Saturday, January 05, 2008

Ws off to an early strt tdy..I hd the MT Teacher Teaching Seminar at MOE whch ws located at Buona Vista whch ws 21 stations away! Damn far seyyh!Without procastinating, I read the novel whch I bought titled 'Ayat-ayat Cinta' by Habiburrahman El Shirazy. A very nice novel((: The seminar really gt me focused on what am gonna do as Iv been keeping my options opened throughout the presentations. So after discussing wf my parents, we agreed tt taking the diploma in education directly aftr my 'O' lvl rslts ws the bst choice. Initially, I planned to take the 'A' lvls frst if given the opportunity bt aftr thinking bout it thru & thru, i'll sign up wf NIE to become a Malay language teacher.. Hopefully I wld make it, InsyaAllah =)

Yeah, " dlm kehidupan tk blh malas. We hv to make life interesting. Take it as if ur in a reality shw..."I'll rmb those wrds, always((: Munchkin cldn't ctch a movie wf me.hmms. Next time k, promise? haha. So, decided to go wf my 2 buddies. We wtched I Am Legend at Cathay Cineleisure Orchard. It ws raining. The frst prt of the movie ws quite slw..I ws lucky nt to fall asleep,ahacks..the mid prt twrds the end ws bttr. There were quite a few 'terperanjat' moments..The sound system ws juz awesome!Keeps the movie at its bst. And yeaaaaah \m/though I didn't bought the album, at least I gt the Mastodon shirt! Hee.\m/

Tmr am gonna strt on my Diploma Pengajian Islam at Cordova. Really lookin' fwd to it ((:

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