Saturday, March 29, 2008

I jz gt back frm Al-Falah Msque(sort off), reached hme at 23.45 to be exact & I can't help myself bt to blog rite nw! Hwuaha. Its fate tt I gt to meet wonderful, sincere ppl in jz one nite(: And I believe tts all written in Lauh Mahfuz. I shouldn't be sad( I don't wnt to! Nt any more..) if I do gt sad, plzz somebody gt me the 'La Tahzan'; the famous arabic book wch translated to 'Don't Be sAd' or 'Jangan Bersedih' wch hv sold to more than a million copies and translated to a whole lot of diff languages.( psst, 13 more days to my b' tahu malu..hahs).

Its true wat Ustaz Sufyan said. Its way2 bttr to mix ard wf para asatizahs, alim ulama' para habaib & orng2 soleh. The feelings when mixing ard wf them, MasyaAllah. In tt way, syaitan wld hv a difficult time 'dictating' ur life. So, Saiful & I reached Al-Falah during Maghrib.. Was assigned to carry the packet of briyani rice to the table outside the msque & after Isyak, went ard wf the donation box during the forum. Made 3 new frens: Syed Mabduh( formerly a volunteer at Msjd Jamek Queenstown), Ahmad Munir & Shahir( Syafiq's fren, fellow EXCO). Gt lots of experience on sch life frm Munir as he's frm ITE Bedok the lst time bt come 14 April, he's a scnd yr (triple 'E' student as in 'engineering') in TP. I'll seriously consider the advices he hd given me(: Syed is also a former ITE student bt he's in SP nw, scnd yr when term strts. As fr Shahir, I didn't knw he's an ITE student too!. You can really see the akhlak tt he potrays. He's a tahfiz student frm MKS!(Msjd Kampung Siglap) Allahuakhbar! ( Its been a long2 while since I myself went to Ustz Fahmi's tahfiz class at En-Naeem,hahs) Point to note: They are a bunch of very sincere ppl. Jz like Mabduh said, "ITE bukan tk bgos, tapi sesetengah org je yg buat ITE tk bgs. Kene pandai choose the rght frens.." Aah, Daniel vice-president of AFY(Al-Falah yth) & a yr3 NTU student always shares abt he's experiences of army life. I like..haha.

So after the job's done, the jemaah hd went hme..Ustaz Yousef took a dulang & pour a couple of mutton & chicken briyani onto it. And we certainly dig in.Ukhwah yg terjalin semasa mkn bersama..the talks..SubhanaAllah, am really glad to be ard them((: When's all done, s.o.p. took a cab hme, hurrhurr. Syed & Daniel( bth lives in Kembangan) shares the same cab as Ustz Yusri..Kesian Shahir sorang..He lives in Yishun! Bt took the same cab as them to alight at Orchard MRT..While as usual, me, Saiful & Syafiq shared a taxi wf Ustz Yousef. Otw hme in the cab, Im pleased tt Ustz agreed wf me when I suggested restructing back the AFY database, hee! Im 'thankful' tt Im nt an EXCO( though Ustz wntd me to be one bt I decline...)coz I noticed tt even in msque, u gt politics. The LPM wch hv quite new faces hv different way of implementing programmes we, AFY, hv drafted..Oh wells. Im nt in the meeting room jz nw, so I can't comment anythng..

Yayy! Tmr's there's selawat & zikir led by Ustz Hafazhah Ahmad at Msjd Al-Istiqamah aftr Maghrib. And after Isyak, there's gonna be a syarahan by Ustaz Dato' Ismail Kamus (: Oh, Monday mst prolly heading to Al-Falah again if Shahir calls...Won't be online as mch as Im nt gg to be hme as often & am curbing myself frm entertainment nowadays. So tt explains my super long post..

P/S: Bila aku tk free, korang sibuk tanye aku tgh buat apelah..ajk chilll..Tapi skrng bila aku free, korang senyap. I knw I don't hv PSP bt its jz oh so ridiculous; u guys chill under my void deck bt don't even bother to at least tell me?! Klaka kn? Ouh cm'on..Im nt being whiny or childish..Tkpe lah eh.. Aku nk pesan je, jgn kemaruk sgt kt bende tu..Takut jadi lalai,leka nanti..Wallahua'lam..

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