Monday, January 26, 2009

Before I'm off for Solat Khusuf(Gerhana Matahari/Bulan) with my dad at En-naeem..Let me post bout my weekends yar!

Sat: Chilled at Mr Alfian's house with Mr Fawwaz and Shrooms. Watched 'Street Kings' and 'Chuck and Larry'. Lol. 'Chef' of the house, Mr Alfian and Mr Fawwaz. left at ard 8.30 p.m. Thought of meeting the two guys later at 12.00 at Fico Sports Hub but last min dad won't allow as soon as he heard that I'll hav to tumpang Mr Mateen on a bike. He said Jurong too far and he scared tt I'll be asleep after penat main bola..And somemore naik bike..Hahs. Too bad lor.

Sun: Waduh.. the total strength for my DPIC class have gone up to 34 students! Damn packed siah wf all the juniors..some positives: the no of guys frm 4 dh naik to 11! Nyeahs..But muslimah still lagi ramai ah..Like duh. Then after my class, went out wf dad to Masjid Kassim. Maghrib there then hd our dinner at 'As-Salam' Restaurant opp. Tried the prata SMS...After eating, walked towards Masjid Al-Abdul Razak fr syarahan..oh, Mr Mahathir(who once tght me Chemistry) was there too! And I was quite suprised though..He gt 2 sons wch yg masih kecik2 lagi. Haha.

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