Yesterday's outing with the brothers was a blast! Its been awhile since we had that much fun together. Conquered The Southern Ridges man.. A total of 9 km, hee. We camwhored like nobody's business with all the lame poses and funny jokes. Hwhuaha. And oh, we braved the rain man..Super funny lah..AFBA wf his poncho..Luckily Sai & me brought along our umbrellas! I shall not post the pics here though as its strictly private and confidential..Haha. Macam fhm..The vids and most of the pics are wf AFBA Am just respecting my brothers' request...Lepak at Vivo's rooftop after the hike and occupied our time at Timezone before proceeding to the Daeng Temenggong Mosque(If i'm nt wrng) fr our asar & magrib. Dinner then lepak again..wahh. Luckily today S&W cancelld..I'm shagged and sleepy now. Bah.
Gg fr my second last prac tonite..Will be meeting Roger(one of my instructors) this time round..Hope he's good..hahs.
Alright, the 2 previous posts below is oh so tak perlu..
Yes, I erred. But u can't blame me for embroiling u guys in the misunderstandings. To err is only human. Buah mangga buah nangka, ku sudah salah sangka...Its not jealously or anything, seriously. Anw, he called last sunday and I make it clear to him that between us, there's no serious issues. We're cool..The episode is behind me. And oh, why do u keep persisting that I'm still mad at u? Trust me, its settled. And neither did I mention tt the frenship's over..I would like everything to return back to normal too..
Some things are just so difficult to explain... I don't know which devil have played a part in this.(ok, this may sound nonsensical...but yeah). Maybe its the result of me leaving mine nawafils and stuffs. I'm just trying to be a moderate and good Muslim.. improving on hablum-minaAllah..and mine hablum-minanNas...These things happen...
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Yesterday's prac was great. Mr Tan was way better than Walter(my othr instructor). I mastered his techniques/skills within min,hee. Understanding have become much easier with his teaching. He had confidence in me and it feels good. Totally. And time felt so fast while ur enjoying yourself. While I'm driving, we talked bout soccer and he told me bout this one lady who's driving was so fcuked up but eventually, he managed to train her. Haha.
Just one week and already lots of things have happened. Crazy world..
Anw, I feel much lighter now. I'm not gonna give in to ppl needs no more. Not gonna waste my time on unappreciative peeps who's jz draining my energy... Well, he said he wld cll me at ard 8 plus lst thursday to talk things out bt he didn't. I waited till 8.30 bt there's no call. If he's really a man of his word, he wld cll me on my hp(i ws using the hme's phone). So yesterday, he did call but too bad I wasn't at home. I'll see whether he'll call tonight.
I'm still thinking whether to give him a second chance. We have been thru this shits(and tts on a diff. sbj matter alltogether) wch I shan't mention it. Looking back, I've been the one who salvaged our frenship the last time rnd. I've put up wf ur big ego..loud personality.. And u nvr seem to change, do u? Sameold.sameold.
Why must these shits happen? Guess its already written.. I'm sure none of us want this to happen..Oh, I'm not that mean..After reading ur latest blog post, I'll give an invite to u. But whatever u read, let it be here. If u decided to tell him, then its up to u...
Just one week and already lots of things have happened. Crazy world..
Anw, I feel much lighter now. I'm not gonna give in to ppl needs no more. Not gonna waste my time on unappreciative peeps who's jz draining my energy... Well, he said he wld cll me at ard 8 plus lst thursday to talk things out bt he didn't. I waited till 8.30 bt there's no call. If he's really a man of his word, he wld cll me on my hp(i ws using the hme's phone). So yesterday, he did call but too bad I wasn't at home. I'll see whether he'll call tonight.
Why must these shits happen? Guess its already written.. I'm sure none of us want this to happen..Oh, I'm not that mean..After reading ur latest blog post, I'll give an invite to u. But whatever u read, let it be here. If u decided to tell him, then its up to u...
