Ku rasa sudah tiba masanya ku berhenti menulis buat seketika atau mungkin juga buat selamanya? Wallahu'alam...
Diri ini sering kali 'terperangkap' dalam watak-watak dalam berbagai novel yand diri ini miliki. Ceritanya seakan-akan sama..Suatu kebetulan atau petunjuk dari Illahi? Ku masih belum mengerti. Perasaan dan reaksi ku mengapa begitu sekali? Dua persoalan yand ku nantikan dari DiA.. Alaa Ya’lamu Man Khalaq Wahuwal Lathiiful Khabiir. Pure random thoughts? Neah.. I don't think so. Semuanya ada sebab dan musabbabNYA..
Akhir kalam dariku..
Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah...
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Its the end of the long weekends,heh. Basically I didn't do much... Pretty mundane man..Idk..Just slackin'..spendin' time with my dad..Eatin' out! Haha.. This time there's no outing with the bros during CNY..baahh.. boring. Though some ISQ'ans did organise an outing to Sentosa yesterday..well, I give it a pass.
So Alhamdulillah, yesterday was given the opportunity to go to Habib Salim As-Shatiri's talk from Hadramaut, Yaman. Though he do frequents Singapore often, didn't really had the chance to meet him as all the mosques he visited was quite far. But hey, yesterday's was at Masjid Kassim so yeah. The 2 SP guys tagged along..Before making my way to the mosque, Aiz treat me at BK as his sister won a voucher worth $250! Cool or what.. Anw, back to Habib..he gave constant reminders..bout the Qiamat and stuffs.. I'm glad tt I gt to salam the Habib's hand twice! First upon his arrival and aftr the syarahan..MasyaAllah..tangannya begitu harum..It felt like ur smelling the Jannah at one point of time..Hope Habib's remain in good health as yeterday he arrived in a wheelchair..Dh uzur..
Ooooh....anw guess whatt? I gt 82% for my Marketing CCA..was expecting to score bout 6o+..But alhamdulillah..haha (:
Pstt.. I gt myself a book frm non- other than Habiburrahman El-Shirazy! 'Pudarnya Pesona Cleopatra...'
Monday, January 26, 2009
Before I'm off for Solat Khusuf(Gerhana Matahari/Bulan) with my dad at En-naeem..Let me post bout my weekends yar!
Sat: Chilled at Mr Alfian's house with Mr Fawwaz and Shrooms. Watched 'Street Kings' and 'Chuck and Larry'. Lol. 'Chef' of the house, Mr Alfian and Mr Fawwaz. left at ard 8.30 p.m. Thought of meeting the two guys later at 12.00 at Fico Sports Hub but last min dad won't allow as soon as he heard that I'll hav to tumpang Mr Mateen on a bike. He said Jurong too far and he scared tt I'll be asleep after penat main bola..And somemore naik bike..Hahs. Too bad lor.
Sun: Waduh.. the total strength for my DPIC class have gone up to 34 students! Damn packed siah wf all the juniors..some positives: the no of guys frm 4 dh naik to 11! Nyeahs..But muslimah still lagi ramai ah..Like duh. Then after my class, went out wf dad to Masjid Kassim. Maghrib there then hd our dinner at 'As-Salam' Restaurant opp. Tried the prata SMS...After eating, walked towards Masjid Al-Abdul Razak fr syarahan..oh, Mr Mahathir(who once tght me Chemistry) was there too! And I was quite suprised though..He gt 2 sons wch yg masih kecik2 lagi. Haha.
Sat: Chilled at Mr Alfian's house with Mr Fawwaz and Shrooms. Watched 'Street Kings' and 'Chuck and Larry'. Lol. 'Chef' of the house, Mr Alfian and Mr Fawwaz. left at ard 8.30 p.m. Thought of meeting the two guys later at 12.00 at Fico Sports Hub but last min dad won't allow as soon as he heard that I'll hav to tumpang Mr Mateen on a bike. He said Jurong too far and he scared tt I'll be asleep after penat main bola..And somemore naik bike..Hahs. Too bad lor.
Sun: Waduh.. the total strength for my DPIC class have gone up to 34 students! Damn packed siah wf all the juniors..some positives: the no of guys frm 4 dh naik to 11! Nyeahs..But muslimah still lagi ramai ah..Like duh. Then after my class, went out wf dad to Masjid Kassim. Maghrib there then hd our dinner at 'As-Salam' Restaurant opp. Tried the prata SMS...After eating, walked towards Masjid Al-Abdul Razak fr syarahan..oh, Mr Mahathir(who once tght me Chemistry) was there too! And I was quite suprised though..He gt 2 sons wch yg masih kecik2 lagi. Haha.
Friday, January 23, 2009

