Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, I admit. Yesterday's post was so emo indeed. Its juz tt I need to vent my frustrations somewhere rite? Yar, I was being cranky & grumpy. Shrugs. Oh wells. Guess I was thinking wf my heart and nt my head while putting down all those stuffs? Hmms. Anw, Iv submitted the necessary forms and am REALLYREALLY hopeful tt I'll be shorlisted by MOE. Ppl let's pray to Allah so tt we all gt what we want. I need ur prayers... " Doa seorang saudara kepada saudaranya, dalam keadaan dia tidak ketahuinya, tidak akan ditolak "

Dua' al akh li akhihi almuslim fi zohri alghaib, la yuroddu "

Anw, tdy was better. Wak Adam came at 9+ tadi and he brought food! There was satay, hor fun & roti john ((: Had a game of Winning Eleven wf abng Is( he's the only cuzz tt am close to) and it was fun yet exhilarating. Frst game : Inter Milan (me) Vs Real Madrid.. I ws leading the game 1-0 when on the 80th+ min, I scored an own goal -_-" damn! Scnd game, were using the same team and unfortunately tis time rnd, I lst!Why? I scored anther own goal! Awwh. Final score: 2-1

Wokkays. Tts bout it. Nites. And oh, I really want to go to Darul Aman msque tmr coz Kiyai Aa Gym frm Indonesia will be there!(: Bt, I can't and u guys shld knw the reason as to why.Urgh. ):

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