Stepped into Al-Istighfar Mosque yesterday since (hmms..when was the last time I go there?) Though I live in Pasir Ris, I much prefer to frequent other mosques due to reasons which I shall not elaborate. Anyway, was there yesterday to listen to Al- Habib Abdulllah ibn Hussein Al-Masyhur Al-Hafidz from Medinah Al-Munawwarah. The topic ws on 'Calon Penghuni Syurga' which was translated by Al-Fadhil Kiyai Yusuff Rusadi who's a pricipal of a pesantren (boarding school) in Jawa Tengah. Ok, so let me share what ana Al Dhaif Al Faqir Ilallah ini peroleh dari ceremah tersebut...
Seorang Mukmin yang mengucapkan 2 kalimah syahadah, mengikut syariat tetapi solatnya ada yang ketinggalan dinamakan 'Mukmin Naqis' yaitu Mukmin yang serba kekurangan. Moga2 kita tidak tergolong dlm golongan itu dan supaya amalan kita senantiasa dilakukan secara istiqamah, Allahuma Amin. Zikir yang paling dituntut ialah 'Laillah Ha ilallah Muhammadur Rasulululah'. Guess what? Fadhilatnya, SubhnaAllah. There's this hadis saying that a man kept saying in his dreams,"An-Nar2"(which means Hell). He deamt that he'll be going to Hell. But another man, believe in saying 'Laillah Ha ilallah Muhammadur Rasulululah' 70 000 and disedekahkan to the man whc kept dreaming he's gg to Hell...The next day, the man ws saying in his dreams the opp,"Al-Jannah2"(Heaven). Put it simply, if u sedekahkan 70 000 'Laillah Ha ilallah Muhammadur Rasulululah' to ur family members who have passed away or even ur closest frens, InsyaAllah, it wld help them enter Paradise. Beautiful isn't it? And tt zikir is also to keep u safe(like pembenteng)
As for today, catch up with my dear childhood fren Aziz accompanied by my 2 sahabats Ahamad & Azhar. Ooh..the three "A's"! Went to the RSAF Museum which Aziz wanted to go so badly.. Pics to tell the story lah,haha
Friday, June 27, 2008
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Alhamdulillah, Ibu's back home now (: As for her condition, I jz gt to knw tt the internal bleeding is actually a miscarriage): Its like the 4th time already? Ibu was'nt aware she's actually pregnant..Oh wells. Guess I won't get another adik anytime soon :/ But the most important thing is she's safe & back home now =)Anw, Thanks to all those peeps for ur do'as and the msgs/calls to check on my mum's condition. Really appreciate aytes.
So yesterday, went to Feefi's hse for makan2 cum movie marathon (like 'housewarming') gitu at Bukit Panjang. wan an ardous journey. Hafiz, I know ur pain now of having to travel from Pasir Ris to Bukit Batok which is even further! Haixz. Kalau macam gini tk sampai2lah ke Ar-Raudhah..Tkpelah eh..Kite jumpe di Raudhatul-Jannah sudah..InsyaALLAH,Amin. Thanks once again Feefi for inviting us to ur hse. And its really nice getting to know ur dad. Hopefully we can talk more ok, uncle? Haha. Oh, don't frgt if have rezki and ur going to Medinah tell me aytes. InsyaAllah, I would love to join u, hee!
Ana Wa Anta umpama ________? (This is just in general. Fill in whatever you feel appropriate)
Ah, Happy 14th Birthday Bro (:
So yesterday, went to Feefi's hse for makan2 cum movie marathon (like 'housewarming') gitu at Bukit Panjang. wan an ardous journey. Hafiz, I know ur pain now of having to travel from Pasir Ris to Bukit Batok which is even further! Haixz. Kalau macam gini tk sampai2lah ke Ar-Raudhah..Tkpelah eh..Kite jumpe di Raudhatul-Jannah sudah..InsyaALLAH,Amin. Thanks once again Feefi for inviting us to ur hse. And its really nice getting to know ur dad. Hopefully we can talk more ok, uncle? Haha. Oh, don't frgt if have rezki and ur going to Medinah tell me aytes. InsyaAllah, I would love to join u, hee!