Its been awhile eyh? Baru 8 hari tak update..heh. Reasons for it? Hmms..Time? Or its just me who couldn't be bothered..Haixz. Oh wells. So anw, gonna update on my driving lessons and the rest aytes.
So far driving lessons been good. Had learn the U-Turn and kerb-side stopping etc. Oh, my TP on the 4th April..ANd tts a week before I turn 19! Hee. It'll be a perfect early present if I do attained my licence on that very day man..Allah, make that happen yar (:
Life's been good as a whole. Ive learnt that when ur patient for smth u can't gt back then, suddenly things comes in numbers? (omg, is there such an expression :-s..watever ah). Dad's got the Hubstation and OMG its super cooool! Im in control of the TV now and nt the othr way round..hahaha. F.y.i. the Hubstation allows u to pause, record etc THE ur channel that ur currently viewing!! Also got to know that Abang Halim's fine wf me holding on to his D70 as long as I wanna use it. Kinda feel bad a little as that's not mine officially but "so lng as u enjoying takin' pics tts gd"..tts wat he tld me yawz. So woohoo..As u all knw, tt cam dh bynk berjasa..Use it during Kak Nur's weddin' and I even brought it to Batam..Oh, mst importantly, sme of the shots taken usin' tt cam was featured/shorlisted. Speakin' bout shortlisted, I jz created a Facebook profile semata-mata to check wthr my pic is shortlisted for the GEP 09 Photography Competition..And yes2, pic no 2 (refer to previous post) is shorlisted (: Urgh, I had to reject Mr Ganesan's request to be the photographer for class pics as timing tak sesuai langsung! At 1..oh cmn' religion comes frst..Friday prayers man..So initially wanted to ajak Ahmad Faezin's (RJC) to the newly reopend Muhajirin Mosque but he tld me tt he's nt schoolin'..so oh wells. Went there by myself..Its only 3/4 stns frm Bishan..hahs.
Anw, ever seen 5 BMW's lined up together in one strght line? Iv seen one(; And it was yesterday,heh. Attended 'D' division reunion dinner at Aloha Loyang..Did the Chinese 'lo hao'?(any-oh-how je aku ni lol..the tradition where they toss food fr luck, prosperity etc.) OOOhh..gt a ride on Mr Rick's car..BMW 5 Series man..foo! The feel..POWER! Can't compared to any othr car..But getting a ride on Mr Fawwaz's Tuscany also nt bad..Haha. Before I end, I wanna announce tt iv completed reading the book 'Musafir Cinta' on bus 53 at 9.40 a.m.!Haha.
let's make this clear, jz wanna tll u tt there's no animosity between bth of us k. bt i jz feel tt there's nthng to tlk bout rite nw. im happy wf my life..and hope u are too yar(bth of u..) let time heals everthng..Do note tt never did I mention b4 tt the frenship's over aytes etc. hmms.. glad tt u still rmb me in one way or anthr..though u still puzzles me...

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Phew..Finally have the time to update,hahs. So as some of you know that I went to watch the midnight movie, Red Cliff 2 aytes and man it was awesome! And the ride home adds to the coolness yaw. Hitched a ride on Mr Mateen's Phantom at 3 a.m. Hee.
Wokayys.. I'm done wf DPIC exams..Tafsir and Aqidah 2. Next Sunday gonna start on Fiqh Muamalat and yes2..we're officially the seniors now! Haha. The juniors will soon be joining us starting on the next module wch is Fiqh Muamalat. Marketing CA ;done and over wf too..So yeah, I can "gt away frm studying" now..heh. Whats left is the remaining percentage I have to accumulate for the Marketig ,TPS and BZC project..dang!
And Alhamdulillah, Ive secured my first downline! More to come..Oh, after much pondering on what pics to send to suit the theme,' Embracing Global Diversity', Iv managed to send 3 pics for submission. Its fr the Global Education Seminar competition anws..
SO here's the pics Ive submitted..Hopefully one of it is chosen. Amin (:

Will Our Paths Crossed Again..

