Thursday, November 27, 2008

First of all, CONGRATS to sis Serina for getting your driving license yesterday! So cool lah this neighbour of mine. Its like she's rapat to me and my family ever since she moved into our block. Haha. Though she's like way older than me, she loves talking to me ((: So yesterday, she asked fr me and my dad's help to guide her as she's still not that confident of driving herself. So yeah. Macam 'test route' gitu..Hee.

"Nis! If ur good tonight, I'll be your chauffeur and bwk u jln2 fr a day. Haha"
"Eh, bro if I not confident, u take over the wheels ah.."

Random.Random. Anw, I was interviewed my RazorTv's Media Crew while waiting for my groupmates at Bishan MRT yesterday. Hahaha. So yes, went Botanic Garden and OMG, it was one hell of a walk. Masuk from Orchard but we ended up exiting the Bukit Timah exit as its the the nearest busstop from the 'Evolution Garden'..! Oh wells. -_-"

And oh, finally I gt my berms for this Saturday's Pixel Lab outing at Sentosa! It'll contribute to a whooping 9 hrs of mine CCA time..But I doubt I'll stay there till night..hahs.

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