I jz gt back frm Al-Falah Msque(sort off), reached hme at 23.45 to be exact & I can't help myself bt to blog rite nw! Hwuaha. Its fate tt I gt to meet wonderful, sincere ppl in jz one nite(: And I believe tts all written in Lauh Mahfuz. I shouldn't be sad( I don't wnt to! Nt any more..) if I do gt sad, plzz somebody gt me the 'La Tahzan'; the famous arabic book wch translated to 'Don't Be sAd' or 'Jangan Bersedih' wch hv sold to more than a million copies and translated to a whole lot of diff languages.( psst, 13 more days to my b'dae..tk tahu malu..hahs).
Its true wat Ustaz Sufyan said. Its way2 bttr to mix ard wf para asatizahs, alim ulama' para habaib & orng2 soleh. The feelings when mixing ard wf them, MasyaAllah. In tt way, syaitan wld hv a difficult time 'dictating' ur life. So, Saiful & I reached Al-Falah during Maghrib.. Was assigned to carry the packet of briyani rice to the table outside the msque & after Isyak, went ard wf the donation box during the forum. Made 3 new frens: Syed Mabduh( formerly a volunteer at Msjd Jamek Queenstown), Ahmad Munir & Shahir( Syafiq's fren, fellow EXCO). Gt lots of experience on sch life frm Munir as he's frm ITE Bedok the lst time bt come 14 April, he's a scnd yr (triple 'E' student as in 'engineering') in TP. I'll seriously consider the advices he hd given me(: Syed is also a former ITE student bt he's in SP nw, scnd yr when term strts. As fr Shahir, I didn't knw he's an ITE student too!. You can really see the akhlak tt he potrays. He's a tahfiz student frm MKS!(Msjd Kampung Siglap) Allahuakhbar! ( Its been a long2 while since I myself went to Ustz Fahmi's tahfiz class at En-Naeem,hahs) Point to note: They are a bunch of very sincere ppl. Jz like Mabduh said, "ITE bukan tk bgos, tapi sesetengah org je yg buat ITE tk bgs. Kene pandai choose the rght frens.." Aah, Daniel vice-president of AFY(Al-Falah yth) & a yr3 NTU student always shares abt he's experiences of army life. I like..haha.
So after the job's done, the jemaah hd went hme..Ustaz Yousef took a dulang & pour a couple of mutton & chicken briyani onto it. And we certainly dig in.Ukhwah yg terjalin semasa mkn bersama..the talks..SubhanaAllah, am really glad to be ard them((: When's all done, s.o.p. took a cab hme, hurrhurr. Syed & Daniel( bth lives in Kembangan) shares the same cab as Ustz Yusri..Kesian Shahir sorang..He lives in Yishun! Bt took the same cab as them to alight at Orchard MRT..While as usual, me, Saiful & Syafiq shared a taxi wf Ustz Yousef. Otw hme in the cab, Im pleased tt Ustz agreed wf me when I suggested restructing back the AFY database, hee! Im 'thankful' tt Im nt an EXCO( though Ustz wntd me to be one bt I decline...)coz I noticed tt even in msque, u gt politics. The LPM wch hv quite new faces hv different way of implementing programmes we, AFY, hv drafted..Oh wells. Im nt in the meeting room jz nw, so I can't comment anythng..
Yayy! Tmr's there's selawat & zikir led by Ustz Hafazhah Ahmad at Msjd Al-Istiqamah aftr Maghrib. And after Isyak, there's gonna be a syarahan by Ustaz Dato' Ismail Kamus (: Oh, Monday mst prolly heading to Al-Falah again if Shahir calls...Won't be online as mch as Im nt gg to be hme as often & am curbing myself frm entertainment nowadays. So tt explains my super long post..
P/S: Bila aku tk free, korang sibuk tanye aku tgh buat apelah..ajk chilll..Tapi skrng bila aku free, korang senyap. I knw I don't hv PSP bt its jz oh so ridiculous; u guys chill under my void deck bt don't even bother to at least tell me?! Klaka kn? Ouh cm'on..Im nt being whiny or childish..Tkpe lah eh.. Aku nk pesan je, jgn kemaruk sgt kt bende tu..Takut jadi lalai,leka nanti..Wallahua'lam..
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Friday, March 28, 2008
Okayy, Im tired of having to feel sucky, grumpy, at lost & resah all the time. I juz realise tt sometimes ur being left behind on certain thngs. Fine! Im nt gonna be bothered. I tght we're homes' dude..Bt guess tts human nature, oh wells. So yesterday after collecting my 'O' lvl certs wf Hazwan & Sharon, we ctch 'Step Up 2' at Century Square..