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sorry invited readers for that short Italian moments. I'll post in English now so u guys can understand yar. So well as u can see here, I've privatized my blog due to certain reasons. Heh. And mind you, I've only like invited a few peeps which I guess I could trust. (I left one of my sahabats out.. :/)
I'll skip bout my weekends..There's been great and bad moments too. Alright, straight to the point.I'm like so out of sorts with my emotions rite now. Fcuked. Yeah, I'm angry. Pissed. I should have played my cards rite man.. It angers me as ____ just starting to know ____ and have already making all those andainans. Take a hike, dude! If I should have known, I would not introduce you to her. I mean its damn sucky to have this feeling rite now as I know that I don't really have the right to 'prevent' u peeps frm becoming frens. I mean its okayy wf me, really. And its stupid if we 'fought' over a gal..Coz why? U pissed me off with ur words.. Damn.Damn.Damn. I don't know what exactly u told her but FCUKED u! I feel so betrayed. And I'm like beset by doubt. Urgh.
Its so totally not me rite now. I got easily frustrated..etc.Pfft. 2 of my sahabats said I've changed. Hmms. Well, maybe? Urgh. Its a dog-eat-dog world out there. Yeah.. sometimes you have to be ruthless, or be a snob maybe? But intellectual snob not bad tau! Its a compliment not an insult(tts wt Mr Yeo said) Hahs.
And I'm thankful that my religion have kept me strong all these while.. While I'm down..Allah provided me with something to at least smile about. Got a business opportunity from Aunt Cindy while helping her out as part of my Entrepreneurship Club training yesterday...
Sorry guys for reading my oh so emo post. I need to rant it out somewhere kn?
Menyingkap tirai hati
Mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu, Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak
Debu kejahilan
Akan ku jirus dengan madu keimanan
Tak ternilai airmata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Tak kan berpaling pada palsu duniawi
Destinasi cinta yang ku cari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya kabur kerana dosa di dalam hati
Telah ku redah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang ku temui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi
Ku gelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untuk ku semai menjadi sepohon makrifat
Moga dapat ku berteduh di rendang kasih-Mu
Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati
(Destinasi cinta Ilahi)
Lestarikan wadi kalbuku, oh Tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai Tuhanku… Ya Allah…
Sorry invited readers for that short Italian moments. I'll post in English now so u guys can understand yar. So well as u can see here, I've privatized my blog due to certain reasons. Heh. And mind you, I've only like invited a few peeps which I guess I could trust. (I left one of my sahabats out.. :/)
I'll skip bout my weekends..There's been great and bad moments too. Alright, straight to the point.
Its so totally not me rite now. I got easily frustrated..etc.Pfft. 2 of my sahabats said I've changed. Hmms. Well, maybe? Urgh. Its a dog-eat-dog world out there. Yeah.. sometimes you have to be ruthless, or be a snob maybe? But intellectual snob not bad tau! Its a compliment not an insult(tts wt Mr Yeo said) Hahs.
And I'm thankful that my religion have kept me strong all these while.. While I'm down..Allah provided me with something to at least smile about. Got a business opportunity from Aunt Cindy while helping her out as part of my Entrepreneurship Club training yesterday...
Sorry guys for reading my oh so emo post. I need to rant it out somewhere kn?
Menyingkap tirai hati
Mengintai keampunan
Di halaman subur rahmat-Mu, Tuhan
Tiap jejak nan bertapak
Debu kejahilan
Akan ku jirus dengan madu keimanan
Tak ternilai airmata dengan permata
Yang bisa memadamkan api neraka
Andai benar mengalir dari nasuha nurani
Tak kan berpaling pada palsu duniawi
Destinasi cinta yang ku cari
Sebenarnya terlalu hampir
Hanya kabur kerana dosa di dalam hati
Telah ku redah daerah cinta
Yang lahir dari wadah yang alpa
Tiada tenang ku temui
Hanya kecewa menyelubungi
Ku gelintar segenap maya
Dambakan sebutir hakikat
Untuk ku semai menjadi sepohon makrifat
Moga dapat ku berteduh di rendang kasih-Mu
Namun ranjaunya tidak akan sunyi
Selagi denyut nadi belum berhenti
Durjana syaitan kan cuba menodai
Segumpal darah bernama hati
(Destinasi cinta Ilahi)
Lestarikan wadi kalbuku, oh Tuhanku
Leraikan aku dari pautan nafsu
Biarpun sukar bagiku melamar redha-Mu
Namun masihku mengharap ampunan-Mu
Wahai Tuhanku… Ya Allah…
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Oh, hw true indeed..and its purely coincidental..
