Sunday, November 30, 2008

Its so sudden gitu. So yeah, its confirmed! Kak Serina adalah Kakak angkatku. Hahaha. Friday: Ain departs for holiday to Jakarta Puncak Bandung. Have fun and hope you and your family come back safely yar. Went out with Kak Serina to EXPO ard 1500hrs as she wants to get her external flash but too bad, they don't sell cam. accesories there. Oh wells. So we ended up getting ourselves a PSP 2 in1 cover instead! And its only fr $9.90 with lots of features. ((: Oh, saw Dinie while boarding 21 home (: Yeah fate! Kalau Sis tk ajak naik that bus, tk jumpe kn..Hahaha. F.y.i. its either I walk home from the interchange or take 358/12... Then at nite go for tahfiz class. Yayy! I think I pleased ustaz yaw =) But alamk, another 3 surahs to semak next week..Gotta revise..Haixz.

Saturday was HAPPENING man! It was a day full of sun, sea, sand and fun. Nyeahs. Theme: "Everyone can be a model @ Sentosa". I'll show u my best models in a while yar. Hahaha. Alright, I did enjoy myself... Ku sempat berendam..huhu..But kinda terkilan gitu coz I wanna take the skyride & lunge coz its only $10! My God.. But sad no one wanna go up with me! Tsktsk. So pada malam harinya pula..(ehks, dh mcm karangan lahh! Hahs) went up to Sis place around 10.05 as she wanted to borrow my abg sedare's tripod & external flash. Oh did I tell u! My cuzz got the complete D70 Nikon DSLR and he underuses it. So yeah..Gd news fr me, he let me use it,hee. And one more thing, Sis ordered Mcdelivery that night and its on her (; So we talk and talk experimented wf our individual cams.. till 11.45! Gosh..Haha

Here's the pics man.. there's way lots of pics but here's the best wch I'll use it for submission to Pixel Lab. Comments is much appreciated.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

First of all, CONGRATS to sis Serina for getting your driving license yesterday! So cool lah this neighbour of mine. Its like she's rapat to me and my family ever since she moved into our block. Haha. Though she's like way older than me, she loves talking to me ((: So yesterday, she asked fr me and my dad's help to guide her as she's still not that confident of driving herself. So yeah. Macam 'test route' gitu..Hee.

"Nis! If ur good tonight, I'll be your chauffeur and bwk u jln2 fr a day. Haha"
"Eh, bro if I not confident, u take over the wheels ah.."

Random.Random. Anw, I was interviewed my RazorTv's Media Crew while waiting for my groupmates at Bishan MRT yesterday. Hahaha. So yes, went Botanic Garden and OMG, it was one hell of a walk. Masuk from Orchard but we ended up exiting the Bukit Timah exit as its the the nearest busstop from the 'Evolution Garden'..! Oh wells. -_-"

And oh, finally I gt my berms for this Saturday's Pixel Lab outing at Sentosa! It'll contribute to a whooping 9 hrs of mine CCA time..But I doubt I'll stay there till night..hahs.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

To my avid readers (cheh,haha) sorry for not updating yeah. Before the new week comes tomorrow, let me type out what I've been up to the couple of days kay. (; And oh, I'll try to make it short,heh.

Tuesday: Went to ITE HQ at Dover for the Shell LiveWIRE Inter-ITE College Enterprise Challenge. Had lots of fun though we didn't win the top 3. Actually, we kinda wrapped up the first session(there were 8 teams) but when the second session commenced (anthr 8), we know that the top 3 position just slipped. Hahs. But it was nice ah as the first & second position was won by College Central Team 3 & 5 respectively (: As usual, my team scored for creativity but lose out on the feasibility part. Oh wells. Not bad for frst year students..The experience gained is most impt. And oh, consolation also gt money yeah. Sidetracked a bit:

"Erms, are u Chinese or Malay?"
"Oh, my mum's actually Japanese & Chinese while my dad is Malay and German(if im nt wrng..). But I'm a Muslim"

