Friday, March 13, 2009

My Comeback

Hey Guys...

Its about time I post something on this wonderful Friday. Friday is love don't you think so? Haha oh well. And speaking about love, I got a couple of things to read on.

Firstly, let me be frank. Im sure to get some flak for this very post from all those love-birds/couples out there. But here's the thing, its not from my views but someone more knowleagble, mature thinking. She's my current ustazah who's teaching the Arab module currently at Cordova..And she gt married at a very young age...She's young too (:

Well, let me share to you the things that she shared with my DPIC class. Ever heard of the term, 'There's no relationship in Islam except in marriage(Tiada konsep berpacaran dalam Islam). Im sure you guys have heard about it. Sounds crap and I totally agree with you guys. We're all go : "WHAT??Then hw do we end up in marriage and so and so.." Being and(trying at the same time) the moderate Muslim, I felt that surely that's an extreme point of view. But after her explanation, I began to understand and not ridicule it and I hope it sparked you guys to think about it too.

So what's the issue then? To those guys/gals out there, can you be sure that the gal/guy you're currently with will be ur future husband/wife? He/she is your very first bf/gf. The phrase, "I LOVE U" have not be used on any other guy/gal. You're the number __(insert no.victim. Be truthful, you can't guarantee that sort of thing rite? If your're really sure, put it in black and white and I'll moniter your progress till you make your wedding vows!

The thing is, we're being played by the devil (I admit, I was being played too)..heck, we all are. Even prophets got deceived etc except for the angels. We go about our life out there trying to find partners each and every day. And if we do find one, is that really the partner that Allah have destined for us to be with? Oh sure we may say: "Yes, we're made for each other.."etc. Alright but stop kidding ourselves. At a certain point of time, surely, we'll feel bored etc..Trying to look for other guys/gals..IF that couple made it into marriage, most probably it won't stay for long as we have chosen our own partners instead of the one Allah have chosen for us.

Now, the big question. So how do we know that guy/gal is meant for us. If we don't look (as in ikthiar, we won't end up in marriage either). I posted this to her too, Here's the reply. When one is ready for marriage, one will know. My ustazah never had a boyfriend..then one day this guy(her husband nw) felt that its the right time and she felt it too..the end up marrying after looking at each other's background. No worries. Allah is All Knowing, The All Fair. Seseorang yang baik akan bersama orang yang baik vice versa. BUT, if Allah decided to give lets say a good guy ended up with a not so good gal, Allah is testing you and hopefully you'll be able to guide the gal...

As for the ikhtiar part, all we need is to perform our daily ibadah, continue studying/working hard, respect the elderly and Insya Allah all will fall in place nicely.(:

So stop looking and here's what she said to those who're currently attached ( I personally felt that's a little harsh though). " Break off! Simple. Tell to ur bf/gf we 're breaking off because of Allah. If we're really meant for each other, we'll somehow meet one day and end up in marriage. If ur gf/bf cannot wait and understand, just forget about her/him. Tahu2 je in a few months time u'll c him/her wf a different partner..But if he/she's faithful, then u'll know that that's the one for u..."

WaAllahu' alam...

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