Then on Wednesday after school, me, Shameer & Wee Kiong joined the Jakuns to celebrate Nani's birthday at PizzaHut. All were fine but the service there like fcuk. Man, now's there's a lot of China gals and pinoys working there.Hahs. Anws, went to Comfort Driving Centre straight after that to apply for my PDL. Yeah baby.. got hold of it already. And that means u guys will see me driving on the road anytime soon! Hehe. But wa piang eyh.. I had to fork out my $$ again! Wah in Singapore what can u expect? Money,money & more money. Bah! FTT's next then TP. Hope no glitches man thoughout all my pract. Wanna get my Licence faaast (;
Man..the majority of my fcuks' clan or jackass/slackers wtchaeva u cll it, take Entrepeneurship as an elective. Only me and Ibrahim opt for Tourism Product &Services! And that Ibrahim bttr nt skip sch often or else I'm gonna be bored. Mat rep..hahs. raawr. But I don't mind being alone lah. I'm not the type of guy who puts on a facade just so u can mingle and talk and be merry, wateva shit. Its part of being the indie in me, I guess.(Oh, don't gt the wrng impression. I'm not anti-social, tts fr sure,heh). And sure shit I noticed tt I have not talk to quite a few peeps this semester. Bah!
Man..the majority of my fcuks' clan or jackass/slackers wtchaeva u cll it, take Entrepeneurship as an elective. Only me and Ibrahim opt for Tourism Product &Services! And that Ibrahim bttr nt skip sch often or else I'm gonna be bored. Mat rep..hahs. raawr. But I don't mind being alone lah. I'm not the type of guy who puts on a facade just so u can mingle and talk and be merry, wateva shit. Its part of being the indie in me, I guess.(Oh, don't gt the wrng impression. I'm not anti-social, tts fr sure,heh). And sure shit I noticed tt I have not talk to quite a few peeps this semester. Bah!
Oh, oh please work on ur EQ. No point having a high IQ but ur EQ's low. Its darn more important in life yar.
This Saturday..Raya outing wf fellow AFYs' & sme sec. members...
Oh, hw true indeed..and its purely coincidental..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is it a Good thing or a Bad thing?
The start of the new semester and its time-table like wth.pfft. Nonsense giluur. Its like a waste of time coming to school on Monday. Though no more Monday blues, I guess, its seriously crap. School ends at 10! Tuesday, lssns end at 11 but have to come back for S&W at 1330. And Fri there's lessons after Friday prayers. Shitlah. I hate going back for lessons after Friday prayers. Come on man..Rawr. The only happy thing bout the time-table is on Wednesday and Thursday. School ends at 12 for the former while the latter, lessons start at 12. Bah.
Enough bout the stupid time-table.
BTT tomorrow...

Oh, this one's even better. My favourite ((:
He's coming on the 27th October! Yes ahhh, hee.
Enough bout the stupid time-table.
BTT tomorrow...

Oh, this one's even better. My favourite ((:

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Thursday: Watched Big Stan. It was Awesome. Fucking cool shit. Rob Scheinder's the best man! Lol. Oh, I can't understand why it's M18(Iv turned 18 a lng time ago btw,hahaha). Poor kiddos who can't watch it due to the stupid rating. Like seriously, come on, it doesn't deserve the M18 rating. Duh, the world is so open now. Gals getting pregnant at what 16 or even younger? And all those shits that youths been doing doing/seeing. Hahs. A couple of bared ass-ess and a dildo make it an M18 eyh? Huhu.
Went to the neighbors house that night. And oh my, my neighbour who lives on the 3rd floor is oh so sporting/enthu. Haha. She's a primary school teacher and a single mum.
