat yg tersirat mahupun yg tersurat, dlm setiap hamba2Mu...

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