Gah! I can't sleep last night..ws frequently tossing 180 degrees ard my bed. The heart's bleeding. Its like Im seraching fr smth wch Im nt sure wat myself. Maybe all these feelings emerged bcoz of my ego? I seem nt to take in the fact tt Im rejected by RP & am gonna be schooling at ITE! Time & time again I reminded myself tt, "Allah tahu apa yg baik bagimu. Mungkin awk rasa bende itu baik tapi sebenarnya ia tidak dan apa yg awk rase tk baik tapi sebernya baik. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menguji org2 yg beriman". Been doing lots of spiritual cleansing & bertafakur. And the talk wf Ustaz Sufyan do help..Jazakallah Khairan. Maybe Allah wnts me to gt closer to HIM and tts why HE's testing me wf all the obsatacles..Wallhua'lam...
Reasons fr being sucky:
Reasons to be optimistic:
I'll soon know who really is a teman & siapa sebenarnya sahabat...
Gah! I can't sleep last night..ws frequently tossing 180 degrees ard my bed. The heart's bleeding. Its like Im seraching fr smth wch Im nt sure wat myself. Maybe all these feelings emerged bcoz of my ego? I seem nt to take in the fact tt Im rejected by RP & am gonna be schooling at ITE! Time & time again I reminded myself tt, "Allah tahu apa yg baik bagimu. Mungkin awk rasa bende itu baik tapi sebenarnya ia tidak dan apa yg awk rase tk baik tapi sebernya baik. Sesungguhnya Allah selalu menguji org2 yg beriman". Been doing lots of spiritual cleansing & bertafakur. And the talk wf Ustaz Sufyan do help..Jazakallah Khairan. Maybe Allah wnts me to gt closer to HIM and tts why HE's testing me wf all the obsatacles..Wallhua'lam...
Reasons fr being sucky:
- I feel tt its a fall frm grace..When reflected bck, I ws left wondering wats the pnt of all the scholarships tt I attained thruout my sec. life yr in, yr out?
- Im constantly up there..among the top in lvl though maths hv been the weakest link thruout bt I managed to be 'up there
- The Speech Day awards etc.
- Didn't ever2 imagining myself in ITE..wth..pfft
- Human Stigma..urgh
- "Hanis, ur rslts nt bad at all.. why didn't u try gg MI?" my ans, simple. Im aware tt 'A' lvls t curriculum no lngr the same( as in nw tougher) distance-wise, its too far..afraid cannot cope so oh wells.
- Kang Wei's In MI?! shocker..the guy wf crutches..
Reasons to be optimistic:
- ITE is knw acknowledged by MM Lee Kuan Yew, himself
- Dad's said tt no need to take private dip. coz I gt my frst choice at ITE..oh wells
- An-Nadhah msque is sederet my campus..
- There's a direct bus:53
- Naq's gg to be in the same campus
- Im in Higher Nitec and nt jz Nitec
- My course of study is considered one of the bst in ITE
- Study hard & be the cream of the crop..( Enter Poly strgt 2nd yr gt dip..)
I'll soon know who really is a teman & siapa sebenarnya sahabat...
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Gosh! Finally a break frm my bz schedule. Ring some ppl up coz ws bored sitting at home yesterday. Apparently mst of them were bz. Oh wells. Returned my library books wch ws overdued nyeahs(its only $1.50, no biggie). Headed down to Kallang to meet Aziz=) Thank God he ws free. Actually he jz gt bck frm SP and singgah-ed TM when I called him. Huhu. We went to Leisure Park Kallang and the place ws totally cool to chill out man. The distance between every shops were quite spacious, tk kecoh and I really felt like I ws in T3(: Dude, nw u knw u gotta mall in ur backyard and it ws discovered by me, a Pasir Ris person who lives 12 km away! Lol.
Sometimes I felt like taking my life away(hmms...exaggerating, perhaps?) Bt, I knw I shld cherish ni'mat hidup tt Allah has given me. And I wouldn't dare face HIM in akhirat as taking ur life away as a no-no in Islam and surely I'll gt His wrath fr tt sort of action. Man, why all these tghts? Im one who knws bt sometimes I prefer to keep mum bout it.(prsnl probs etc.) Don't make me voice out hw I really feel coz it ain't gonna be nice. And I don't really knw who to blame or be angry wf coz it takes two hands to clap, aytes. Maybe if the issue crop up again, I'll jz run away and never-come-back...Ok, thursday's the day. Allah plzzzzzz listen to my call. No disappointments tis time rnd.
Hoping for a friend
When everyone's moved on
Hoping for some guidance
When the heart is torn
Hoping for a miracle
When the future seems so bleak
Hoping for some luck
When confidence is weak
Hoping for a chance
To prove everyone wrong
Hoping for encouragement
When not feeling strong
Hoping for the world to turn
Into a better place
Hoping that life will become
Much easier to face
I gt tis frm IN's The Staits Times pull-out...
Sometimes I felt like taking my life away(hmms...exaggerating, perhaps?) Bt, I knw I shld cherish ni'mat hidup tt Allah has given me. And I wouldn't dare face HIM in akhirat as taking ur life away as a no-no in Islam and surely I'll gt His wrath fr tt sort of action. Man, why all these tghts? Im one who knws bt sometimes I prefer to keep mum bout it.(prsnl probs etc.) Don't make me voice out hw I really feel coz it ain't gonna be nice. And I don't really knw who to blame or be angry wf coz it takes two hands to clap, aytes. Maybe if the issue crop up again, I'll jz run away and never-come-back...Ok, thursday's the day. Allah plzzzzzz listen to my call. No disappointments tis time rnd.
