Saturday, May 24, 2008

Mardi Gras was awesome! Thank you Dinie for inviting Aziz and me to the wonderful event. Well, there's lots to say but Im kinda lost for words? Haha. You'll have to experience it for yourself then. Though we did miss some of the cool stuffs earlier ( The Harley Davidson etc), we did have a great time. (: I wanna take pics with the various peeps in their beautiful costumes too! Guess I'll have to wait for anther two years. Hahs. But most importantly, its sure nice getting to meet Dinie after a long while. And finally I got to see you perform aytes ((: Aziz followed me back home coz he wanna go E!Hub. So yes, we did singgah-ed there although it was already 11.30 pm. Most shops were already closed but the X-Square, bowling alley and of course Cathay were still packed with people! The place is a cool place to chill..just relax..How I wish I can gather my closest associates to chill at the cafe for a cup of tea or coffee. " The closest people you wish to have company with is always the ones far away..". Oh wells.

As for today, Wee Kiong came over as he needed me to teach him bout mailmerging. So did some practices and after which played PS2 together. Was too engrossed with the game that he dragged all the way till almost 3.30 pm before leaving my hse fr Minds Cafe...

Some of the pics taken yesterday:

Indian Cultural Society

Zapin Hip-Hop..( Urgh, its blur coz u gals are moving -_-" Bt nevertheless, its colourful aytes)

The actions to Rihanna's song was super cool (:

Rock Band. I felt as If I were at Esplanade! Hurrhurr.

Aziz got spooked by these two ladies.Lol

Everlasting memories.. Dinie, Me and Aziz ((: (It took us three attempts b4 getting tis pic!)

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