Dear readers, sorry for not updating as there's a problem with the power button of my pc. So oh wells. Lots of things to talk bout man.. Oh, yeah. Lets start with the one day Malacca Trip thingy last Saturday. It was fun & enjoyable. Congrats Wan for making it a success. So, I actually overslept on that day. Hahs. Terpaksa naik cab pagi2..alahai waste duit aku. Nyeahs. We all boarded the Volvo double-deck bus which was only 8 months old! Coolness. Overall the trip was a success. And especially the food..Foo! Power dok ((: But its a pity we have to skip the visit to the Hang Tuah's Well (which I really looked fwd to) as we exceeded the estimated arrival time to Malacca. All because of the long jam at Woodlands Checkpoint, tsktsk. Reached back Bishan at 11+..Missed all the last bus & train,hahs. As I was hungry back then, had supper at Macdonalds' with Rajiv & Wee Kiong before taking the cab ride home..Taxi lagi..Midnight charge..sian. But its kinda cool though getting the opportunity to talk to these cab drivers(: Ye lah, bukan hari2 naik teksi kn? Haha. Well, hoping for more trips to come. Perhaps a 2 day one night thingy? One day too short lah..ahacks. And yes, I did won myself a prize (: The tour guide asked to name the 3 Malaccan Districts and I managed to answer them..Hwuaha. Padahal bile tour guide bobal, bukannye aku pay attention pun..hee!
Next day, Sunday, went for class. And gosh I have to admit that Usul Fiqh is difficult. Our Arab module should come first as it will greatly help in our further understanding of Usul Fiqh. Oh wells. I don't get it how the management arranges the modules.. Now I realize that being an asatizah is not easy. Haixz..Ni baru peringkat Diploma.. Funny though when reflecting back the last time I was bored with secular studies and wanting to change my line of study. Haha. But now am thankful I remain where I am now. Duniawi ade, Ukhrawi pun ade.. The important thing is to remain consistent in whatever line of study I'm into (: And oh, I gt 95 for my BZF Ca..Whee! Alhamdulillah..
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Here I am blogging at this hour...Was totally 'knocked out'. Reached home at 1615 and slept till 2315,gosh! Had my dinner only at 2330..and I ate some durians too which Ibu bought,hee! So yeah, today or to be precise yesterday was great. Totally relax day man..No lessons,haha. It felt as if it was the last day of the school term already, nyeahs. Reached early morning to set up our stall.. And yeah, the sales went on smoothly. It was good (: It was raining so we missed the performances at it was held at the auditorium instead of the supposed venue, foyer.
Haixz. A couple of stuffs have yet to be settled and the deadline's approaching fast,hahs. And its all because of procrastination? Hmms.. Maybe I should start reading back the book I bought titled, 'Busting Procastination In 60 Seconds'. Hahaha.
This Saturday going to Malacca for one day tour, whee! Ibu's like been reminding me to buy her 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih epsd 2' novel. Huurhurr. Mentang-mentanglah dah habis epsd 1..Finally its my turn to read..hoho.
The last time was Fahri Abdullah Shiddiq.. And now its Azzam.. Two great guys created by Habbiburrahman El-Shirazy.. Can I be like either one of them? InsyaAllah..
Haixz. A couple of stuffs have yet to be settled and the deadline's approaching fast,hahs. And its all because of procrastination? Hmms.. Maybe I should start reading back the book I bought titled, 'Busting Procastination In 60 Seconds'. Hahaha.
This Saturday going to Malacca for one day tour, whee! Ibu's like been reminding me to buy her 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih epsd 2' novel. Huurhurr. Mentang-mentanglah dah habis epsd 1..Finally its my turn to read..hoho.
The last time was Fahri Abdullah Shiddiq.. And now its Azzam.. Two great guys created by Habbiburrahman El-Shirazy.. Can I be like either one of them? InsyaAllah..