Hoping for a friend
When everyone's moved on
Hoping for some guidance
When the heart is torn
Hoping for a miracle
When the future seems so bleak
Hoping for some luck
When confidence is weak
Hoping for a chance
To prove everyone wrong
Hoping for encouragement
When not feeling strong
Hoping for the world to turn
Into a better place
Hoping that life will become
Much easier to face
I gt tis frm IN's The Staits Times pull-out...
Friday, March 21, 2008
Allahumma solli wasalim wabarik alaih.... Its Friday! MasyaAllah. For the Catholics, Happy Easter bt for us Muslims, we're in a very special month too(: Today's 13 Rabiul Awal and Im blessed to be living & breathing rite nw to remember our beloved Prophet, the Great Man;Muhammad s.a.w.'s birth. Juz nw after Friday prayers, I had the opportunity to listen to a ceramah by Dr Habib Ahmad Alkaff & Kiyai Aa Gym wch is bth from Indonesia. I feel very happy every time an alim frm other countries came here. Allah yu barik fik.We recited the selawat & Maulid( YOu can really feel as if Rasulullah is wf u). At the end of the ceramah, I gt to salam Aa gym(: And yes, Habib fr the scnd time( smlm & tdy) ((: Aah, I saw Syafiq Bakhtiar too! My fren, its been so long since we saw each other aye? Im gg to share wf u guys wat Iv learned frm the ceramah. May tis simple yet meaningful advice touched our hearts,InsyaAllah amin.( Its also a personal reminder to me..)
Kadangkala kita mengaku diri kita sebagai ummat Nabi s.a.w. tetapi maaf cakap, kita mengingkari sunnah Baginda, kita menjalankan tugas seharian kita dengan melakukan apa yang tidak dusukai Nabi. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. adalah seorang yang sangat mulia. Walaupun dihina, dilempar najis etc daripada org Jahiliah, Nabi tidak pernah mendoakan kecelakaan bagi mereka. SubhanaAllah. Bayangkan kalau kita dicerca sedikit, kita jadi marah. Tahukah anda bahwa dalam kuburan, Nabi s.a.w. mengucapkan Alhamdulillah apabila melihat ummatnya mengejarkan amal ibadat yang diredhai Allah s.w.t. Tetapi beristighfar untuk kita jika Baginda melihat ummatnya sedang melakukan maksiat. Tidakkah kita berasa malu? Kita yang buat maksiat tetapi Nabi Muhammad s.a.w beristigfar untuk kita, mohon ampun kepada Allah s.w.t.! Di Akhirat nanti, kita manusia menjadi takut kerana dosa-dosa kita di dunia. Kita tk saling kenal-mengenal antara satu sama lain. Di hari itulah kita amat mengharapkan syafaat dari Nabi s.a.w. Allah bertanayakan kepada Nabi," Mintahlah kepadaku apa sahaja, aku akn berikan". Nabi menjawab, "Ummati, ummati, Ummati". Berapa sayangnya Baginda kepada kita...
Last piece of advice: Igtlah akan kematian kerana jika kita igt akn mati, pasti kita akn takut utk melakukan maksiat...
Kadangkala kita mengaku diri kita sebagai ummat Nabi s.a.w. tetapi maaf cakap, kita mengingkari sunnah Baginda, kita menjalankan tugas seharian kita dengan melakukan apa yang tidak dusukai Nabi. Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. adalah seorang yang sangat mulia. Walaupun dihina, dilempar najis etc daripada org Jahiliah, Nabi tidak pernah mendoakan kecelakaan bagi mereka. SubhanaAllah. Bayangkan kalau kita dicerca sedikit, kita jadi marah. Tahukah anda bahwa dalam kuburan, Nabi s.a.w. mengucapkan Alhamdulillah apabila melihat ummatnya mengejarkan amal ibadat yang diredhai Allah s.w.t. Tetapi beristighfar untuk kita jika Baginda melihat ummatnya sedang melakukan maksiat. Tidakkah kita berasa malu? Kita yang buat maksiat tetapi Nabi Muhammad s.a.w beristigfar untuk kita, mohon ampun kepada Allah s.w.t.! Di Akhirat nanti, kita manusia menjadi takut kerana dosa-dosa kita di dunia. Kita tk saling kenal-mengenal antara satu sama lain. Di hari itulah kita amat mengharapkan syafaat dari Nabi s.a.w. Allah bertanayakan kepada Nabi," Mintahlah kepadaku apa sahaja, aku akn berikan". Nabi menjawab, "Ummati, ummati, Ummati". Berapa sayangnya Baginda kepada kita...
Last piece of advice: Igtlah akan kematian kerana jika kita igt akn mati, pasti kita akn takut utk melakukan maksiat...