Ana Wa Anta umpama ________? (This is just in general. Fill in whatever you feel appropriate)
Ah, Happy 14th Birthday Bro (:
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
One thing that happened could change the course of everything. Last Sunday, 'dragged' my parents down to Bedok Reservoir to catch Hydro Sapiens by a Dutch theater group as part of the closing act for the Singapore Arts Festival in conjuction with Sg's Water Week too. Its been quite awhile since we had a day out together. The atmosphere was fun and colourful... But the night ended with something sombre..
Ibu had internal bleeding and had to rush off to Changi Hospital at around 11+. After arriving there, was told by doctors to go to KKH. Off ayah & ibu to KKH where they reached at 2+a.m. Its been 2 days now since Ibu's in hospital..Gt a call frm hr saying tt she'll be having her op later at night.. Hopefully everything goes well..
I really hope she cld be bck by tdy if possible..
Ibu had internal bleeding and had to rush off to Changi Hospital at around 11+. After arriving there, was told by doctors to go to KKH. Off ayah & ibu to KKH where they reached at 2+a.m. Its been 2 days now since Ibu's in hospital..Gt a call frm hr saying tt she'll be having her op later at night.. Hopefully everything goes well..
I really hope she cld be bck by tdy if possible..
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Went to Cairnhill CC as Al-Falah needed volunteers for a Father & Mother's Day event for the less fortunate. It started off quite dry and slow but after awhile, everthing's seemed alright. Me, Saiful, Syed and his friend, Syafiq from Queenstown Sec were tasked to handle the food. Yada2..Helped to carry the habuans..Easy job.. Done deal..Everyone left with satisfaction..And I really hope the less fortunante enjoyed their time too.
I'm soooo happy too coz in like 6 days time, an Islamic scholar is coming to Singapore. Credits to for the info. And yes, Habib Munzir is coming on the 5th of July (:
Shaykhna Khalil Moore embraced Islam at the age of 19, and is an upcoming Islamic Scholar, having spent many years travelling to the Muslim world in search of sacred knowledge, learning the Religion in the hands of Professors and Shaykhs in Madinah, Mauritania, Morocco, Emirates, Egypt and Yemen. He studied the Maliki and Shafi`i Jurisprudence (Fiqh), Arabic Language and has translated and edited several classical and contemporary Islamic books. Among his Teachers are great Scholars like Habibana Umar Bin Hafiz.
Oh lastly, a fren showed me tis vid on youtube. Very touching..An Iranian kid giving a speech about Fatimah Az-Zahrah (Prophet Muhammad's p.b.u.h. daughter) Very emo..But its apity that the speech and subtitles are in Arabic..If only we peeps can understand Arabic, we would surely shed tears too..
I'm soooo happy too coz in like 6 days time, an Islamic scholar is coming to Singapore. Credits to for the info. And yes, Habib Munzir is coming on the 5th of July (:

Oh lastly, a fren showed me tis vid on youtube. Very touching..An Iranian kid giving a speech about Fatimah Az-Zahrah (Prophet Muhammad's p.b.u.h. daughter) Very emo..But its apity that the speech and subtitles are in Arabic..If only we peeps can understand Arabic, we would surely shed tears too..
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Encountered some weird/spooky stuffs when jogging just now. I know today's Thursday(malam Jumaat) but heck, I decided to jog anyway from 5.30 towards Pasir Park area 2.. Jog..jog..jog.. reached the Sungai Api2 Park which was quite ulu..entered there to do my cool-down..did some push-ups..pull-ups..Man, I gt goosebumps. There was absolute no one there and usually I can do the pull-ups but just now..I can't seemed to do? Plain superstitious? nah..Went out from that place and passed this girl in black again which was still seating at the bus-stop..Walked a couple of steps passed her and like a few secs after, I turned around but the girl wasn't there!Spooky.. There was no bus. And its impossible for her to walk that fast into Sungai Api2 Park..Hmms..Wallhu'alam.. Am thankful that I didn't kena kacau by watever things..Alhamdulillah..
On the way home, passed this crazy lady(yeah, she's really crazy alright..) and I was expecting myself to get thrown with abusive or only God knows what else she can possibly do to me..But guess what? She turned her face away, put her hands together and started 'praying' to me..(Palms together like praying to Tua Pe Kong)Hahaha. Total randomness..Cool or what? She's scared of my aura kot..hehehe.
KK, I'm speaking 'bubbles' now.. But I assure u readers what I encountered just now were absolutely true...