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Lets recap for a short bit yar. My weekends were great as it sums up the Amir As Sufuf and Munadil Mukmin Workshop conducted at En-Naeem Mosque. The practical was very meaningful as Ustaz Abdul Rahman came up with scenarios that one would never think of. But as future Imams/Muazzins, we need to act accordingly to any situation..Like what to do when the Imam batals when he's doing the sujud sahwi? Hahs, pening kepale kn? Haha. And I finally find someone whom I can look up to. None other than Ustaz Abdul Rahman(: Man, he's a great & nice guy..His background can be closely related to mine, hee!
So yesterday there was no S&W! Urgh. Damn.. Guess have to wait for next Monday before I can wear the Certified Fit Shirt..Hahaha. As for today, Accounting class ended at 11 so we had 3 hours of break as the next class BZF, would only starts at 2! And today there was a blood donation drive. The rest of my buddies, Wee Kiong, Shameer and Rajiv were busy helping out so we're left with Roy, Ibrahim & me..hahs. The three of us headed to AMK HUB planning to watch the 'Red Cliff' but was told that the movie's duration is 2 hours 40 mins! Like Whaat?! yeah, the plan's cancelled. Had lunch there anyways before going back to sch at 1.15..
K done..hahs.. Mr Foong's extending the Powerpoint Presenation after our Excel CA whch is on the 29th.. PhEW..then have to burn into CD somemore..haixz.. so troublesome
AAAh.. tmr can't go sch late as I have the EC's Racial Harmony thingy. Setting up a stalll selling the tradional ethnic kuehs of different races.. Till then..
So yesterday there was no S&W! Urgh. Damn.. Guess have to wait for next Monday before I can wear the Certified Fit Shirt..Hahaha. As for today, Accounting class ended at 11 so we had 3 hours of break as the next class BZF, would only starts at 2! And today there was a blood donation drive. The rest of my buddies, Wee Kiong, Shameer and Rajiv were busy helping out so we're left with Roy, Ibrahim & me..hahs. The three of us headed to AMK HUB planning to watch the 'Red Cliff' but was told that the movie's duration is 2 hours 40 mins! Like Whaat?! yeah, the plan's cancelled. Had lunch there anyways before going back to sch at 1.15..
K done..hahs.. Mr Foong's extending the Powerpoint Presenation after our Excel CA whch is on the 29th.. PhEW..then have to burn into CD somemore..haixz.. so troublesome
AAAh.. tmr can't go sch late as I have the EC's Racial Harmony thingy. Setting up a stalll selling the tradional ethnic kuehs of different races.. Till then..
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wooohoo!!! Finally got hold of the Certified Fit Shirt man. Yeah.. Currently only me, Roy and Wee Kiong had the shirt with us. Yeah.. gonna wear it on Monday for S&W..Hehehe.. can kwai lan abit..hahs ..So just now after my prayer, headed straight to Woodlands Regional Library and meet up with Aziz to support Dinie for the finals of Bahas 4PM. Its mauduk was, 'Kemaslahatan Bahasa Melayu Terletak Di Tangan Penuturnya'. Pencadang: RJC and Penyanggah: TJC.. It was definitely a nice debate with the counter-arguments though I didn't quite understand RJC's point of view( not trying to be bias, but yeah..haha) So in the end, TJC won!! Congrats to Dinie and her fellow teammates (;
Alright, so guess things gonna be 'hectic' back soon? Gonna have my BZF CA on Monday..The OFA project's deadline is nxt week wch is tergendala..need 7-8 slides more..hahs..Yadadayada..But am definitely looking forward to tmr's course,hee!
Alright, so guess things gonna be 'hectic' back soon? Gonna have my BZF CA on Monday..The OFA project's deadline is nxt week wch is tergendala..need 7-8 slides more..hahs..Yadadayada..But am definitely looking forward to tmr's course,hee!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Hmms.. where do I begin from here? Random things have been happening to me lately.. Lots of it. Guess only those whom I have talked to will know bout it. Not gonna write it down here man.. Some are funny, while others put you into a careful thought..Haha. Is it because of the aura that is revolving around me? I'm like going through a 'transition' phase in my life..Pretty interesting situation I'm getting myself into at times, huhu.