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Innallàha wa malâikatahû yusallûna 'alan-nabiyy, yâ ayyuhalladhîna âmanû sallû alayhi wa sallimû taslîmâ. (Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.) 33:56 Its 12 Rabiul Awal and its our beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w.'s birthday, (Maulidur Rasul). May we spend tis blessed week with showerings of selawat and engaged ourselves with zikr. InsyaALLAH we will get baraka from the Prophet s.a.w.
Anw, dad & I arrived at Zam-Zam Restaurant at 12.30 hoping to collect the free briyani tt they're giving away in conjunction wf the stall's 100th anniversary & Maulidur Rasul only to find out tt the briyanis were sold out! So we went to have lunch at Victory frst, had our zuhur at Sultan Msque b4 joining the long queue. Managed to get 3 packets( coz I lined up twice,sssh)haha. There were Channel News Asia tv crew there( ehks, tune in to to your tv later.. maybe can spot me huhu ((:) InsyaAllah will be meeting the sahabats later to attend Majlis Maulidur Rasul held at Expo Hall 5. The atur cara as follows: Solat Magrib & gema selawat led by Ustaz Fahrur Razi. Isyak then ceramah bertajuk: Rasulullah s.a.w. Kawan, Sahabat & Teman oleh Ustz Ahmad Dahri, Dr Habib Ahmad Abdullah Alkaff(Indonesia), moderator Utaz Haron Hassan Akhtar. Nyai' back here..Oh wells.
All praises to Rasullallah s.a.w check out tis vid:
" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5po-WuXHtk
Anw, dad & I arrived at Zam-Zam Restaurant at 12.30 hoping to collect the free briyani tt they're giving away in conjunction wf the stall's 100th anniversary & Maulidur Rasul only to find out tt the briyanis were sold out! So we went to have lunch at Victory frst, had our zuhur at Sultan Msque b4 joining the long queue. Managed to get 3 packets( coz I lined up twice,sssh)haha. There were Channel News Asia tv crew there( ehks, tune in to to your tv later.. maybe can spot me huhu ((:) InsyaAllah will be meeting the sahabats later to attend Majlis Maulidur Rasul held at Expo Hall 5. The atur cara as follows: Solat Magrib & gema selawat led by Ustaz Fahrur Razi. Isyak then ceramah bertajuk: Rasulullah s.a.w. Kawan, Sahabat & Teman oleh Ustz Ahmad Dahri, Dr Habib Ahmad Abdullah Alkaff(Indonesia), moderator Utaz Haron Hassan Akhtar. Nyai' back here..Oh wells.
All praises to Rasullallah s.a.w check out tis vid:
" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I5po-WuXHtk
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
"This is to inform you that as you have met the minimum requirements of the Malay Entrance Proficiency Test conducted by the RELC Examinations Bureau in full, you have passed the EPT". Hee! Im so happy the moment I opened the letter knowing tt Iv passed the test, syukur alhamdulillah((: With me passing the test, it gives me a higher chance/confidence in getting into NIE insyaAllah. As the validity of the test is 4 yrs, I'll be applying again during my final semester of my poly/ite yr( Im really hoping to gt to RP!). But there's still a little uncertainty in me as I will only gt to knw whthr there's still places fr me in RP only frm late March till early April.( Penantian kadangakala adalah suatu yg amat perit..) And I must make payments by tmr at ITE Bishan as Iv ben accepted fr a course in Business Studies(Administration). Oh wells.
However, Ain's msg kinda allayed my uncertainty. Its been a long time since I confide in her. prepare for the worst, hope for the best. whatever the outcome, itll be okay. Ill always support you. bottom line, know your goals, pursue your dreams.
However, Ain's msg kinda allayed my uncertainty. Its been a long time since I confide in her. prepare for the worst, hope for the best. whatever the outcome, itll be okay. Ill always support you. bottom line, know your goals, pursue your dreams.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Alhamdulillah, Im back in Singapore safely. The much needed getaway to Tiara Beach Resort at Port Dickson had been great. Its like at last I gt to be free frm nyayi( she left fr Bik Idah's hse 2 days prior to our trip) and most importantly, be free from having to hear bout Mas Selamat Kastari on the news every single day! Nyeahs. ( I noticed I havn't really talk bout him..Will do so in my nxt post). Anw, thanks a lot to Abng Udin( my jiran's son, whose also my family angkat) for renting your car to us. I could not ever imagined gg there without a car coz the pekan is so far away frm the resorts! Well, the beaches there are so serene((: We did go-karting at Extreme Park & we also went to the ostrich farm. Lots of barn animals there(well, obviously). Had a feeding session wf the ostriches(hee, badi-badi jgk oi!). And we also tasted ostrich satay! I have tasted the common meat like mutton, chicken, rabbit, deer, duck( ok dah lah tu..cukup2 haha)but ostrich meat? Hmms. Its texture is smooth and sweet. Overall, ok lahh..Ehks, the khatib jumaat there at tis msque tt I prayed looked like Hadi Awang frm PAS! HAHA.Blablabla... End trip, singgah Larkin Terminal where Rosma frm AF4 was performing wf 3 other contestants frm the shw.( I have no idea who Rosma ws actually) What coincidence...
