Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Well, without us even noticing it, its already the second week into Ramadhan and in fact its malam Nuzul-Qur'an (malam ke-17). But there's a little thing missing this Ramadhan. And it is really sad come to think bout it. Read one of the blogs I frequently visited and that post sort of coincides with what I'm kinda feeling right now.. Qouted, " This year really felt like nothing. Totally void... ". Ramadhan kali ini adakalanya seperti sudah hilang serinya.. Its like just going through another motion.. a kind of routine which technically speaking, should be more than all those mentioned. Oh wells. Hopefully, we'll get the Night of Laitul-Qadr..Malam yang lebih baik dari seribu bulan..apprx. 87 yrs?

So anyway, I'm done with my Usul Fiqh exams last Sunday. Overall, manageable..just like any other religous exam I sat for previously. But the thing is, I kinda screwed myself from getting an A for the open book part. Hahs. However, I'm totally confident for the second paper. hee. Left with the last exams..Sejarah & Tamadun Islam 2 which I have acquired some hints from Ustaz Lukman as I met him during the Youth Dialouge the day before..hoho.

Iftar at Aunty Noni's place. Not all were present. Not a single member from Long's family..while dad had to work. Aunt made Nasi Beryani which I didn't jamah at all as I had been eating Beryani Rice for the past 2 weeks. Haha. Had Beryani from Shaik Sabri's, Islamic Restaurant's and oh, during Iftar at An-Nahdhah. So yeah. Opted for the Macaroni instead which nenek fried. After all that, wanted to head to the mosque as that night was Ustaz Faezin but had a request from Cik Kader to lead the terawih prayers so that all the women in the house and all my little cuzzies can follow. I relented. Asked Uncle Es to lead the Isyak prayer (tuan rumah lebih afdal..) but he asked me instead. So Alhamdulillah, managed to lead Isyak and the terawih. Akulah imam, akulah bilal....

As of yesterday, I shouldn't be in Singapore alright. Boohoo. But yeah, am still here! Went to Al-Istighfar and boy it was worth it. Yesterday, they invited this Sheykh from Cairo...Sheykh Mustafa Masry. Man, he's tall..Beautiful prayer led by him..Oh, yesterday was the start where you have Qunut during the one rakaat of Witr..SubhanAllah..the Qunut with the doa'. And guess what? After the prayers I went over to salam him, he bowed down and I said something to him in Arab and he kissed me! (You know the Arabs..) That's the first time man..Hee ((:

Ya Allah.. lembutkanlah hatiku adikku ini.. Haixz degil betul. Kalau cakap ngan dia, he'll reply,"tahu,tahu.."

Apa sebenarnya
yang kau mahu..
Ku tak tahu...

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