Went to the neighbors house that night. And oh my, my neighbour who lives on the 3rd floor is oh so sporting/enthu. Haha. She's a primary school teacher and a single mum.
She: " Eh, u gt facebook?"
Me: "Erms, no. I don't use social-networking sites cz its superficial"
She: "Alahh..why? Jz add & make frens.."
Me: "But I got MSN & a blog.."
She: "Oh wokayys.. add me2. Haha"
(Ugly Betty's playing on Chn5)
She: "U follow the shw?"
Me: " Yeah.."
She: "Me too! Wilhelmina jahat kn?"
Me: "Ahaha. yup2. She's having an affair wf hr bodyguard!"
Me: "Erms, no. I don't use social-networking sites cz its superficial"
She: "Alahh..why? Jz add & make frens.."
Me: "But I got MSN & a blog.."
She: "Oh wokayys.. add me2. Haha"
(Ugly Betty's playing on Chn5)
She: "U follow the shw?"
Me: " Yeah.."
She: "Me too! Wilhelmina jahat kn?"
Me: "Ahaha. yup2. She's having an affair wf hr bodyguard!"
Yadada. Haha. Though we managed 3 houses, I'm contented. This yr's its been 3 houses, 3 houses, but I gt alot. Hee ((:
Friday: My home' of 11 years came back!!! Hahaha. FINALLY I GET TO MEET U DUDE!!(Thank u Aziz. If I hadn't meet u at Singpost, I wouldn't gt to meet Hakeem again). Same old same old. I mean ur face. except the height, duh. Ur tall..And oh my, u freaking gate-crasher. I can't believe u did all those. Gatecrashing into Muse,Simple Plan's gig etc and SINGFEST!? Damn u. lol. (Ehks, nxt time i wanna hop alng can? Wanna feel the thrill!! hwuaha)
Peace out \m/
Friday: My home' of 11 years came back!!! Hahaha. FINALLY I GET TO MEET U DUDE!!(Thank u Aziz. If I hadn't meet u at Singpost, I wouldn't gt to meet Hakeem again). Same old same old. I mean ur face. except the height, duh. Ur tall..And oh my, u freaking gate-crasher. I can't believe u did all those. Gatecrashing into Muse,Simple Plan's gig etc and SINGFEST!? Damn u. lol. (Ehks, nxt time i wanna hop alng can? Wanna feel the thrill!! hwuaha)
Peace out \m/
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Good! He's gone.. Gone baby gone..hahs. Ever since he returned from hospital at 2+ in the afternoon just now, he never stopped babbling. Man, that have always been the case. Finding faults with eveyone. Poor nenek. And gosh! Something serious cropped up. Innalallah Ha Maas Sobiriin yar nenek.
Finally peace at last. Nenek and atuk have gone back to Long's house. I don't mind if nenek continues to stay here. All the necessary stuffs are well taken care off. If at Long's house.. Be thankful that ur given another opportunity to live. Orang lain kluar masuk hospital, sakit2, dah pergi dulu.. But hey, ur still breathing! Nak mati, mati ajelah..Menyusahkan orang. I know this may sound harsh & sinful (Astaghfirullah..) but heck, if his attitute at that age won't change, then I'll simply say that its better for him to leave. Actually, he's afraid of dying. What's there to be afraid of?!
Oh I would not shed a tear if ur gone man.. The only thing I'll do is to recite Al-Fatiha..That's it.
Anw, was listening to Warna's Suara Kasih conducted by Zan Sufyan yesterday night and I really find the topic meaningful. Its mauduk was, " Saling bermaafan, Di mana letak keikhlasannya". Smth like that. I mean yar, to think about it, some peeps may put on a show with all the hugging & kissing..the tears.. But deep inside their hearts, we don't really know whether they have shed their hatred etc. And if we were to like confess all the bad stuffs to someone, kan boleh jadi gaduh namanye. Hmms. Eg: Eh Man, dulu aku terambik ko ye hp abis aku dh jual ahh.." Tak mengamuk kalau kita dengar ni?. And like if others say to u, "Maaf zahir batin...yada2..". Tk pyhlah nk jwb berjela-jela. A simple, "Sama2" will do. "Maaf zahir batin".. it have become like a trend. If we don't recite it, macam awkward gitu. So where's the keikhlasan? Ia sudah menjadi sekadar lafaz. To be honest, it isn't really necessary. If we're like really sincere, that person can sense it even if u don't mention ur wrongdoing. And now, budak2 pun kalau salam vium tangan kat dahi.. not at the nose or mouth.. Hahs. Ni sekadar all the comments by the diff. callers.