The next day was damn tiring for me in particular coz its a Sunday & I need to attend Cordova for my Akidah Islam exam! I had a hang-over.. Can't think..was very blurr in answering the essays. For the frst time, I think I slacked in an ukhrawi exam! Oh-oooh. I'll be hopping tt I'll be scoring fr my assignment instead wch is 40% of my module,hahs. Enough talk. I need to start studying fr Usul-Tafsir nxt wch is on the 23rd March! And Im like juggling between completing the assignment & studying fr the sbj -_-"( Tis is difficult man..haixz)
Ok, pics frm Port Dickson:

The next day was damn tiring for me in particular coz its a Sunday & I need to attend Cordova for my Akidah Islam exam! I had a hang-over.. Can't think..was very blurr in answering the essays. For the frst time, I think I slacked in an ukhrawi exam! Oh-oooh. I'll be hopping tt I'll be scoring fr my assignment instead wch is 40% of my module,hahs. Enough talk. I need to start studying fr Usul-Tafsir nxt wch is on the 23rd March! And Im like juggling between completing the assignment & studying fr the sbj -_-"( Tis is difficult man..haixz)
Ok, pics frm Port Dickson:

Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Mak oi lepak habis gue hari ni! Haha. Gt a call from Ridwan at 12.00 noon asking me to bring down my guitar. So, I did. His initial plan was to chill at my void deck for like an hour or so while waiting for his fren's call..(He wanted to go Afghanistan). But he ended up lepaking at my void deck instead.-_-" He even got his fren, Fauzie, who lives at Tampines to join us! Azhar joined us too((: He teached me a song frm Greenday( I frgt the title, hahs). Around 2+ I went up fr awhile to pray & brought down my Creative Zen V plus mp3 plus my portable speaker! Nyeahs(;( Tkkn nk duduk kt bwh blk gitu je kn? Jadi mendak plk..haha). We videowhored..As usual Ridwan being the 'livewire', was the center of attention. Did some wacky actions to the tune of Chris Brown's 'With You' & Sean Kingston's 'Beautiful Girls'! Lol. Oh, Ridwan also did become a Jackass for a day! Huhu. ( I wanted to post the vid bt there's something wrong wf my hp-pc connection, urgh)
Around 17.00, sent Fauzie to the interchange as he had to make a new Ez link card for his bro.. Then Ridwan, Azhar & me wanted to have a feel of jadi 'pakcik-pakcik', haha. As we have plenty of time to spare, went to S11 coffeeshop where Ridwan ordered food for his own. Upon completing his food, we headed to another coffeeshop nearby, Syairahim 101((: Azhar ordered kopi-O, Wan kopi while me the usual fav.Teh-tarik! We engaged in intelectual stuffs like our studies, futures, politics...And we even went as far as talking bout setting up our very own business venture(Islam style) juz life Rufaqa in Malaysia..It all started when we were talking bout our skills like they view me as business-oriented, Azhar the technical man( sound, lighting etc) while Ridwan nursing & hospitality. So there's this talk of us creating an all-in-one empire consisting of a hospice, a mosque beside it blablabla..haha
I really hope that all those talks could be a reality when we eventually reached our 30s, hee. Ok dah Im done. Guess I'll have to brng along my akidah islam notes fr my trip to tiara beach resort as my module's test's on 16March!hurrhurr. Gone tmr morning at 4.30..Will be back on Sat nite. Chawz (=
Around 17.00, sent Fauzie to the interchange as he had to make a new Ez link card for his bro.. Then Ridwan, Azhar & me wanted to have a feel of jadi 'pakcik-pakcik', haha. As we have plenty of time to spare, went to S11 coffeeshop where Ridwan ordered food for his own. Upon completing his food, we headed to another coffeeshop nearby, Syairahim 101((: Azhar ordered kopi-O, Wan kopi while me the usual fav.Teh-tarik! We engaged in intelectual stuffs like our studies, futures, politics...And we even went as far as talking bout setting up our very own business venture(Islam style) juz life Rufaqa in Malaysia..It all started when we were talking bout our skills like they view me as business-oriented, Azhar the technical man( sound, lighting etc) while Ridwan nursing & hospitality. So there's this talk of us creating an all-in-one empire consisting of a hospice, a mosque beside it blablabla..haha
I really hope that all those talks could be a reality when we eventually reached our 30s, hee. Ok dah Im done. Guess I'll have to brng along my akidah islam notes fr my trip to tiara beach resort as my module's test's on 16March!hurrhurr. Gone tmr morning at 4.30..Will be back on Sat nite. Chawz (=
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well the rainy days have kept me inside my house these days. With the continuing showers, it basically ended all hopes for any outdoor activities. Haixz. (Wait, I m nt mengeluh am I?) I definitely shouldn't! Inilah manusia..Diberi hujan minta matahari walhal hujan itu kn rahmat? There's definitely the pros & cons but what can we humans do, aytes? Its HIS will so we have to live with it... Luckily I did not went out for a jog after my afternoon nap. Thought that I can have a quick run at 18.00 but it started to pour cats and dogs again! Lucky me..( Am thankful to dad also for making me bz wf the sound card thingy) It sucks though coz the software won't work! Damn..