So knowing that my fellow sahabat Saiful have completed his 3rd epsd of his love antalogy series, I feel like writing too! Nyeahs. Macam rindu gitu dah lame tk berkarya.. So yeah, with the Accounting CA over and no more CA's till the exams wch falls on September, I managed to find the time and write down my thoughts..Got something to do with things that happened lately I shld say..Bet u guys miss Wak Ilham right? He's back now, literally..hahs..
Inilah puisiku...
Secerca harapan, sesinar mentari
Tipa hari ku berlari, mengejar yang tak pasti.
Kadangkala diriku ini bertanya,
"Apakah sebenarnya yang ku cari?"
"Adakah ini semua hanya sebuah mimpi,
ataupun mungkin ia suatu realiti?"
Apa yang pasti,
Hati ini enggan bersendiri...
So knowing that my fellow sahabat Saiful have completed his 3rd epsd of his love antalogy series, I feel like writing too! Nyeahs. Macam rindu gitu dah lame tk berkarya.. So yeah, with the Accounting CA over and no more CA's till the exams wch falls on September, I managed to find the time and write down my thoughts..Got something to do with things that happened lately I shld say..Bet u guys miss Wak Ilham right? He's back now, literally..hahs..
Inilah puisiku...
Secerca harapan, sesinar mentari
Tipa hari ku berlari, mengejar yang tak pasti.
Kadangkala diriku ini bertanya,
"Apakah sebenarnya yang ku cari?"
"Adakah ini semua hanya sebuah mimpi,
ataupun mungkin ia suatu realiti?"
Apa yang pasti,
Hati ini enggan bersendiri...
Saturday, July 12, 2008

Yesterday was a great and unforgettable day. Me and Aizuddin attended a talk held at SMU and gosh, we were surrounded by 40-50 undergrads from NUS etc. And man, there's even a professor from the University of Birmingham! Though we feel awkward being among the intellectuals, the great thing was that lots of information were gained throughout the dialogue. The cool part was it was a close door session and the speaker was a woman who once worked in Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs Dept. Not everyone can have a chance like these..nyeahs. So basically the speaker was trying to answer all those questions pertaining to her country's policies..She really got drilled towards the ending with some tough questions and not suprisingly, some of her answers were'nt convincing as she had to defend her country's policies anyway,hahs. But the bottomline was, religion should have no place in politics and we need a paradigm shift when talking bout humanatarian issues. Am glad that I was given the opportunity to get answers from an Israeli perspective and that was frst time in meeting an Israeli!
As of today, went to Jurong East Sports Hub to watch the finals of MYSPEX (Mosque Youth Sports Extravaganza) and there's the CPR(Cakap Pasal Remaja) forum thingy. There's Fauzi Laili, Ustaz Sufyan,a counsellor(frgt hr name) & Fiza-O! Haha. Glad gt to meet some of the other MOYL's there (: Aisey plan btl2 ahh..kalau tk dh go swimming dgn Aizuddin! Hahaa.
Left the place and went to have lunch at Clementi Hawker Centre as there's no Muslim Food ard Chinese Garden! Duh.. yada2..Time flies.. It ws 3+ alrdy..Planned to meet Saiful at En-Naeem Msque at Hougang to register for a workshop nxt week. Thought I was late cz havn't done my Zuhur..Thank God didn't take the cab. So dropped off at Harbourfront to Kovan Stn and reached the mosque at 4.10. Phew! Hopefully after finishing the Bilal/Imam course nxt week and getting the certificate of participation, I'm trying to apply at An-Nadhah coz I don't see any yth stepping up though there's quite a number of institutions ard the msque..I wanna spent my Ramadhan fruitfully..The msque is sederet and its a waste..Quite sad there's only a handful who goes there..
Ehks sempena Bulan Bahasa..
'Meniti jalan menuju ke syurga
Seiring curahan kasih-Nya
Hanya sedikit goresan cinta,
Demi sebuah pahala'
Friday, July 11, 2008
Glad to know that I'm not the only one who failed but duh..Sometimes being a little bit panic can do me no harm as it kinda helps me to stay on my toes,aytes? And its a nice feeling to get assurances from Ms Nooraini herself. Told me that she knew I can do better but I must practice. Alright, my bad! Kinda guilty when the teacher supported you but you don't do your part in helping urself,urgh. "Hanis, you don't like numbers izzit?" Hahaha.
