Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ahh. Note to self,'never judge a book by its cover' is oh so true! I mean when ur talking bout ppl u didn't really knew and tend to come out wf bad jugdements regarding them. I really thought tt guy ws a mat rep bt aftr talking wf him, he wasn't so bad after all. (: And yesterday when taking the lift at the workplace( gg home), the situation inside the lift was so kecoh! I was packed like sardines as all the aunties & makciks tried to squeeze inside. We took it at lvl 3 while it was supposed to go the basement area (lvl 2), it went up to lvl 6! Then it went down again, stopping at lvl 3 tis time rnd -_-" Then one of the makciks went, "Alamak korang ni mcm tk prnh naik lift. Jakon seyh!". Hwuaha. ((:

On a serious note, I was thinking whether I had Chikigunya coz I hd been developing the symptoms like body aches, fatigue & rash. Bt it was not to be. Went to CGH early in the morning and the doctor diagnosed me wf Chickenpox!
The doctor gave me 2 weeks of MC. There goes my job.. Luckily I managed to wrk fr at least a week. Tk sangka btol tt yesterday was my so called lst talk wf Aziz. Guess I won't gt to see him anymore. And, luckily I mentioned the wrd InsyaAllah to my ustz coz lst week I kinda stayed awile after class and today I can't make it! Kita manusia ni sentiasa lemah. Allah tarik sikit je kenikmatan dari kita. Wish me a fast recovery yar ((:

Maybe I won't go online as I need plenty of rest..haixz

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