Saturday, April 05, 2008

Im Bored .. Come on.. why must I wait till the 14th? I'm raring to gt back to study!!! Anw, the film titled 'Ayat-Ayat Cinta' was already out in Indonesia. Man, I wanna knw the date of the release here,hahs. P/s: Ustazah, if u knw the date, tell me tau! haha. Doubt she even knw i hv a blog, nyeahs. Aniwaes, I planned to catch the documentary bout the 'Road to Mecca' as part of the Film Fest but I was dismayed as the tics fr tdy's screening & fr Wednesday's one have been sold out!!! Oh wells. Anyone else who's a fan of B-Quartet? Im trying to gt hold of their songs man! Their latest album( I wannnttt, haaha)>>>

Dude & dudettes, watch this cool vid frm the Spinto Band. Its called, 'Trust Vs Mistrust' (: Enjoyz..

Wow! 6 more days.. Suprise me ppl, can? Yelah tuuu... Hehehe (;

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