On the way home, passed this crazy lady(yeah, she's really crazy alright..) and I was expecting myself to get thrown with abusive or only God knows what else she can possibly do to me..But guess what? She turned her face away, put her hands together and started 'praying' to me..(Palms together like praying to Tua Pe Kong)Hahaha. Total randomness..Cool or what? She's scared of my aura kot..hehehe.
KK, I'm speaking 'bubbles' now.. But I assure u readers what I encountered just now were absolutely true...
Alright man.. the last 2 days totally drained me! Haixz. Tuesday went to school to shoot our BZF role-play.. As usual, Kok Weng couldn't make it coz his grandma passed away..My condolences..(kinda ironic though, hahs) Husnozon je lahh Nis..hahas. Started at 2 dragged on until 5.30 pm? Damn..Ni smue Shaiful nye psl ahh can't complete his scene properly!Gah! So many bloopers on his part.. I only need to do 3 shots je tau..Hehe
Wednesday went to school again -_-'" Boringnye aku..2 days straight naik bus 53! Mendak2.. Covered the Shell Live Wire Sharing session as a photographer,hee! Coincidentally, the event was also part of the Entrepreneurship Club which I'm into also..So yeah, I killed 2 birds with one stone ((: Bt, yang tk bestnye kene dirilah fr the whole 2hr 30 mins..hahs..tkpe2..Dh over pun...hahs. Went KFC to eat wf Rajiv, Roy & Wee Kiong. Thank guys for being understanding..I knw u guys wanted to eat Subway since last time bt bcoz its not halal, you guys decided not to eat there. One for all, all for one..U guys rock lahh.. \m/ After finished eating, the guys left..Rajiv gotta cllct his NDP tix while Wee Kiong hd Muay Thai class..So Roy & me went straight home..
And oooh..I missed MOYL's frst episode of Ubin cycling,huhu. Jack the Penghulu or the other MOYL..pls2 organise episode 2..hehe..Dngr2..dragon-boating's nxt? BBQ kt East Coast..haha..
Anw, my hair's long now..Weehoo.. I'm thinking of letting it grow longer like the Click 5's frontman or juz wearing a hairband over my curly hair (:Hmms.. Or cut short..Botak? ahahaha. Ok dah, wanna go jogging now.. Chawz!
Wednesday went to school again -_-'" Boringnye aku..2 days straight naik bus 53! Mendak2.. Covered the Shell Live Wire Sharing session as a photographer,hee! Coincidentally, the event was also part of the Entrepreneurship Club which I'm into also..So yeah, I killed 2 birds with one stone ((: Bt, yang tk bestnye kene dirilah fr the whole 2hr 30 mins..hahs..tkpe2..Dh over pun...hahs. Went KFC to eat wf Rajiv, Roy & Wee Kiong. Thank guys for being understanding..I knw u guys wanted to eat Subway since last time bt bcoz its not halal, you guys decided not to eat there. One for all, all for one..U guys rock lahh.. \m/ After finished eating, the guys left..Rajiv gotta cllct his NDP tix while Wee Kiong hd Muay Thai class..So Roy & me went straight home..
And oooh..I missed MOYL's frst episode of Ubin cycling,huhu. Jack the Penghulu or the other MOYL..pls2 organise episode 2..hehe..Dngr2..dragon-boating's nxt? BBQ kt East Coast..haha..
Anw, my hair's long now..Weehoo.. I'm thinking of letting it grow longer like the Click 5's frontman or juz wearing a hairband over my curly hair (:Hmms.. Or cut short..Botak? ahahaha. Ok dah, wanna go jogging now.. Chawz!
Monday, June 16, 2008
Alright.. am actually quite bored man.. Guess its juz the start of my 3 weeks of holidays and I realize that I gt nothing to do in particular. Wanna catch up with my sahabats but they're having their exams when school reopens nxt week! And some dh pn buka sch.. Anw, good luck to u peeps who'll be having term test/mye when sch reopens aytes (: Gt three sets of Accounting ws to be done.. 2 on Cash Book and 1 Petty Cash Book..Did Cash Book jz nw bt don't have the mood to carry on..Haixz..need help man.. Well.. guess i'll be staying at hme..exercise.. look out fr yth activities/syarahan to attend to? Haha..