Gosh. Ibu's been telling me that Sis Salena(my neighbour who's a teacher) said that I can still appeal to NIE.Hahs. Help me then coz I don't want the EPT Malay cert wch I acquired and lasts for 4 years to go to waste. If I can get into NIE, the better rite? So that I won't be wasting my time. But whatever it is, I'll wait for the next 'O' lvls results to come out before applying again. Boohoo.
And I'm like soo looking forward to the Overseas Community Service Programme. Thought of going next year but Ibu suggested this year instead. Planning to go either Chiang Rai or Vietnam on 13-26 Dec. Still waiting for Rajiv's & Wee Kiong's answer before we unananimously decide to go to which country.Hee.
Gosh. Ibu's been telling me that Sis Salena(my neighbour who's a teacher) said that I can still appeal to NIE.Hahs. Help me then coz I don't want the EPT Malay cert wch I acquired and lasts for 4 years to go to waste. If I can get into NIE, the better rite? So that I won't be wasting my time. But whatever it is, I'll wait for the next 'O' lvls results to come out before applying again. Boohoo.
And I'm like soo looking forward to the Overseas Community Service Programme. Thought of going next year but Ibu suggested this year instead. Planning to go either Chiang Rai or Vietnam on 13-26 Dec. Still waiting for Rajiv's & Wee Kiong's answer before we unananimously decide to go to which country.Hee.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Glad Allah somehow 'prevented' me from joining SC,hahs. Actually I wanted it so badly that I'm kinda disappointed that I wasn't one of the 3 ISQ'ans to become a SC. grrr. But HE'S right..In fact HE knows me best. If I were to become a SC, I'll have to report to school very early at 7.30a.m. and after which there's unexpected meetings after school..yada2..And, honestly, living in Pasir Ris, I'll be dead tired and won't be able to cope anyways..So yeah. Haha..
Urgh.. I feel that I'm losing my competative edge man..And I'm kinda like worried/panic? Damn..I'm so like deadmeat if I continue on like these..haix. Been asking myself where's the spirit back then in Secondary school which enabled me to get Scholarships and stuffs..hmms..Though I failed by only 2 marks for my second Accounts Class Test(whch i did expect to fail anw..and thank God its nt CA), I felt as if Iv been dealt a blow! looking back at the paper, i should have passed man..Its a cause of concern though iv been consistent for the first CA account(i improved after the frst class test) and for OFA but nothing is guarenteed rite? Work hard..hahs
Oh Allah, help me regain my competative spirit back..plzz..Amin
Urgh.. I feel that I'm losing my competative edge man..And I'm kinda like worried/panic? Damn..I'm so like deadmeat if I continue on like these..haix. Been asking myself where's the spirit back then in Secondary school which enabled me to get Scholarships and stuffs..hmms..Though I failed by only 2 marks for my second Accounts Class Test(whch i did expect to fail anw..and thank God its nt CA), I felt as if Iv been dealt a blow! looking back at the paper, i should have passed man..Its a cause of concern though iv been consistent for the first CA account(i improved after the frst class test) and for OFA but nothing is guarenteed rite? Work hard..hahs
Oh Allah, help me regain my competative spirit back..plzz..Amin
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Hrmph. Ibu's been reading 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' ever since I bought it! Haha. I bought it because I wanna read but Ibu ended up reading it after knowing there's episode 2 and in fact, if it was true, Ustazah Zanariah even told me there's episode 3! Hurrhurr. And they're doing the filming too in Cairo(:
Guess Sunday won't be bored no more..Will be having fun (I mean, no stress) for the 3 hrs of lessons..Its not fun because of play but I gt myself a new lecturer for my 5th module, Usul Fiqh. Ustz Feirul Malik whose an Educational Developer who work in MUIS is a fun guy..Gt a loud voice..Nt boring (Alhamdulillah) Hahaha. So as usual, new module with lots of different istilahs(terms) that I have never come across before... I particularly like his analogy that we, humans, are like a cup. He came up with these when speaking to those who already comitted zina to make them think back whether their past actions are right or wrong. He reminded us that when confronting with these type of peeps (nt only those who comitted zina), bear in mind not to say, "Itu haram..Eh, berdosa tau kau buat tu..Ini tk blh..yada2". There's a technique as in how to 'consult' people. It goes back to psychology..
