Tuesday, November 11, 2008

OMG. Suddenly I have a lot of important agenda to be completed this week and I'm really feeling the pressure man! Argh. Cool but challenging.. Hahs. Shameer gave me his role as leader of group 1 for next week's Shell Livewire Competition. Finally, i've been given the opportunity (: But its kinda last min so I had to sacrifice my FTT's E-Trial just now to go for the meeting while he had to interview the principal of College Central at Mcpherson Campus. Kinda happy with the group mates..I've seen their slides.. We even had practice for our OP but personally need lots of improvements. The winning team will get $800. Oh, Hafiz, Sharum is in my team.

Bout the Trade Fair Challenge, frustrations and more frustrations. I got hold of 2 suppliers but the prob is, they don't provide their contact no.! Mr Rajah passed me this business crd of a this particular supplier but after surveying, I don't think their products can sell. Haixz...God, help!!! And, I'm in-charge of it too..bah.

Confirm gonna be damn busy till Friday!!! Please don't kacau my weekends..I wanna enjoy, relax, make $$$..Hahaha

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