Coolness rite! This kacukan gal..damn pretty..Hehee. And when I asked for her MSN, dengan spontannya dia memberikan kepadaku..Hahaha. Power pe? =)

Thursday: Bah! The Trade Challenge in school..Honestly, my mood was like bleah. Damn. Kalau aku tahu.. Ibrahim and I should have juz continue wf our initial plan of selling our mini-pizzas and hotdogs.. Confirm sell like hotcakes! But we have to settle for Rajiv's idea of an Xbox game booth..Whateva ah..Heck. But at least I got to know two fellow metallheads from my school! Hee. On a random note, there's this guy who approached us and started to ask how do we go about wf the business plan..the operation..yada2. And you know what? He gave us his name card whcih beras, Senior Manager of the NUS Entreprenuership Centre! And he's a former ITE student back or what? A sourse of inspiration, I guess?

Saturday: Kinda annoyed as when my Sats are totally free, no one asks me out. But when satu grp dh tanye on tt particular Sat, the rest pn nk 'book' me during the same day. Hahs. So I actually did go out wf my TPS groupmates..Project nye pasal.. As usual, photographer of the day. Went to places that I frequented b4 and it bores me actually. But psl we need the pics kn.. so kite pergilah ke Esplanade, Merlion. Sg Flyer.. then around 5, left them and meet up wf my Pixel Lab mates at Starbuks PS. The rain started to pour. And alamak..the stairs to Old School at Mount Sophia punyelah tinggi.. So reached there.. Viewed the pictures by CS Ling..It was a beauty..Ni trip pun contributes to my CCA of 3 hrs.. Around 7+ eat at BK. I ordered the Bold BK Double Stacker!!! Woohoo..Then chow.. reached Pasir Ris at 8.40..went to Cik Yaya's daughter's wedding..Malas ah nk explain..But wah the majlis..very the Arab! Foo..

Hmms.. after every event where that particular person is involved in, subsequently I'll see her each time in school. Heran aku..Hahaha. If not, I didn't even know that she's a fellow schoolmate! I saw ____ 4 times man on Friday! Shrooms, u shld know who.. The cute gal but muka slalu like stress.(yr 2).hahs.

K dah done. Fooba.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Life is full of ups & downs..heh. One moment you're feeling so great and gay and suddenly shit happens or someone for that matter,and it leaves you feeling frustrated and pissed to the core... [Bactrackking in progress.. Thurs-Today]

Thursday: Reached school for TPS lesson which supposedly starts at 10 but only to find out that its been cancelled! Urgh. Wee Kiat told me that Mr Chua had inform the class the week before..hmms. Got meh? Oh, izzit just me who missed the announcement? Grr. I should have continue with my sleep man.. Damn. It was raining.. So left me, Ibrahim and Hui Ya. Yes, Hui Ya. The girl in which everyone in class tries to avoid. Mean kn? Haha. But she's not that bad lah.. Respect her lah peeps..she's 25 for godsake.Talked to her bout you what. I was like a reporter then. She told me that she's just been a Christian for 2 years..yada2. I asked back, what type of Christian are u? Protestant, Catholic, Jehovah Witnessess etc. She was dumbfounded! Lol. Finally she managed to tell that she's a Prebestarian. Questions like, "Have u achieved smth aftr becomin' a Christian and stuffs.." were being asked by me. Hee. Bukan ape..If I manage to pull someone into Islam kn cool (: And btw readers, peeps refrain frm getting too nice to her coz she's like a stalkerr. She'll follow u everywhere u go as she doesn't want to be alone. And she keeps hearing voices! Then close to 10, KiddoBeylo arrived to celebrate Dila's b'dae. Aku pun joinlah celebration tu..
Alrght it was all cool then. Later at ard 2+, had discussions bout the Trade Fair wf Rajiv and the rest. We ended up quarelling. I was freaking pissed as the progress that I did alone was not appreciated and he keeps insiting on doing what he proposed. Nobody's the boss of me man..What made me mad was his attitude of storming off just like that. And all Shameer can say to me ws,"He have his probs..". The rest pulak, diam seribu bahasa. Wah, I know lah he got his probs, but wat bout mine?