Usul fiqh basically is different from Fiqh but nt much actually. It is more of a technique to know why that thing is haram or halal etc. The reasons.. Like for eg jz nw wch I learnt, wajib is broken down to many categories..We cannot just simply follow people.. We have to be completely sure ourselves. Like if people say that thng is halal, we follow halal je..tts not the way. InsyaAllah after completing this module, I'll be more knowledgeable and be able to show non-Muslims the beauty of Islam (it doesn't necessarily mean I praech to them..) and to explain to fellow Muslims this and that and what nots..Amin Allah Humma Amin..
Btw, dear Muslim bros and sis, we're in a blessed month too wch is Rejab.. so u all are encouraged to recite tis doa' :Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rejab Wa Sya'ban Wabalighna Ramadhan..(may Allah bless us in the month of Rejab and Sya'ban, and bring us to see Ramadhan..)
Guess Sunday won't be bored no more..Will be having fun (I mean, no stress) for the 3 hrs of lessons..Its not fun because of play but I gt myself a new lecturer for my 5th module, Usul Fiqh. Ustz Feirul Malik whose an Educational Developer who work in MUIS is a fun guy..Gt a loud voice..Nt boring (Alhamdulillah) Hahaha. So as usual, new module with lots of different istilahs(terms) that I have never come across before... I particularly like his analogy that we, humans, are like a cup. He came up with these when speaking to those who already comitted zina to make them think back whether their past actions are right or wrong. He reminded us that when confronting with these type of peeps (nt only those who comitted zina), bear in mind not to say, "Itu haram..Eh, berdosa tau kau buat tu..Ini tk blh..yada2". There's a technique as in how to 'consult' people. It goes back to psychology..
Usul fiqh basically is different from Fiqh but nt much actually. It is more of a technique to know why that thing is haram or halal etc. The reasons.. Like for eg jz nw wch I learnt, wajib is broken down to many categories..We cannot just simply follow people.. We have to be completely sure ourselves. Like if people say that thng is halal, we follow halal je..tts not the way. InsyaAllah after completing this module, I'll be more knowledgeable and be able to show non-Muslims the beauty of Islam (it doesn't necessarily mean I praech to them..) and to explain to fellow Muslims this and that and what nots..Amin Allah Humma Amin..
Btw, dear Muslim bros and sis, we're in a blessed month too wch is Rejab.. so u all are encouraged to recite tis doa' :Allahumma Bariklana Fi Rejab Wa Sya'ban Wabalighna Ramadhan..(may Allah bless us in the month of Rejab and Sya'ban, and bring us to see Ramadhan..)
Saturday, July 05, 2008

Let's do a short recap of yesterday's lecture by Sheyk Khalil Moore at Singpost Auditorum which I went with Aizuddin..Well, basically the talk was about our beloved prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h. The title was, 'A rose in the desert, remembering Muhammad p.b.u.h.'. I'm not actually qualified to speak about the gretest man ever but I'll try to share what Iv learned with you guys, InsyaAllah.Innallàha wa malâikatahû yusallûna 'alan-nabiyy, yâ ayyuhalladhîna âmanû sallû alayhi wa sallimû taslîmâ. (Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect.) 33:56
The Sheykh was telling all of us that we need to know more bout our Prophet to really understand and appreciate him. Most of us think that we've already know the Prophet well enough, but in actual fact, we don't,sadly. And he reminded us that we need to have a sheykh/spiritual teacher or asatizahs to guide us to the light. For those who have not yet have a teacher, ur teacher for the time-being would be the selawat to Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h as Allah said that those who recites selawat, HE will giude us from the darkness to the light. MasyAllah, there's so much to talk bou. REaders, you can go to his website to listen to his lecture: Aah, I saw Revilenna's lead singer at the talk too. And Bro Chaled, my kakak's sedare's husband who's a German convert. Glad he recognised me when I tegurred me, hee. ((:
Lots of converts there I would say..Oh man.. those beautiful eyes of the Arab women..Foo! Only the husband can see the real beauty..tsktsk.ahaha.