Fikir dan Renung-renungkanlah...
P\s: Kalau ku tk dapat bertemu empat mata to the peeps(which i really wnt to)maafkanlah segala kesilapan aku yg nampak dan tak nampak..
Finally peace at last. Nenek and atuk have gone back to Long's house. I don't mind if nenek continues to stay here. All the necessary stuffs are well taken care off. If at Long's house.. Be thankful that ur given another opportunity to live. Orang lain kluar masuk hospital, sakit2, dah pergi dulu.. But hey, ur still breathing! Nak mati, mati ajelah..Menyusahkan orang. I know this may sound harsh & sinful (Astaghfirullah..) but heck, if his attitute at that age won't change, then I'll simply say that its better for him to leave. Actually, he's afraid of dying. What's there to be afraid of?!
Oh I would not shed a tear if ur gone man.. The only thing I'll do is to recite Al-Fatiha..That's it.
Anw, was listening to Warna's Suara Kasih conducted by Zan Sufyan yesterday night and I really find the topic meaningful. Its mauduk was, " Saling bermaafan, Di mana letak keikhlasannya". Smth like that. I mean yar, to think about it, some peeps may put on a show with all the hugging & kissing..the tears.. But deep inside their hearts, we don't really know whether they have shed their hatred etc. And if we were to like confess all the bad stuffs to someone, kan boleh jadi gaduh namanye. Hmms. Eg: Eh Man, dulu aku terambik ko ye hp abis aku dh jual ahh.." Tak mengamuk kalau kita dengar ni?. And like if others say to u, "Maaf zahir batin...yada2..". Tk pyhlah nk jwb berjela-jela. A simple, "Sama2" will do. "Maaf zahir batin".. it have become like a trend. If we don't recite it, macam awkward gitu. So where's the keikhlasan? Ia sudah menjadi sekadar lafaz. To be honest, it isn't really necessary. If we're like really sincere, that person can sense it even if u don't mention ur wrongdoing. And now, budak2 pun kalau salam vium tangan kat dahi.. not at the nose or mouth.. Hahs. Ni sekadar all the comments by the diff. callers.
Fikir dan Renung-renungkanlah...
P\s: Kalau ku tk dapat bertemu empat mata to the peeps(which i really wnt to)maafkanlah segala kesilapan aku yg nampak dan tak nampak..
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
Well, yesterday was only the second time that I went out for jalan raya! Bah. That's because Long came to fetch nenek to ajak her jalan after zuhur while me, dad and mum had to wait for Maghrib to break our fast before going out. 3 houses again... all in Pasir Ris. Oh wells. Not bad..hahs. Oh, mum fell while sitting down due to this old chair at the last house! Poor mum.
Man.. was chatting with Aizuddin too yesterday and I asked him hw's raya going along."Awesome" was the reply. Hmms, good for him. Got relatives who's sporting, got lots of jokers(his dad's side)Unlike me. I'm not close to my dad side. Jumpe setahun sekali. While mum side pulak all adik sedaras hahs. What trickles me was, "If ur bored till u rot msg me we cn ctch a movie or wad.Must spend ur last week wisely". Haha, i'll try not to rot. Hurrhurr.
I kinda miss my bunch of jackass clique. Was looking at the couple of stupid vids we made from my hp and yeah, I wanna get back to school!! Its so boring when the holidays are way too long. ):This Thrs, Fri & Sat they're gonna have a chalet at ARANDA Country Club..Hmms.. don't knw whthr I'll go. Tapi dh dekat ni..Tk pegi mcm rugi plk..Maybe I'll jz pay a shrt visit?