Smiles For A Brighter Future

End Of A Beautiful Day
Wokayys.. I'm done wf DPIC exams..Tafsir and Aqidah 2. Next Sunday gonna start on Fiqh Muamalat and yes2..we're officially the seniors now! Haha. The juniors will soon be joining us starting on the next module wch is Fiqh Muamalat. Marketing CA ;done and over wf too..So yeah, I can "gt away frm studying" now..heh. Whats left is the remaining percentage I have to accumulate for the Marketig ,TPS and BZC project..dang!
And Alhamdulillah, Ive secured my first downline! More to come..Oh, after much pondering on what pics to send to suit the theme,' Embracing Global Diversity', Iv managed to send 3 pics for submission. Its fr the Global Education Seminar competition anws..
SO here's the pics Ive submitted..Hopefully one of it is chosen. Amin (:

Will Our Paths Crossed Again..

Smiles For A Brighter Future

End Of A Beautiful Day
Friday, January 09, 2009
Monday: Well, school reopens..Mendak as usual. No studying..School kecoh as there's orientation for the Jan intake..Oh, sad thing happened early in the morning. When bro went out of the house to go to school, he found out that his Haro bicycle got stolen!!! Pfftt..Damn that mofa..Later in the afternoon, went for my driving practical after 2 and a half months of absence..Pretty ood..Touch-up and stuffs..
Wednesday: Had no intention of skipping Marketing at 9 but somehow terlajak & woke up at 8 instead of 7. haiyah. So decided to go to sch anws for BZC at 10..But as soon as I arrived there, the class was watching a movie -_-"..Baik pe.. 2 jam je gi sch to watch movie..free plk tu..But alot of things can be learnt ah from tt good movie, 'the Kite Runner'. (: Then went for driving agn..Man..this time frst part fcuked up..Gained my momentum only after 30 mins.Then coincidentally sms-ed Aziz..He was at Eunos coffeeshop..So met him there..do some catching up and we went our separate ways after Maghrib..
Friday: Something happened that kinda wrecked my mood. Hahs. Shan't go into details ah.. Mistakes happened due to ignorance..Anw, I'm just done watching the 'Battle of Red Cliff'..Gonna watched the part 2 later at The Cathay with Boss, Mr Alfian & the rest of the uplines frm the other divisions..Midnite movie dok.. Time :00.35!
Monday: Well, school reopens..Mendak as usual. No studying..School kecoh as there's orientation for the Jan intake..Oh, sad thing happened early in the morning. When bro went out of the house to go to school, he found out that his Haro bicycle got stolen!!! Pfftt..Damn that mofa..Later in the afternoon, went for my driving practical after 2 and a half months of absence..Pretty ood..Touch-up and stuffs..
Wednesday: Had no intention of skipping Marketing at 9 but somehow terlajak & woke up at 8 instead of 7. haiyah. So decided to go to sch anws for BZC at 10..But as soon as I arrived there, the class was watching a movie -_-"..Baik pe.. 2 jam je gi sch to watch movie..free plk tu..But alot of things can be learnt ah from tt good movie, 'the Kite Runner'. (: Then went for driving agn..Man..this time frst part fcuked up..Gained my momentum only after 30 mins.Then coincidentally sms-ed Aziz..He was at Eunos coffeeshop..So met him there..do some catching up and we went our separate ways after Maghrib..
Friday: Something happened that kinda wrecked my mood. Hahs. Shan't go into details ah.. Mistakes happened due to ignorance..Anw, I'm just done watching the 'Battle of Red Cliff'..Gonna watched the part 2 later at The Cathay with Boss, Mr Alfian & the rest of the uplines frm the other divisions..Midnite movie dok.. Time :00.35!