So, the Ubin cycling trip was fun. Aziz tagged along for the first time(as in fr cycling expedition). The usual mates were there, azhar, Ahmad & Saiful(: Yeah, we went to Chek Jawa and climbed the viewing tower which is 120 steps high. The view from up there was simply panaramic..Left the island at ard 12+ cz the cloud's getting dark and we would'nt wanna be stranded..Reach mainland at 1.30? Walked towards OCH and explored the place. It was the 3rd time exploring the place but for Aziz, the first time. He was hesistant to enter..yada2..Saiful will elaborate on theOCH trip, hopefully.
Guess the next time we'll have another expedition after another 10 weeks of study? hahaa. Guess what? Talked to Aizuddin yesterday and he told me he and Imran went to KL 4 days 3 nights without parents..Cool..I'm planning to go overseas at the end of the year..Anybody wanna tag along? hee.

The Sheykh was telling all of us that we need to know more bout our Prophet to really understand and appreciate him. Most of us think that we've already know the Prophet well enough, but in actual fact, we don't,sadly. And he reminded us that we need to have a sheykh/spiritual teacher or asatizahs to guide us to the light. For those who have not yet have a teacher, ur teacher for the time-being would be the selawat to Prophet Muhammad p.b.u.h as Allah said that those who recites selawat, HE will giude us from the darkness to the light. MasyAllah, there's so much to talk bou. REaders, you can go to his website to listen to his lecture: Aah, I saw Revilenna's lead singer at the talk too. And Bro Chaled, my kakak's sedare's husband who's a German convert. Glad he recognised me when I tegurred me, hee. ((:
Lots of converts there I would say..Oh man.. those beautiful eyes of the Arab women..Foo! Only the husband can see the real beauty..tsktsk.ahaha.
So, the Ubin cycling trip was fun. Aziz tagged along for the first time(as in fr cycling expedition). The usual mates were there, azhar, Ahmad & Saiful(: Yeah, we went to Chek Jawa and climbed the viewing tower which is 120 steps high. The view from up there was simply panaramic..Left the island at ard 12+ cz the cloud's getting dark and we would'nt wanna be stranded..Reach mainland at 1.30? Walked towards OCH and explored the place. It was the 3rd time exploring the place but for Aziz, the first time. He was hesistant to enter..yada2..Saiful will elaborate on theOCH trip, hopefully.
Guess the next time we'll have another expedition after another 10 weeks of study? hahaa. Guess what? Talked to Aizuddin yesterday and he told me he and Imran went to KL 4 days 3 nights without parents..Cool..I'm planning to go overseas at the end of the year..Anybody wanna tag along? hee.

ubin & OCH Trip |
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Oh man.. after sitting at home for two days straight(Mon&tues), it was total mendakness! But no choice , used the 2 days to complete my thesis. And I'm still left with one more, gah! So, I decided that I needed some fresh air. Went to Ahmad hse yesterday to charge the psp Aziz loaned me and put some games in it. Watched the 'SuperHero Movie' too..Hahaha damn funny..we laughed from the start till the end of the show! Hahs.
As of today, went JB with Ayah to collect our baju kurung for this year's Raya..Advanced kn? Hahaha. Yeah, all the baju dh siap((: Whee. first day ____ colour, second day ____. hehe. Cannot tell first secret..Hehe. But whatever it is, Im waiting for the great month to come, Ramadhan, baru blh raya kn? myself a 45mins Javanese massage. Wow shiok man..My lower ticklish but the later part, sakit beb..Hopefully, my legs are all set for this coming 2.4 km run wchc Iv yet to take..hahas. Bah, I finally cut my hair, nyeahs.
