Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It had been a mundane daily routine for me during the past week. Afterall, I had chickenpox and it kinda made me feel lazy to sit in front of mine pc for a long period of time. So, the schedule's like: Wake up, eat, read newspaper/book,sleep. And it became a cycle, really. Totally bored yea! Bt not anymore, huhu. I was like on the pc for like 6hrs juz nw! E-mailing, chatting and yes I managed to get the movie Juno played by Ellen Page. Her acting is so bersahaja, ahacks(: Gals shld watch the movie like really, especially those out there who dah terlanjur.Oops.No offence. I wonder what movie I'll be watching for tmrw.Hmms.

And yea, my prnts came back from JB and they brought back pizza! Psst, the lasagne tasted like jemput2. What?! I know, bt it really is. Wth. -_-" Im quite pleased wf my prnts as I didn't expect them to buy stuffs fr me. My dad gt me an album frm Ustaz Akhil Hayy titled:'Kembara Sufi' and the red scarf where most Haramain imams wear them during prayers!((: Mu mum gt me a new belt coz my initial Armani belt went to my bro instead coz I can't wear them. Sad! Oh wells.

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