Sunday, April 20, 2008

Well after going through the different booths on CCA Fair last Friday, I decided to sign up for the NYAA Club and Pixel Club. Hee! Had Friday prayer an Nadhah Mosque and was glad to see that the khatib was Ustaz Hafazhah(: Its been soo long since I last saw him giving the khutbah.

So yesterday, I went to TJC for a youth forum titled, Youth & Meeting Expectations: "When is Good, Good enough?". Saiful & Aziz tagged along too! Am glad that there's ppl to accompany me to the forum iniatiated by TJ's MCS. I have always love to attend these sort of things( theater, pementasan, erms I sound very Melayu nw haha) bt unfortunately my friends ain't interested. So, was thankful tt the 2 guys came along(: Saiful, Im sorry if u feel 'forced' jz like the last time I 'dragged' you to accompany me for Gema Puisi Artistic last yr, hahs. And Aziz, good to knw tt ur searching ur Malay roots. Gt bonus somemore. U gt to see Atiqah! Nyeahs. Ehks, gt a feeling she's Mr Ismail Pantek's daughter..o-oh..haha. I was really hoping to see Dinie in action when the Malay dancers performed the zapin hip-hop bt to my dismay, I found out that she's not in school..Syafakallah..Take good care of urself ok and get well soon (: Well, throughout the session, I fnd Ms Oniatta's the most hip and engaging among the other panelists. I really liked her analogies and views((:

Pointers frm the forum: To overcome challenges, youths need to
  1. Develop an interest & strong imagination of the past
  2. Develop a critical appreciation of the present& the need to nurture a progressive vision for the future
To put it simply, I learned tt I have to make lots of sacrifices. Time management is especially important. Stay focused, disciplined & motivated((: Hope you guys benefited frm the forum as much as I did.

Saiful went straight back aftr the forum while me & Aziz headed to PP fr lunch. I love PP not only because of the wide array of shops there, bt bcoz there's a prayer room. So, one cld shop all day without the need to worry bout performing our obligations as a Muslim(: So after lunch, went to the recently opened Borders Bookstore! Spent an hour there and I gt myself a self-help book by the bestselling authors Allen & Barbara Pease, hee. Im nt gonna tell you dudes & dudettes the title of the book. Go figure! Clue: Its a small & handy book, haha. I felt like 'betraying' Kinnokuniya, hurrhurr.

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