Sunday, January 04, 2009
Hey..now gonna update on the Malaysia & Batam trip aytes!
27 Dec 08- The High-tea session was perfect man. Lots of delicious food to try out! Nyeahs. This JB trip kinda more of a makan session,heh. At night we ate seafood at this Kota Tinggi stall, Hasan Ong. Sedap giluur..We ordered like 4 plates of Hor Fun! Then next day, can u believe that we actually had breakfast at 2 different locations! First had lontong at this Semarang stall then cross over to the other side to have roti canai..Lol..
29 Dec 08- Finally, the Batam Trip! As soon as we stepped into the pesantren, Bina Ummah, my herat felt heavy. It was so heartfelt seeing the conditions they are living in. The way they welcomed us with open arms..So basically, the first day there all we did was to familiarise with the place and mingle with the kids..Then off to our hotel, Golden View...
30 Dec 08- Second day, start of work. Me being the second phtographer began snapping all the pics. The activities there.. oh the kids especially which are so damn adorable! As I am also assigned to be the leader of the sports/games group, was quite pleased to know that my members know what to do..Had a game of soccer too..Their skills not bad seyyh..At night had our reflections session. Kinda get to know more bout myself through the, 'Are u what u think u are?' and 'Conflict Management Style' sessions. Oh, I'm a Melon and my dominant conflict dominant style is a collaborating owl. hee.
31 Dec 08- The bond between me and the kids have grown stronger. Love them to bits..As usual, went about snapping pics..treat some of the kids..Zikrah and Ahmed..Yusril my favourite! Then there's 2 brothers who looks identical but are not twins, Iswardi and Karim =) Oh, help out with doing the cement wf Azhar..A great guy..At night there's New Year celebration at the hotel..Happening! But shall not elaborate on it ahh..
1 Jan 09- Last day with the kids..Hati ini berat untuk meninggalkan mereka..Yusril, Dimas,Jefri,Karim,Isawrdi,Mario, Fudin, Zikrah,Ahmed and the rest will forever be in my mind..Kinda sad as Ummi, pengasas pesantren Bina Ummah wasn't there to take the farewell pic wf us as she needs to settle her brother's funeral..I'll always remeber the day she touched my cheeks and told me that I look exactly like her anak sedare name, Dodi... After farewell, off to Nagoya..shop2.. gt myself a kemeja..and a book titled, 'Musafir Cinta'. (: pstt..at night me, irwan, azhar and joe went swimming! hwuaha.
2 Jan 09- Final day!!! Shop at Batam CitySquare and MegaMall.. Stuffs that I bought in Batam in total : A Gergio Armani eau de toilette, shirt, book, adam sari, lots of diff.snacks, a set of gendang fr dad, kueh lapis, a Burberry bag fr mum, and yes..2 dozens of J.Co donuts!!!Hee.

There's more though..But I shall end it here =)
Hey..now gonna update on the Malaysia & Batam trip aytes!
27 Dec 08- The High-tea session was perfect man. Lots of delicious food to try out! Nyeahs. This JB trip kinda more of a makan session,heh. At night we ate seafood at this Kota Tinggi stall, Hasan Ong. Sedap giluur..We ordered like 4 plates of Hor Fun! Then next day, can u believe that we actually had breakfast at 2 different locations! First had lontong at this Semarang stall then cross over to the other side to have roti canai..Lol..
29 Dec 08- Finally, the Batam Trip! As soon as we stepped into the pesantren, Bina Ummah, my herat felt heavy. It was so heartfelt seeing the conditions they are living in. The way they welcomed us with open arms..So basically, the first day there all we did was to familiarise with the place and mingle with the kids..Then off to our hotel, Golden View...
30 Dec 08- Second day, start of work. Me being the second phtographer began snapping all the pics. The activities there.. oh the kids especially which are so damn adorable! As I am also assigned to be the leader of the sports/games group, was quite pleased to know that my members know what to do..Had a game of soccer too..Their skills not bad seyyh..At night had our reflections session. Kinda get to know more bout myself through the, 'Are u what u think u are?' and 'Conflict Management Style' sessions. Oh, I'm a Melon and my dominant conflict dominant style is a collaborating owl. hee.
31 Dec 08- The bond between me and the kids have grown stronger. Love them to bits..As usual, went about snapping pics..treat some of the kids..Zikrah and Ahmed..Yusril my favourite! Then there's 2 brothers who looks identical but are not twins, Iswardi and Karim =) Oh, help out with doing the cement wf Azhar..A great guy..At night there's New Year celebration at the hotel..Happening! But shall not elaborate on it ahh..
1 Jan 09- Last day with the kids..Hati ini berat untuk meninggalkan mereka..Yusril, Dimas,Jefri,Karim,Isawrdi,Mario, Fudin, Zikrah,Ahmed and the rest will forever be in my mind..Kinda sad as Ummi, pengasas pesantren Bina Ummah wasn't there to take the farewell pic wf us as she needs to settle her brother's funeral..I'll always remeber the day she touched my cheeks and told me that I look exactly like her anak sedare name, Dodi... After farewell, off to Nagoya..shop2.. gt myself a kemeja..and a book titled, 'Musafir Cinta'. (: pstt..at night me, irwan, azhar and joe went swimming! hwuaha.
2 Jan 09- Final day!!! Shop at Batam CitySquare and MegaMall.. Stuffs that I bought in Batam in total : A Gergio Armani eau de toilette, shirt, book, adam sari, lots of diff.snacks, a set of gendang fr dad, kueh lapis, a Burberry bag fr mum, and yes..2 dozens of J.Co donuts!!!Hee.
There's more though..But I shall end it here =)
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