Monday, September 29, 2008

Let me take this opportunity to sum up my Ramadhan yar since today's the last terawih and tomorrow gonna start the takbir. Well, I should say that the last few days of Ramadhan have been meaningful/fruitful in terms of ibadah, house work( tapi kalau dh slack, slack hbs..hoho) Though no doubt there's obstacles along the way, I managed to overcome it with ease. Had a father-son bonding,haha, these few days. Since dad had his break for the end of Ramadhan, I find myself unusually close to him. We went to the mosque together, helping him around the house..etc Heh. But thinking back, I am close to my dad since young. Hee. "Ayah, nk kong.. (dokung)". HAha. And ehks, we make great impersonators. Hwuaha. Oh, Alhamdulillah managed to khatam the Qur'an again. Whee((:

Enough bout dad. I would like to make a tribute to mum too. Throughout Ramadhan, she never fails to wake up at 4 a.m. to prepare for the family sahur. Would only wake the rest up like 10 min b4 5. Best mom ever! I would never treat her with any other mum.

Oh wells. Its confirmed. Nenek & atuk gonna Raya here for the first time. And its like for the first time too we have a dozen of F&N bottles! Hahas. Alright before I end my post, I would like to seek forgiveness to those out there who knows me. Pardon me if my past actions(sengaja atau tk sengaja), anything that makes u peeps uncomfortable or sewaktu dgnnye.. yar. Minal Eidil Wal Faezin Wal Makbulin..

P/s: Sebenarnya kalau dapat jumpe dan bersalaman lebih baik, ukhwah lebih terjalin..More ikhlas gitu. Tapi maklumlah dh zaman IT ni..Haixz..Faham2jelah.. Miss jugak kad2 Raya tu..

(Semoga amalan kita diterima Allah)

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