Oh wells. I should be having a paintball match as part of the madrasah reunion( Class Men 4A)tis March hols organised by Ustaz Yousef! Bt unfortunanately, the plans shorlived as majority didn't replied to Ustaz's e-mail & to those who did reply, cited sch/work commitments...
Hahs. I find myself without fail tuning to these 2 songs every time it rains. 'Rindu Bayangan' & 'Ku Ukir Namamu' ! hehe jiwang sungguh((: And I penned down 2 puisi! The first one was penned down as ilham struck while the latest one,( I juz wrote it like 30mins ago..) was purely to vent my feelings somewhere..Can't believe that its filled with melancholy & animosity...
Ya Allah! Kau maha mengetahui segala isi hati hambamu ini. Perkenankanlah & dengarkanlah rintihan dari hambamu yang dhaif ini Ya Rabb.. Allahumma Ya Allah! Kukuhkanlah instituisi keluargaku ini..Jangan sampai orang ketiga yang merosakkan kebahagiaan yang selama ini terjalin..AllahummaRabbanaTakabbalMinnaDua'anaWaSolatanaIndakaantasamiul'alim...
Oh wells. I should be having a paintball match as part of the madrasah reunion( Class Men 4A)tis March hols organised by Ustaz Yousef! Bt unfortunanately, the plans shorlived as majority didn't replied to Ustaz's e-mail & to those who did reply, cited sch/work commitments...
Hahs. I find myself without fail tuning to these 2 songs every time it rains. 'Rindu Bayangan' & 'Ku Ukir Namamu' ! hehe jiwang sungguh((: And I penned down 2 puisi! The first one was penned down as ilham struck while the latest one,( I juz wrote it like 30mins ago..) was purely to vent my feelings somewhere..Can't believe that its filled with melancholy & animosity...
Ya Allah! Kau maha mengetahui segala isi hati hambamu ini. Perkenankanlah & dengarkanlah rintihan dari hambamu yang dhaif ini Ya Rabb.. Allahumma Ya Allah! Kukuhkanlah instituisi keluargaku ini..Jangan sampai orang ketiga yang merosakkan kebahagiaan yang selama ini terjalin..AllahummaRabbanaTakabbalMinnaDua'anaWaSolatanaIndakaantasamiul'alim...
Saturday, March 08, 2008
"AAAAH!!!WOOO!!ALLAHUAKHBAR!!! haha. Those were random shouts frm our visit at Escape Theme Park jz nw. Those bunch of guys were great. Aziz, Azhar & bro, Ahmad, Saiful, My bro & me! ((: First thng when we reached there we entered 'The Haunted House'. Funny thng happen. It was damn dark inside man. And during our walk, there's this 'hand' wch kept holding Aziz! Aziz freaked. His mind ws like, "oh, siape plk yng pegang tangan aku ni.." When we finally got out, Aziz was relieved as the 'hand' wch kept holding him throughout belonged to tis small chinese kid! -_-" lol.
Next, we tok the 'Rainbow'..Cool as we gt to view parts of Pasir Ris and enjoy the wind, nyeahs. The 'Viking' was next. Hahaha. I will remember Aziz squemish face for the rest of my life! (; Aziz sees himself as a risktaker bt he has his limits. I tried persuading him to ride the 'Inverter' bt he didn't wnt to..So were Saiful, Azhar & his bro. So, in the end only Ahmad, my bro & me rode the 'Inverter'. Gerek gillur! Hee. Took the 'spinning cups'( idk the exact name, lol). Had lunch after tt and decided to queue fr the go-cart. After waiting fr more than 45 mins, enough was enough. We decided nt to continue with the pathetic queue & went home instead...
Well, jz came back frm cuzz wedding actually wch ws held at Elias CC..The food's great, the pelamin looks like a bird cage? hahs. Ok, pics will be uploaded if I hv the time fr bth the Punggol trip, jz nw's outing & wedding. InsyaAllah ( ni kalau aku malas aku tk upload hor..)
Next, we tok the 'Rainbow'..Cool as we gt to view parts of Pasir Ris and enjoy the wind, nyeahs. The 'Viking' was next. Hahaha. I will remember Aziz squemish face for the rest of my life! (; Aziz sees himself as a risktaker bt he has his limits. I tried persuading him to ride the 'Inverter' bt he didn't wnt to..So were Saiful, Azhar & his bro. So, in the end only Ahmad, my bro & me rode the 'Inverter'. Gerek gillur! Hee. Took the 'spinning cups'( idk the exact name, lol). Had lunch after tt and decided to queue fr the go-cart. After waiting fr more than 45 mins, enough was enough. We decided nt to continue with the pathetic queue & went home instead...
