Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its so sudden gitu. So yeah, its confirmed! Kak Serina adalah Kakak angkatku. Hahaha. Friday: Ain departs for holiday to Jakarta Puncak Bandung. Have fun and hope you and your family come back safely yar. Went out with Kak Serina to EXPO ard 1500hrs as she wants to get her external flash but too bad, they don't sell cam. accesories there. Oh wells. So we ended up getting ourselves a PSP 2 in1 cover instead! And its only fr $9.90 with lots of features. ((: Oh, saw Dinie while boarding 21 home (: Yeah fate! Kalau Sis tk ajak naik that bus, tk jumpe kn..Hahaha. F.y.i. its either I walk home from the interchange or take 358/12... Then at nite go for tahfiz class. Yayy! I think I pleased ustaz yaw =) But alamk, another 3 surahs to semak next week..Gotta revise..Haixz.

Saturday was HAPPENING man! It was a day full of sun, sea, sand and fun. Nyeahs. Theme: "Everyone can be a model @ Sentosa". I'll show u my best models in a while yar. Hahaha. Alright, I did enjoy myself... Ku sempat berendam..huhu..But kinda terkilan gitu coz I wanna take the skyride & lunge coz its only $10! My God.. But sad no one wanna go up with me! Tsktsk. So pada malam harinya pula..(ehks, dh mcm karangan lahh! Hahs) went up to Sis place around 10.05 as she wanted to borrow my abg sedare's tripod & external flash. Oh did I tell u! My cuzz got the complete D70 Nikon DSLR and he underuses it. So yeah..Gd news fr me, he let me use it,hee. And one more thing, Sis ordered Mcdelivery that night and its on her (; So we talk and talk experimented wf our individual cams.. till 11.45! Gosh..Haha

Here's the pics man.. there's way lots of pics but here's the best wch I'll use it for submission to Pixel Lab. Comments is much appreciated.

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