Ehks, I read this particular blog and was glad to know a Habib from Medina Al-Munwarrah is coming ((: I cherish the presence of Habib be it frm our neighbour, Indonesia or frm the Middle Eastern countries..Ahlan Wa Sahlan ya Habib.. Ku tnggu kedatanganmu..

Ehks, I read this particular blog and was glad to know a Habib from Medina Al-Munwarrah is coming ((: I cherish the presence of Habib be it frm our neighbour, Indonesia or frm the Middle Eastern countries..Ahlan Wa Sahlan ya Habib.. Ku tnggu kedatanganmu..

Friday, June 13, 2008
Finally its the last day of school and its the start of the 3 weeks of h.o.l.i.d.a.y.s!!! Woohoo...
Well , today got the opportunity to meet lots of new peeps (: Early morning got the Entrepreneur Club team bonding and during the evening, meet up with some of the pixel lab members. Notice letak pukul 4.45 p.m sharp at Dhoby Ghout NEL Control Station tapi mak oi gue kene tnggu fr the rst to come like ard 5.30! -_-" Bagus ehks.. Then we gt to find our way ard to gt to 2902 Gallery, Old School.. the place very ulu seyyh and we had to make one big round coz we did'nt knw the place.. haixz..padahal its btl2 blakang PS... soon as we reached there, view all the photographs displayed while trying to pick up pointers/skills.. Then had dinner at Yong Teng Restaurant(If I'm nt wrng ahh) a cHinese Halal eatery opp. Bugis Junction..
Aaah..Looks like I can't go fr MOYLC Ubin Cycling trip coz Bell the Pixel Lab President selected me as one of the three photographers fr the Shell Live wire sharing session! (watever tt means..haha) ):
Well , today got the opportunity to meet lots of new peeps (: Early morning got the Entrepreneur Club team bonding and during the evening, meet up with some of the pixel lab members. Notice letak pukul 4.45 p.m sharp at Dhoby Ghout NEL Control Station tapi mak oi gue kene tnggu fr the rst to come like ard 5.30! -_-" Bagus ehks.. Then we gt to find our way ard to gt to 2902 Gallery, Old School.. the place very ulu seyyh and we had to make one big round coz we did'nt knw the place.. haixz..padahal its btl2 blakang PS... soon as we reached there, view all the photographs displayed while trying to pick up pointers/skills.. Then had dinner at Yong Teng Restaurant(If I'm nt wrng ahh) a cHinese Halal eatery opp. Bugis Junction..
Aaah..Looks like I can't go fr MOYLC Ubin Cycling trip coz Bell the Pixel Lab President selected me as one of the three photographers fr the Shell Live wire sharing session! (watever tt means..haha) ):
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Daily Overview: June 10, 2008
March 21-April 19
Though you are tempted to tell someone how it really is (at least according to you), now is actually a better time to hold your tongue. Things should get more relaxed by tomorrow or the next day.
Oh Allah, please give me a solution. I feel different today. I'm sure fatigue its not the only reason of why I'm feeling this way at the moment. This is a pretty serious matter. Every time my mind comes back to think about it, it does bothers me a lot. And it really aren't helping me much as I've lots on my plate currently. To fellow readers who may think that this is some kind of lovey-dovey problem, its not. Haixz. Tomorrow got Accounting test on Cash Book. Oh wells.
'Ya Rasullallah Ya Sayyidi, babullahi mu'tamadi. Fabiddunya wal akhirati. Ya Rasullallah khuzbiyadi'.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Alhamdulillah..Praises to Allah s.w.t. that I'm back in Singapore frm Nur Lembah Lenggung, Perak in one piece ((: So, the Youth Leadership Camp conducted by the four mosques Al-Falah, As-Syafaah, Al-Istiqamah and Al-Muttaqin were awesome man. The ukhwah formed was totally invaluable. The asatizahs frm the diff mosques with their own unique personality..Ustaz Hafiz the funny guy..Ustaz Izhar..Ustzh Ainul Mardhiah the serikandi..Lastly, Ustaz Yousef our very own YDO. Also our facilitators frm Malaysia, Cikgu Fauzan and Cikgu Rosyam. Thank you so much to all these peeps fr giving me the opportunity to excel and bring out the leader in every one of us (((:
So let me recall back some of the things we did back there. Hmms..The environment there tk boleh dpt in Sg beb..We had white-water rafting at Sungai Perak for about an hour or so. A totally new experience for me. I much prefer kayaking when like the last time I went fr NYAA camp in Terangganu but the rafting's cool shit. We had to build our own beforehand. The flying-fox..Woohoo..maut giller..And oh, it was totally unexpected of me. My group won second overall out of the 5 grps..Congrats 'Ngah Ibrahim', hee!