Friday: First period. Didn't talk to him until he decided to tegur me.. Was still mad then. Then before entering class for BZC, we decided to talk things out. Yeah, I admit I was being sarcastic to him..and he too cleared the air..blah2..and its settled then. Phew. Prayed at Muttaqin(AMK) fro Friday prayers. Then after solat, thare's this guy by the name of Abdul Aziz(Not u my fren..haha) tegured me. Ah ni standard ah;tabligh. We talked and I listened to what he have to say.. its nice. Salam ukhwah.. But during some parts of the convo I was like kinda bored coz this peeps(tablighs, f.y.i. theyr'e the guys wf beards..wearing loose see them at the msqe) keep mentioning the same thing. And b4 I stepped of the msque, I stiil rmb he said, "Kite bersyukur dpt smyng..blh masuk syurga..org2 kt luar tu..Syurga tu besar tau. Bukan Hanis sorang je nk masuk..etc." And at this point of time, I was like at te back of my mind," Alamak aku tahulah..If only he knows that I'm a student who's taking a Diploma in Islamic Studies..". Heh. Bukan nk riak but mcm my ustz kate, dngrkan je ape diorang nk if they deviate or tak relevant, tt is when kamu kenekan diorang balik,hahs. Went back to school fr the Shell LiveWire rehearsal. End late seyyh.. But I'm happy as I learned lots from diff individuals. Leonard, my team-member, a project design student who lost his girlfren the same year his mum died.. Firdaus, 23 yr old, ITE Tamp who's taking Higher Nitec in Mechanical Engineering. His life's journey.. Foo. After sec. sch went to ITE Balestier first to take up Nitec in Mechatronics aftr wch he managed to gt to SP bt tts only after a year. He couldn't cope wf the he pulled out and entered NS. Upon completing NS, realised that Nitec cert coulnd'nt gt him anywhere. Now, he's in ITE Tamp;final year...

Saturday: Went to CDC at Ubi to book my prac.slots for Jan. Gosh..ibu's money of $200 could only cover 3 lessons..So I decided to top-up my CDC accnt and managed to book 1 mre slot. Will resume driving on the 5,7,14 and 19 Jan man..Jealous sia evertime I see peeps driving. Rawr. Then reached home, laze around playing PSP for 3 hrs? Hahaha. And oh, watched 'Cintaku Forever' on TV1! ((:

Sunday: Finally got a taste of being a real kendarat. Thanks Nani. Earned only $35 cz frst time.. Gerek kerje but kaki crammed giluur. And my left leg stiil hurts! Gah. And oh, sure thing aku buat kwn baru! Haha. After I changed to my tee after work, "Cheh, Lamb of God seyhh..". Haha. Yeah, I was wearing the Lamb of God shirt Gen bought me. And its cool lah when another person knw bout music,hee. That guy Hakim was quite suuprised after getting an answer frm me that I don't play any musical instrument.."Sayang eyh kau tk main instrument..Aku main drum..Frst time aku dgnr org dngr metal tpi tk main instrument..". Hahaha.

Monday: Yaay.. I knw tt gal name nw and her age from Nani! hwuaha. But suprised seyyh to know she's only 14..Sweet but the studs spoils it man..Bah. Mr Erick let us off early again like super cool or what? Supposed class ends at 12 but looking out the windows and the darkening skies.."Ok, I think u guys can go off now b4 it start to pour..". So yeah. We left the clss at 11.15 TPS rocks,hee. Entrepenuer students are boring..Blueks. K, tts it for today. Crunch time tmr man..have to be at ITE HQ (Dover) at 8! While the OP wld only strt at 2.. Jia You.. $800..$200 each if we win.. Bout Trade Fair, idk wts the call man..and its Thurs..