And oh somebody, plzzz if u have any job openings, do inform me yar. Most preferred will be jobs on the East side(: Airport will be good..
Anw, here's our second pair of baju raya (:
Man.. was chatting with Aizuddin too yesterday and I asked him hw's raya going along."Awesome" was the reply. Hmms, good for him. Got relatives who's sporting, got lots of jokers(his dad's side)Unlike me. I'm not close to my dad side. Jumpe setahun sekali. While mum side pulak all adik sedaras hahs. What trickles me was, "If ur bored till u rot msg me we cn ctch a movie or wad.Must spend ur last week wisely". Haha, i'll try not to rot. Hurrhurr.
I kinda miss my bunch of jackass clique. Was looking at the couple of stupid vids we made from my hp and yeah, I wanna get back to school!! Its so boring when the holidays are way too long. ):This Thrs, Fri & Sat they're gonna have a chalet at ARANDA Country Club..Hmms.. don't knw whthr I'll go. Tapi dh dekat ni..Tk pegi mcm rugi plk..Maybe I'll jz pay a shrt visit?
And oh somebody, plzzz if u have any job openings, do inform me yar. Most preferred will be jobs on the East side(: Airport will be good..
Anw, here's our second pair of baju raya (:

Saturday, October 04, 2008
Yesterday went for my first Class 3A driving practical and Alhamdulillah it went well (: But I have to say that I need to learn to tap lightly on the brake and accelerator pedal as Walter(my instructor) kept telling me that I stepped on it too hard. Hahs.
"Aiks, where got too fast?"( Was driving in the circuit)
Haha. Cm'on man. F.y.i, I was driving at 20 Km/h and tts considered fast?! Oh wells. Just completed another 3 Chapters of my E-learning for my upcoming BTT on the 14th(60% now). And man I'm good! Haha. Gt 2 Chapters all the anwers right while doing the self-assesment at the end of it and maximum mistakes thruought was only like 3. Hee. But nevertheless. Pray for me yar peeps (; I don't wanna fail!(touch wood.heh)
why must it be complicated?
hate this situation
cut to mirror ur intentions..
P/s: Some tags I've replied back at each of your own tagboards yar peeps (:
Haha. Cm'on man. F.y.i, I was driving at 20 Km/h and tts considered fast?! Oh wells. Just completed another 3 Chapters of my E-learning for my upcoming BTT on the 14th(60% now). And man I'm good! Haha. Gt 2 Chapters all the anwers right while doing the self-assesment at the end of it and maximum mistakes thruought was only like 3. Hee. But nevertheless. Pray for me yar peeps (; I don't wanna fail!(touch wood.heh)
P/s: Some tags I've replied back at each of your own tagboards yar peeps (:
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Erms, ape yg aku nk blog kt sini eh? Haha. Alright, Alhamdulillah kita dapat menyempurnakan ibadah Ramadhan dengan sempurna dan dapat menyambut Hari Kemenagan yakni Syawal 1429H (:
Tanpa membuang masa, baik ana di sini mula meniap apa yg mampu lah, hoho.
Selepas melakukan Solat EidlFitri di En-Naeem, ku berpeluang besalaman dengan Syeikhul Fahmi, ustazku, dan berasa lega dapat meminta maaf(cz honestly i feel so guilty and malu terhadapnya) dan menyatakan hasrat untuk menyambung balik selepas Raya. InsyaAllah.. (jgn tk jadilah...). Back at home (aik, dh balik bahasa Inggeris plk? hee) the usual, makan dulu.. (lapar beb) then I actually sleep back okaay. Hahs. Penat sesangat. Bangun kul 11..siap2..bermaaf-maafan and left the house at 2.30 (wch is quite late okayy) All because of Cik Pah as we have to wait for hrh to come visit nenek & atuk here b4 leaving the hse.(mcm pass baton gitu).
