Saturday, October 11, 2008

Thursday: Watched Big Stan. It was Awesome. Fucking cool shit. Rob Scheinder's the best man! Lol. Oh, I can't understand why it's M18(Iv turned 18 a lng time ago btw,hahaha). Poor kiddos who can't watch it due to the stupid rating. Like seriously, come on, it doesn't deserve the M18 rating. Duh, the world is so open now. Gals getting pregnant at what 16 or even younger? And all those shits that youths been doing doing/seeing. Hahs. A couple of bared ass-ess and a dildo make it an M18 eyh? Huhu.

Went to the neighbors house that night. And oh my, my neighbour who lives on the 3rd floor is oh so sporting/enthu. Haha. She's a primary school teacher and a single mum.
She: " Eh, u gt facebook?"
Me: "Erms, no. I don't use social-networking sites cz its superficial"
She: "Alahh..why? Jz add & make frens.."

Me: "But I got MSN & a blog.."
She: "Oh wokayys.. add me2. Haha"
(Ugly Betty's playing on Chn5)
She: "U follow the shw?"
Me: " Yeah.."
She: "Me too! Wilhelmina jahat kn?"
Me: "Ahaha. yup2. She's having an affair wf hr bodyguard!"

Yadada. Haha. Though we managed 3 houses, I'm contented. This yr's its been 3 houses, 3 houses, but I gt alot. Hee ((:

Friday: My home' of 11 years came back!!! Hahaha. FINALLY I GET TO MEET U DUDE!!(Thank u Aziz. If I hadn't meet u at Singpost, I wouldn't gt to meet Hakeem again). Same old same old. I mean ur face. except the height, duh. Ur tall..And oh my, u freaking gate-crasher. I can't believe u did all those. Gatecrashing into Muse,Simple Plan's gig etc and SINGFEST!? Damn u. lol. (Ehks, nxt time i wanna hop alng can? Wanna feel the thrill!! hwuaha)

Peace out \m/

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