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Whoopies! I feel highly accomplished today (((:
  1. I passed my FTT yaw. YES ahh... (Dancing to Madagascar song) Haha. In all honesty, I was anxious like hell. Was prepared to see the word "Failed" too but yeah, alhamdulillah, I passed. Hahaha.
  2. Managed to get the supplier for the Trade Fair Challenge alone. Hee.
  3. Met Syafiq & Siti (MJ) in bus 358. Its nice getting to talk to him! One of my best pal..Oh, when I asked bout Hariz,(for those who knws him lah..), both of them replied, "Huh? Hariz..". Haha. As expected. And guess what, Siti told me that Hariz no longer talks to her.. wow! Hahs.
  4. 'Concede defeat' in trying to keep my hair long. Dengan rela hatiku, ayah telah menggunting rambut ikalku..huhu. (Tkpelah, gugurkan dosa2 kecil ku ini..hahs)
  5. Oh, had pizzas for dinner! Yaay :-D

Anw, read on. I found out this meaningful post..Renung-renungkanlah:

When things are down and you are out of your mind...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is The Kind.

When your life is in darkness and nothing is right...
Remember just remember, through the darkness ALLAH is The Light.

When nothing makes sense and your heading for demise...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is The Wise.

When times are troubled and no one seems to care...
Remember just remember, ALLAH won`t hurt you, HE is The Fair.

When your heart is breaking and your pain makes you fall...
Remember just remember, ALLAH Sees it all.

When you are weak and the road seems long...
Remember just remember, seek strength from ALLAH The Strong.

When life is a burden and everything is unstable...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is The Able.

When the way is cloudy and there is no one by your side...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is The Only Guide.

When no one wants to listen or is willing to lend an ear...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is always ready to Hear.

When you are poor and penniless and you are stuck in a niche...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is The Rich.

When you are down in your misery and there is nowhere to run...
Remember just remember, you can always run to The ONE.

And when your scars are hurting and your heart is in fear...
Remember just remember, ALLAH is really here.

Picture credit :
Poem credit : ukhtina Muslimah77

بارك الله فيكم والله تعالى أعلم بالصواب

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

OMG. Suddenly I have a lot of important agenda to be completed this week and I'm really feeling the pressure man! Argh. Cool but challenging.. Hahs. Shameer gave me his role as leader of group 1 for next week's Shell Livewire Competition. Finally, i've been given the opportunity (: But its kinda last min so I had to sacrifice my FTT's E-Trial just now to go for the meeting while he had to interview the principal of College Central at Mcpherson Campus. Kinda happy with the group mates..I've seen their slides.. We even had practice for our OP but personally need lots of improvements. The winning team will get $800. Oh, Hafiz, Sharum is in my team.

Bout the Trade Fair Challenge, frustrations and more frustrations. I got hold of 2 suppliers but the prob is, they don't provide their contact no.! Mr Rajah passed me this business crd of a this particular supplier but after surveying, I don't think their products can sell. Haixz...God, help!!! And, I'm in-charge of it too..bah.

Confirm gonna be damn busy till Friday!!! Please don't kacau my weekends..I wanna enjoy, relax, make $$$..Hahaha

Monday, November 10, 2008

Firstly, went to En-Naeem on Fri nite for tahfiz (its been year man,hahs) but only to find out that Ustaz wasn't free that nite. -__-'. Luckily I have ustaz's no..but okalah though no tahfiz, gt to meet the new peeps. Cheh aku katekan dh senior lah eyh..Haha. Ehks, a funny incident happened during Qobliya Isyak. This pak cik tengah sujud then suddenly there's a sound.

Ismail- "Ehks, bunye ape ah?"
Me- "Oi, kau blh tanye bunye ape? Bunyi kentut lah!'
Ismail & Me- "Lolololol"

Klakaklaka..Hahs. That pak cik memang terkentut! Haixz kesian..kesian..