Well, jz came back frm cuzz wedding actually wch ws held at Elias CC..The food's great, the pelamin looks like a bird cage? hahs. Ok, pics will be uploaded if I hv the time fr bth the Punggol trip, jz nw's outing & wedding. InsyaAllah ( ni kalau aku malas aku tk upload hor..)
Friday, March 07, 2008
God! Tt was one ardous trip to Punggol man...We started our journey practically at 13.00+ yesterday but we encountered problems b4 we cld really gt gg! One of Azhar's bicycle pedal almost went off while Saiful's handle did went off! Lol. Rabak..So, bth of them went bck to change bicycles while me & Ahmad singgah IKEA to perform our Zuhur prayers there. Morale of the story: Invest in a good bicycle, haha((: Reached Punggol Jetty about 17.30. There's lots of army personnel, policemen there..Haixz. All bcoz of Mas Selamat Kastari's case! Enjoyed the scenery fr quite some time & took pics b4 we were ordered to delete certain pics on our digicam! Crapxz. I don't mind they do checks on us as they were jz gg bout their jobs bt there's tis one policeman, private Razzi, ngade2 sungguh! Waste our precious 15 mins. Unlike his fren, corporal Iswady, who hd checked or pics & tts it. Bt tt Razzi even checked each and every pics on Ahmad's phone & asking lots of qns! Wth. Pics on hp as far as I knw are personal property man...Lucky they didn't screen our bodies.. Ironic thng to all those screening procedure ws they didn't asked fr out ICs! -_-"
So, we were basically pissed off bt it was an experience fr us. We took it as a learning exp. Head off to Marina Country Club wch ws juz nearby to have a glimpse of the yatches there. Did our Asar prayers at the open carpark b4 heading out at 18.30. Otw out, I sensed something amiss when Saiful was not behind me. Both Ahmad & Azhar ws already far ahead. Then my phone rang! It was Saiful, telling me tt he had probs wf his bicycle gears & one of the dogs had started to approach him.(There ws 8 dogs there!) I turned back to help him.. Nasib tkde ape2 jadi; alhamdulillah. At 19.05 were we at the main junction( Damai LRT) when Saiful's leg gave way..Had cramps, again! Ade2 lah kau,hahs. As he can't even cycle, he decided to call his dad to fetch him bt too bad he's dad ws out on sea, fishing! So, I asked Azhar & Ahmad to cycle back frst as the sky's getting dark & it gonna be a long ride home..
I was left wf Saiful at Punggol Drive. We pushed our bicycles slowly toward one of the blocks & did our Maghrib there on the 18th stry stairs. We took turns.. After our prayers, we continued our journey towards to Punggol Plaza. At 20.00 flagged several cabs bt they can't accept 2 bikes in their boot. So terpaksa took separate cabs. Gt mine at 20.00 & reached hme at 20.45 ((: Gt myself washed up & ws out again to Long's hse( My kakak sedare nikah) As soon as I reached Long's hse at 22.00, I served myself wf food straightaway! Lapar beb..
It was practically our last cycling trip bt didn't expect it to end tt way..Bt wat are sahabats fr aytes? We take care of each other..I won't trade tis team of mine wf any other team..(((:
So, we were basically pissed off bt it was an experience fr us. We took it as a learning exp. Head off to Marina Country Club wch ws juz nearby to have a glimpse of the yatches there. Did our Asar prayers at the open carpark b4 heading out at 18.30. Otw out, I sensed something amiss when Saiful was not behind me. Both Ahmad & Azhar ws already far ahead. Then my phone rang! It was Saiful, telling me tt he had probs wf his bicycle gears & one of the dogs had started to approach him.(There ws 8 dogs there!) I turned back to help him.. Nasib tkde ape2 jadi; alhamdulillah. At 19.05 were we at the main junction( Damai LRT) when Saiful's leg gave way..Had cramps, again! Ade2 lah kau,hahs. As he can't even cycle, he decided to call his dad to fetch him bt too bad he's dad ws out on sea, fishing! So, I asked Azhar & Ahmad to cycle back frst as the sky's getting dark & it gonna be a long ride home..
I was left wf Saiful at Punggol Drive. We pushed our bicycles slowly toward one of the blocks & did our Maghrib there on the 18th stry stairs. We took turns.. After our prayers, we continued our journey towards to Punggol Plaza. At 20.00 flagged several cabs bt they can't accept 2 bikes in their boot. So terpaksa took separate cabs. Gt mine at 20.00 & reached hme at 20.45 ((: Gt myself washed up & ws out again to Long's hse( My kakak sedare nikah) As soon as I reached Long's hse at 22.00, I served myself wf food straightaway! Lapar beb..
