Monday, April 14, 2008

Well, orientation today was a-okay. I think there's like 5 classes fr Business Admin & I gt into class ISQ. The classes were like IPP, IRS etc & it felt like Im at the airport searching fr ur respective 'flight number', nyeahs. Obviously, there's more gals than boys bt its okay coz all of them looked like very nice ppl InsyaAllah(: So our BL's gt us into ice-breaker games and during the course of the games, I fell twice! -_-' The classmates were participative & we enjoyed ourselves. Was given an hour & half of break & I gt to knw 7 othr guys who were sitting at the same table as me. Shameer, an Indian-Muslim guy who's bro is a SC in the campus. Wei Kiong, the guy who wanted to join a dance club as a CCA as he claimed he does'nt knw hw to dance bt wnts to learn, hurrhurr. Roy, the beat-box guy. Saiful who's done wf the 'O's in 06 bt did nthng last yr coz ws staying in London(Cool..) And lst bt nt least are Nazirul,Ilyaq & Ibrahim(: There's actually 3 more guys bt I foresee myself as sticking wf these group, nyeahs. Alrighty, tmr's reporting time is at 8! Omg, by 6.45 mst gt the bus already!!! Haha, nvm inside bus can sleep (;

11 April
Praises To Allah fr giving me the opportunity to live fr 18 yrs on tis planet! Shukur.. Wld also like to thank those ppl who actually remembers my birthday & bothered to drop by a simple sms to wish me. Its really nice to knw tt someone out there actually rmbs though we only knw each othr fr like less than a yr? ( Wf the exception of Nissy, my classmate). It did brighten up my day(: So my day started off early in the morning to accompany Aziz to CMPB at Tiong Bahru. Though its on my birthday & its kinda ironic cz its nt like its a 'treat outing' or anythng bt he jz wntd to c me, I played along. Is like killing 2 birds wf one stone actually as I gt to defer my NS & at the same time, hang out wf my childhood buddy b4 our sch term strts. We hd lunch at Wisma b4 proceedibg to Al-Falah fr Friday prayers. After wch, we spent a looooot of time at Borders! Haha. So 'geram' seeing all those books, nyeahs. We tght we hd browsed enough bt we were 'stuck' at the music section lah plk. Were bz engaging ourselves to all those CDs.(: Went out frm Wheelock & at tt pnt of time, Flo Rida song 'Low' ws playing out loud frm THAT CD SHOP at Pacific Plaza wch kinda 'pulled' us into the shop, haha. Browse more CDs bt soon left as the changed the song, nyeahs. We called it a day at Eunos after asr pryrs at Darul Aman & upon completing our tea break, huhu. Gt bck hme & the strawberry chessecake made by Cik Ani ws alrdy ready. I loikes((: After Maghrib, sent a piece of the cake to Long's hse where I hd a little chat wf atuk & nenek. They advised me to study hard & it felt good talking to them. Its nt like everyday you gt to speak to old ppl, aytes(: Went to PizzaHut( I knw its common bt its an all time family fav anws) Coz we cldn't decided bck then where to go, hrmph. Sakura? Han River? Swensens? And its like alrdy late. Hahs. Bt I did enjoy myself..The food.. We're palnning to go French fr Ibu's brthday on 21st april. We gonna try Delifrance, haha(:

13 April
Sunday classes is no longer the same without Ustz Lukman! I waaaant him to come bck & tch wch is damn long coz our nxt module under him wld only fall on Dec. Tsktsk. Guess Im used to having young asatizahs as my lecturers. Getting Ustz Husny to teach(he's 37) ws total boredom! Maybe its jz bcz he's monotonous or izzit jz the 2 modules; Metodoloji Kajian Ilmiah and Sejarah & Tamadun Islam. Hmms. Bt I cld admit tt he's gt an interesting portfolio. Only entered Madrasah Al-Junied at pri 6 and Sec 1, he ws chosen to study at Kuwait. While studying there, gt an offer to study at Medina. He's a graduate of it and hv been teaching at Al-Zuhri fr 5 yrs. He currently teaches there & at Andulus too. And, he's also currently pursuing his Masters hurrhurr.. Hanis, Hanis.. Istighfar bynk2.. 8 more wks wf him..tahan..hahaha. Oh wells.

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