The most important thing besides all the fun & laughters is the lessons that we acquired while gg thru the camp. We tend to give these 3 important words a miss in our daily lifes. They are, 'Please, Sorry & Thank You'. Renung-Renungkanlah..
And since I'm back from the camp.. its back to business man. Hopefully I'll become a more disciplined individual, sentiasa tingatkan iman dari masa ke masa..strt off where I left off..My goals/mission in life..Sch wrk..Thesis fr DPIC yg tk strt2,ahacks (luckily due date extended to 6 july..) Alrite, satu peribahasa klaka yg aku peroleh dari Cikgu Fauzan. ' Dunia Ibarat Neraka,Hidup Ibarat Layang-Layang'. Lol. Its frm the wrd 'DUNHILL'..whch is a cigarette's brand hwuaha.
For more details from day one till the last day, go check out Arip's blog aytes.Haha. Pics will be uploaded soon aytes (:
So let me recall back some of the things we did back there. Hmms..The environment there tk boleh dpt in Sg beb..We had white-water rafting at Sungai Perak for about an hour or so. A totally new experience for me. I much prefer kayaking when like the last time I went fr NYAA camp in Terangganu but the rafting's cool shit. We had to build our own beforehand. The flying-fox..Woohoo..maut giller..And oh, it was totally unexpected of me. My group won second overall out of the 5 grps..Congrats 'Ngah Ibrahim', hee!
The most important thing besides all the fun & laughters is the lessons that we acquired while gg thru the camp. We tend to give these 3 important words a miss in our daily lifes. They are, 'Please, Sorry & Thank You'. Renung-Renungkanlah..
And since I'm back from the camp.. its back to business man. Hopefully I'll become a more disciplined individual, sentiasa tingatkan iman dari masa ke masa..strt off where I left off..My goals/mission in life..Sch wrk..Thesis fr DPIC yg tk strt2,ahacks (luckily due date extended to 6 july..) Alrite, satu peribahasa klaka yg aku peroleh dari Cikgu Fauzan. ' Dunia Ibarat Neraka,Hidup Ibarat Layang-Layang'. Lol. Its frm the wrd 'DUNHILL'..whch is a cigarette's brand hwuaha.
For more details from day one till the last day, go check out Arip's blog aytes.Haha. Pics will be uploaded soon aytes (:
Wednesday, June 04, 2008 immune system is currently not cooperating and it sucks. Last Monday had Napha where we completed most of the stations except the 2.4 km run and pull-up. I was tad disappointed with myself as I wasn't feeling well and perform below-par. haixz. Bt wth. At least I set a record in class fr the sit and reach. 50cm mark yawz..hahas.
Oh, I passed my Accounting CA alhamdulillah. Though many gt 80-90+, Im pretty contented of getting 70. At least I improved frm the class test. Honestly speaking, the CA's easy and its my own bad for not scoring higher. Sometimes I jz get the jitters when come to big exams,hahs.
Tomorrow off to Perak for camp,hee! Wish me well and a safe return aytes((:
Oh, I passed my Accounting CA alhamdulillah. Though many gt 80-90+, Im pretty contented of getting 70. At least I improved frm the class test. Honestly speaking, the CA's easy and its my own bad for not scoring higher. Sometimes I jz get the jitters when come to big exams,hahs.
Tomorrow off to Perak for camp,hee! Wish me well and a safe return aytes((:
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Wow! Its already June which came bout an hour 46 mins ago? Sikit lebih kurang gitu lahh eyh. Lol. Hmms. Just got a msg from _____ homes' ku, sahabat jgk? Nthlah eyh.. Lame menyepi tibe2 msg tanye, "Nis, kau tgh uat ape?'. Ni confirm tgh boring, tkde member nk lepak lerr ni..etc. Bukanku ingin buruk sangka bt I've already knw ur perangai. Throughout waiting fr sch term to strt, msgs kept coming in asking to chill, relax tghtr..Alrite I did conform to all that..Sch term strts..there was utter silence. Tanye khabar pun tk..Haixz.
