Friday, March 27, 2009

Random or Fate?

Hey Guys...

I have been thinking lately whether all those dreams that I've encountered lately was really an actual sign that I should heed in the future or should I just continue to shrug it off? Hmms..Dreams are devil's play but it could be God's way too of conveying something.. This question strucked me as I had this dream and it did really happen..Oh wells.

Anyway, the past two days was spent with another childhood of mine that I got reunited with. Coolness rite? I never thought of meeting another of mine kindergarten friend let alone 'searching' for them after I met one a few months back. Amazingly, this reunited friend could really recall the days spent from K1 TO K2 in PPIS. That 2! Another random ongoings in my life..well not really. This I should say, is fate. If I had chosen the course back then, and got into NP I would have met him earlier. But hey, I got to meet him now eventually! For a moment I thought it gonna be awkward after such a long time not seeing each other or even talk for that matter, but old memories bridges the gap. He even invited me to his house though he just ended his work attachment...So yeah (;

And oh, 3358 could be my fate should that number strike! Alright, hold it for a moment. What the hell is this guy talking about? Haha. Well, I received an sms from a stranger asking me to buy 4D with that number..Of course, I didn't bought it. Actually...I did have the urge to ask my Chinese friend to buy but scrapped that idea out. So out of curiousity and not to allow myself to have any tinge of 'regret' of not buying the no., I checked out the winning and consolation numbers in Liang He Zhao Bao and phew, 3358 didn't appear! Hee.

Mankind often ignores
what's fated...
and always dreams of
altering the written destiny

Manusia jahil menerima
ketentuan, senantiasa impikan
peluang untuk mengubah
suratan takdir...

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