Monday, May 26, 2008

Alrite, guess I'll be very busy even before my official school holidays starts! Yesterday for DPIC class, was given a couple of topics to choose from for Tamadun & Sejarah Islam. My topic for that module will be: 'Sumbangan Al-Quran Ke Arah Kecermelangan Tamadun Islam'. As for Metodologi Kajian Ilmiah, I chose to do on Imam Asy-Syafi'ie( Jasawan dalam bidang Fiqh). Sounds cheem man and for the record, both topics are not covered in any of the books that Im currently using. So, have to start researching! Gah,haha.

S & W lesson was cancelled today ): And it was like our last practice before Napfa Test next week! So, Sham decided that Roy & me jog at Bishan Park. Put our bags over at Sham's place and off we went jogging from Bishan area 1 to area 2 which was part of Ang Mo Kio. The ambience of the park was cool and serene (:

Oh, I have to give the upcoming street soccer match which is sponsored by Canon a miss coz it gonna be held on 7 June ): And that day I'll be no longer in Singapore as Im at Nur Lembah Lenggong, Perak representing Al-Falah from the 6-8 June! Whatever it is, Im really looking forward to this leadership camp collaborated by 2 other mosques; Assyafaah & Al-Istiqamah. Its been soo long since I last attended camp overseas. Im soo excited, hee! (((:

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