Reach Bik Ida's hse to visit Nyayi. Wak Adam was already there wf Wak Suliah & Kak Sutra. Haixz funny thing was I don''t really like get into conversations wf them but thankfully, Bro Chaled came later and me and my dad had great fun talking to him. It was fun talking to this German abang-sedara of mine. So cool ((: Even before Raya, I had met him on several ocassions for talks and he knows and remembers my name! so touched. Hahaha.
Actually, after we left Bik Idah's hse dad dh plan nk balik. -_-" Penat semacam ah..seriously.. And the mood to jalan2 tk dirasakan sangat tahun ini. But eventually, we went to 2 more houses. At one of the houses, while they were talking bout org dh tua2 ni skrng bynk dh sakit2, masuk hospital and stuffs..Tibe2 je berbual psl JBJ's detah. And that led to the topic of LKY. ( Cannot post it here. Kena tangkap aku
Reached home Maghrib. lalala. Tidur lagi aku ni..Kepala PENING.. then woke at 10 to see my Pak Cik from K.L have already arrived. Played with Firdaus anak-sedara ku..dh besar ko..
OK dh. Terharu jugak dapat sms-es from unexpected peeps. Ingat jgk korang kt aku. Terima Kasih eyh and Slamat Raya to u guys too. Kalau ku tk balas sms tu bukan ku tk kisah tpi prepaid low..And my 'twin', i miss u too. Haha (:
Aah, I got my exams results back! An A for Business Fundamentals and B's for Office Applications & Accountings (; GPA 3.375

Me & Bro (:
Outside Bik Idah's Hse. Luckily we took this pic coz we forgot to take one at our very own home! (((:
Isn't he adorable? Sad, he leaves in K.L. oh wells.
Yaw, Firdaus heat the beat.Heh ((;
Tanpa membuang masa, baik ana di sini mula meniap apa yg mampu lah, hoho.
Selepas melakukan Solat EidlFitri di En-Naeem, ku berpeluang besalaman dengan Syeikhul Fahmi, ustazku, dan berasa lega dapat meminta maaf(cz honestly i feel so guilty and malu terhadapnya) dan menyatakan hasrat untuk menyambung balik selepas Raya. InsyaAllah.. (jgn tk jadilah...). Back at home (aik, dh balik bahasa Inggeris plk? hee) the usual, makan dulu.. (lapar beb) then I actually sleep back okaay. Hahs. Penat sesangat. Bangun kul 11..siap2..bermaaf-maafan and left the house at 2.30 (wch is quite late okayy) All because of Cik Pah as we have to wait for hrh to come visit nenek & atuk here b4 leaving the hse.(mcm pass baton gitu).
Reach Bik Ida's hse to visit Nyayi. Wak Adam was already there wf Wak Suliah & Kak Sutra. Haixz funny thing was I don''t really like get into conversations wf them but thankfully, Bro Chaled came later and me and my dad had great fun talking to him. It was fun talking to this German abang-sedara of mine. So cool ((: Even before Raya, I had met him on several ocassions for talks and he knows and remembers my name! so touched. Hahaha.
Actually, after we left Bik Idah's hse dad dh plan nk balik. -_-" Penat semacam ah..seriously.. And the mood to jalan2 tk dirasakan sangat tahun ini. But eventually, we went to 2 more houses. At one of the houses, while they were talking bout org dh tua2 ni skrng bynk dh sakit2, masuk hospital and stuffs..Tibe2 je berbual psl JBJ's detah. And that led to the topic of LKY. ( Cannot post it here. Kena tangkap aku
Reached home Maghrib. lalala. Tidur lagi aku ni..Kepala PENING.. then woke at 10 to see my Pak Cik from K.L have already arrived. Played with Firdaus anak-sedara ku..dh besar ko..
OK dh. Terharu jugak dapat sms-es from unexpected peeps. Ingat jgk korang kt aku. Terima Kasih eyh and Slamat Raya to u guys too. Kalau ku tk balas sms tu bukan ku tk kisah tpi prepaid low..And my 'twin', i miss u too. Haha (:
Aah, I got my exams results back! An A for Business Fundamentals and B's for Office Applications & Accountings (; GPA 3.375

Me & Bro (:

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