Maybe some peeps are jz like tt? Segelinter org yg aku anggap sebagai sahabat tibe 2senyap nth buat ape...Bt fr the rst of my true sahabats whom have always been keeping in touch wf even wf a simple sms, THANK YOU! And for the new ppl I just met, hope we can stay strong and connected aytes.
Here's a puisi taken frm majalah Anis wch ws also a nukilan frm IKIM.FM. Terimalah 'Kasih Sahabat' haaha.
Kita ukir kenanagan pada nilai persahabatan
walau ku terkadang alpa akan teman yang merapati
namun kita segalanya sunyi...
tika kita tidak lagi bersua...
membisikkan kata-kata jua gurau senda
hanya imbaun menjadi nostalgia.
Pernah dulu kita berhalaqah
bermusyawarrah bincang isu semasa
berdebat menahan hujah jua agenda.
Kita menyedari dan menyelami
pahit manis susah payah perjalanan ini
kita timba segalanya bersama
dengan satu fikrah satu amali
kita kutip mutiara kata
dari kitab mulia jua hadis Nabi
jadi pedoman pengukuh ikatan
penghalang dari segala kesesatan.
Kini segalanya berlalu...
tinggal masa dan saatnya lagi
andai kita terpisah kerana ukhuwah fillahpasti
pasti di sana kita bertemu dengan kasihnya...
seorang SAHABAT!
Maybe some peeps are jz like tt? Segelinter org yg aku anggap sebagai sahabat tibe 2senyap nth buat ape...Bt fr the rst of my true sahabats whom have always been keeping in touch wf even wf a simple sms, THANK YOU! And for the new ppl I just met, hope we can stay strong and connected aytes.
Here's a puisi taken frm majalah Anis wch ws also a nukilan frm IKIM.FM. Terimalah 'Kasih Sahabat' haaha.
Kita ukir kenanagan pada nilai persahabatan
walau ku terkadang alpa akan teman yang merapati
namun kita segalanya sunyi...
tika kita tidak lagi bersua...
membisikkan kata-kata jua gurau senda
hanya imbaun menjadi nostalgia.
Pernah dulu kita berhalaqah
bermusyawarrah bincang isu semasa
berdebat menahan hujah jua agenda.
Kita menyedari dan menyelami
pahit manis susah payah perjalanan ini
kita timba segalanya bersama
dengan satu fikrah satu amali
kita kutip mutiara kata
dari kitab mulia jua hadis Nabi
jadi pedoman pengukuh ikatan
penghalang dari segala kesesatan.
Kini segalanya berlalu...
tinggal masa dan saatnya lagi
andai kita terpisah kerana ukhuwah fillahpasti
pasti di sana kita bertemu dengan kasihnya...
seorang SAHABAT!
Yesterday was a day well spent(: Started off early at 10 to Al-Falah for a heart to heart talk for youths discussing about 'Knowing the roles of Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h'. I'm glad that I came for it coz I gt to meet some old and new peeps, hee! I gt to meet Imran my primary school mate whom I had lost contact ever since. Got to knw Hanif from Madrasah Al-Junied & Aizuddin too from Sp ((: After Zuhur prayers, went straight to Darul-Ghufran with Ustaz Yousef, Syed Mabduh, Aizuddin, Aziz, Hanif & Saiful for an interactive youth forum. Details below..It was really cool & definitely youth-oriented. The skits & discussions powerr gillerr!!Haha. Off to Masjid Kassim next after Asar as there's book fair there, hurrrhurr. I'm left with the 3 SP chaps: Aziz, Syed & Aizuddin as the rest went separate ways. I was spoilt for choice looking at the books there. There were so many good books on the shelves! I wish I can have my very own huge library of Islamic books/novels yawz (; So, after much browsing, decided to buy for Ibu the book 'La Tahzan: Jangan Bersedih' which is an international bestseller =) We ended the day together praying Maghrib there b4 leaving fr home wf Aizuddin.
Really felt accomplished as my networks have expanded..Get to jemaah fr 3 straight waktus..yada2
Alrite, tomorrow's NAPHA TEST! Hope to get a GOLD Award aytes..

Really felt accomplished as my networks have expanded..Get to jemaah fr 3 straight waktus..yada2
Alrite, tomorrow's NAPHA TEST! Hope to get a GOLD Award aytes..

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