It was practically our last cycling trip bt didn't expect it to end tt way..Bt wat are sahabats fr aytes? We take care of each other..I won't trade tis team of mine wf any other team..(((:
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
The past few days was chilling out session with the sahabats. B4 each one of us went our separate ways after the school term starts for that matter, its a good time to spend together while we still can aytes. Its been really great. Gt my digicam(finally). Now, we can have picture perfect quality whenever we're out, nyeahs. Playing Scrabble at Azhar's place ws fun man! We shld do tt often, rite? Sambil lepak dapat jugak menimba ilmu. Haha. Ehks, sampaikan terima kasihku kepada ur maid. Her lauk sup kambing & asam pedas fooyooo sedap ah mkn. Hujan2 plk tu..
Went Peninsula yesterday. Shopping sakan. All thanks to 'The Used'( hehe, u shld knw who u are (; ) a regular customer at one of the shops & Ridwan too. Gt myself a mini High Desert sling bag, boot cut jeans & some accessory. Ah, special mention to Azhar for giving me an early birthday gift(((: To be honest, Iv never received any gifts frm a fren. I really appreciate you buying me the Lamb of God shirt man! Im touched. Allah s.w.t saje yng dpt membalas budimu..
Gosh, Iv noticed tt quite a number of my frens hv been down. And its all bcoz of love..haixz. Who needs love rite nw ayte when u hv brotherly love? Yeah, true once in life u hv to experience the ups & downs of love life. Bt love is jz so complicated..
I'm not waitin' around for a woman to save me
(Cause I'm happy where I am)
Don't depend on a girl to validate me
(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby
(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole
Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good
(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cause I would...
PS/ Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
Went Peninsula yesterday. Shopping sakan. All thanks to 'The Used'( hehe, u shld knw who u are (; ) a regular customer at one of the shops & Ridwan too. Gt myself a mini High Desert sling bag, boot cut jeans & some accessory. Ah, special mention to Azhar for giving me an early birthday gift(((: To be honest, Iv never received any gifts frm a fren. I really appreciate you buying me the Lamb of God shirt man! Im touched. Allah s.w.t saje yng dpt membalas budimu..
Gosh, Iv noticed tt quite a number of my frens hv been down. And its all bcoz of love..haixz. Who needs love rite nw ayte when u hv brotherly love? Yeah, true once in life u hv to experience the ups & downs of love life. Bt love is jz so complicated..
I'm not waitin' around for a woman to save me
(Cause I'm happy where I am)
Don't depend on a girl to validate me
(No no)
I don't need to be anyone's baby
(Is that so hard to understand?)
No I don't need another half to make me whole
Don't need to be on somebody's arm to look good
(I like who I am)
I'm not saying I don't wanna fall in love 'cause I would...
PS/ Forgive, sounds good
Forget, I’m not sure I could
Saturday, March 01, 2008

Wokkays, Iv enjoyed myself these two days. Aziz chill out at my place yesterday rite after Fridays' prayers & he's totally langkah kanan as mum cooked Nasi Ayam wch happens to be his fav. dish! haha. Later at nite, some pretty interesting thng happened at my hse carpark. It ws some kind of a Chinese ritual thingy, If im nt mistaken. Take a look at tis vid :
As of today, Im finding myself filling up my Saturdays wf activities.Hahs. Went to the Army Career Exhibition held at Marina Square wf the guys. Actually, Im not really into these kind of thng bt bcoz of members nye psl, Im a-okay. Ahmad, Aziz & Hafiz are total ARmy-freaks man!! And Ahmad & Hafiz like really went fr the scnd rnd ard the exhibit while me, Saiful & Azhar walked ard to search fr SEOUL GARDEN. haha. I ws like 'pestering' them to search tt place as I ws alrdy hungry at tt pnt of time...So, we finally agreed to hv our Zuhur prayers frst at Sultan Msque then proceed to Victory. Hafiz really2 wntd Victory while the majority actually prefer ZAM-Zam!lol. We relented anw.. Off to Victory bt the place ws packed. Yes ahh..haaha Hafiz, your bad! So we decided to eat at BERYANI HOUSE((: We ordered 3 kinds of beryani rice! There's Iran Beryani, Turkish Beryani & Afghanistan Beryani. And guess who we saw there. Cikgu Zainab the HOD fr Malay Dept PRCS ws there wf hr husband! The sweetest prt ws she actually paid fr our meals! Cool..((: We ws quite shocked actually as I ws telling Hafiz to collect the bill bt the boss said, "Cikgu dh bayarkan..." hee! Rezeki katakan..
Ahmad split wf us at Bugis Mrt as he needs to go to East cOast. So, off we went frm Bugis to Aziz 's place ON FOOT (MIND U!)Ahh, Ridwan, anthr fren of mine, join us at Kallang. And Aziz's place ws like at Circuit Rd/Old airport beside Broadrick Sec. Only God knows hw many kilometres we covered! Bt economical beb! Haha.
Aziz's estate ws like old wf no scenary..view..lots of construction..even the shop as far out! Basically there's no life there! And I really2 feel fr him. We shld feel contented as in our precinct where we live in is oh so vibrant, convenient, lots of kenelan.Oh wells.
Had a great day today(((:

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