Monday, October 13, 2008

Is it a Good thing or a Bad thing?

The start of the new semester and its time-table like wth.pfft. Nonsense giluur. Its like a waste of time coming to school on Monday. Though no more Monday blues, I guess, its seriously crap. School ends at 10! Tuesday, lssns end at 11 but have to come back for S&W at 1330. And Fri there's lessons after Friday prayers. Shitlah. I hate going back for lessons after Friday prayers. Come on man..Rawr. The only happy thing bout the time-table is on Wednesday and Thursday. School ends at 12 for the former while the latter, lessons start at 12. Bah.

Enough bout the stupid time-table.
BTT tomorrow...

Oh, this one's even better. My favourite ((:

He's coming on the 27th October! Yes ahhh, hee.

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