Aaah, also got myself Spain's Euro 08 polo shirt! Nice ((:And I bought myself 2 books too. One for my tamadun thesis wch hopefully I can relate to my topic, 'Sumbangan Al-Quran Ke Arah Kecermelangan Tamadun Islam'..Sounds pretty vague..there's nt mch resources on this..urgh. Anyways, the book's title is 'Sistem Politik Islam'. The other book I bought is a novel from the writer of Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Habbirrahman El-Shirazy, titled, 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' epsd 1 =)
P/s: Dinie, don't pressurized urself with Bahas k. Whatever it is, I know u can do it. Champions take chances & pressures are privillege (:
As of today, went JB with Ayah to collect our baju kurung for this year's Raya..Advanced kn? Hahaha. Yeah, all the baju dh siap((: Whee. first day ____ colour, second day ____. hehe. Cannot tell first secret..Hehe. But whatever it is, Im waiting for the great month to come, Ramadhan, baru blh raya kn? myself a 45mins Javanese massage. Wow shiok man..My lower ticklish but the later part, sakit beb..Hopefully, my legs are all set for this coming 2.4 km run wchc Iv yet to take..hahas. Bah, I finally cut my hair, nyeahs.
Aaah, also got myself Spain's Euro 08 polo shirt! Nice ((:And I bought myself 2 books too. One for my tamadun thesis wch hopefully I can relate to my topic, 'Sumbangan Al-Quran Ke Arah Kecermelangan Tamadun Islam'..Sounds pretty vague..there's nt mch resources on this..urgh. Anyways, the book's title is 'Sistem Politik Islam'. The other book I bought is a novel from the writer of Ayat-Ayat Cinta, Habbirrahman El-Shirazy, titled, 'Ketika Cinta Bertasbih' epsd 1 =)
P/s: Dinie, don't pressurized urself with Bahas k. Whatever it is, I know u can do it. Champions take chances & pressures are privillege (:
Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Well, today's the start of the new month, 1st July and school's starting soon! Boohoo. As you can see, got myself a new skin, nyeahs. Simple but a little change would do some good rite? Been sitting in front of my pc for long hours these 2 days as I need to complete my 'Metholoji Kajian Ilmiah' thesis which is due tis Subday! Man.. I'v still got Tamadun thesis yet to be done..Help!!! Aah, before I forget, 'Viva La Espana'(: Finally after 44 years of wait, Spain shrugged off their 'quater-finals' tag and emerged winners of Euro 08. Alright, now let us backtrack on the past few days.
Sat: The initial plan was to watch the film screening of >>> with Aizuddin at Madrasah Al-Junied Auditorium at 8 p.m but sadly,the tics were sold out. Oh wells. Miss the comentaries by Sheykh Khalil Moore. So, the first half of the day I was doing the household chores. Got a message from Azhar asking me whether I wanna follow him and Ridwan to TM to gt some stuffs. So, yeah I agreed as it had been so long since I saw Ridwan. Got myself a pair of shades at TM, =) Reached home at 5 p.m and tuned in to Vasantham Central to watch Hidustan! Haha. I don't remember the last time I watched a Hindi movie..A few years back, if I'm not mistaken,hahs. Sanjay Dutt play as Munna Bhai who tries to practice Gandhi's teaching. 'Gandhi-ism'..hehe.
Sun: Went out with dear bestie, Hanna, my Pixel Lab fren. Her god-sis and bro were there too. Nice getting to know both of u Abg Fadzil and Kak Irfani(: So we went to Esplanade and sit by the river juz to chill..snap some pics.. After which, Abg Fadzil brought us towards the Singapore Flyer where there is a mini-park? Yakult, smth is the name..Haha. Walk2..And guess what? There's a Teddy-Bear Factory where one can adopt and dress it like a real baby..Hmms..more economical than to adopt a real baby?hee! After enough sight-seeing, to Raffles Place. We guys need to do our Asar..Its the first time I pray at the underground mosque, 'Moulana Mohd Ali'. Abg Fadzil also frst time,hahs. After Asar, meet the gals at Mac'd where I asked Hana for help with my Accounting hwk, Cashbook. Thanks yaw! For teaching me and checking the other Cashbook qn tt Iv done. Left with Petty Cashbook nw..haha. Its been a great day..Initially slow start lahh..Biaselah mcm tk tahu gitu..Need warm-up frst But after awhile, its been easy mixing around wf them. Like what Hana said, all of us have something in common (:
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