Anw, I'm glad that mum brought me a new hairband yesterday though I just found the old one,hahs. Hahaha. So irrelevant, bah! (I just love my hair lah.. when it gets longer, I wear a cekak. Hee) some serious issues to be talk bout man. Firstly, I really hate those peeps who keeps on monopolising in order to get what they want. Rawr. Serious mofa. Damn man. I'll tell you guys want thing. I'll eventually have the last laugh man...!! You guys are nothing.

Secondly, my head's freaking spinning rite now. There's probs regarding the Trade Fair Challenge wch is on the upcoming 20th! Grrr. To make matters worst, I accidentally hit my head against the running tap while I was in the toilet. Ouch. Man, if me and Ibrahim were to speak our hearts out, there's bound to be prob one. If we talk to ____, si _____ masuk campur. But damn lah. We can' just like follow wateva u said man. In fact, u shld listen to us too! It wrks tt way in a business.. Worst case, I'm thinking of defecting or pull out totally..Coz as I did the calculations wf Ibrahim, dpt balik profit pun tak seberapa..So might as well, we set up our own stall. Perangai Yahudi.. Rabak..

Lastly, I'm totally 'screwed' this semester..Hahs. There's groupwork for every modules and its like 60, 70 % of my IN-Mode. And wats wrst is that I can't get the playas for my team. I gotta seriously work hard fr all the written exams..Not that I don''t have faith in my group members but its my frst time wrkng wf them..I'll c hw it goes.. Wrkng wf 5 Chinese..There's another guy obviously but itupun like lembik2 type..Gosh! I'm being mean here..The Chinese gals plk only sme I c gt the potential of producing smth..The rest..Hmms.. Tk tahu lah eyh..

Bismillahi Tawwakaltu Alallah...

Friday, November 07, 2008

Alright, here's a coversation wf my true-blue gangsta fren recently that kinda had an impact on me. Hope this convo blh dijadikan sebagai iktibar/pedoman to those mat reps out there...hahs.(btw, my fren's nt a mat rep)

10:39:59 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
hw's u?
10:40:13 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
im fine mate
10:40:28 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
experienced life's ups and downs
10:40:50 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
so im kinda among the "downs"
10:41:03 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
how bout u ma fwen?
10:41:59 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
same here ah.. gt into conflicts n stuffs..
10:42:15 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
can't hlp saying tt life's a bitch at yeah..
10:42:19 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
ok2 nw ahh..
10:42:37 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
lol.. aint gonna blame u for sayin' dat homie
10:42:48 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
life's aint a bitch'
10:42:57 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
but its a whole load of shit
10:43:10 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
we juz gotta be strong man]
10:43:29 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i learned to be hopeful in life since i met u
10:43:52 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
ure de one hu taught me to hold strong and believe in HIM
10:44:30 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i did and still do even tho' i dwink and stuff ive never forget where HE stands since i met u
10:49:07 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
yeah true..
10:49:33 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
its nice of u to say tt man.. alhamd
10:50:16 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
kau tgk aku gini2 pn.. im nt tt mch of an alim..still gt lots to learn..
10:50:55 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
to think bout it, mmng ah.. when we're dwn the only place we can seek solace is to HIM since HE knw us Best.. (:
10:52:21 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
yea man... even tho' sae that u8 haf alotta to learn, still u brought me back to de right path
10:52:42 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
if u haf lot to learn, i have a thousand lots to learn
10:53:13 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
wadever it is, u act out one of a
10:53:44 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
wadever it is, u act out one of a Rasul's job
10:54:25 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
dat is to bring a person into islam.. even tho' u didnt did a rasul's job exactly...
10:54:53 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
still u prevented a friend from going too far away from his religion
10:55:49 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
truthfully speaking, im prepared to offer my Pahala's to u if u nid them to bring urself to Syurga
10:55:52 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
10:56:54 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
u're a gud man
10:58:45 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--

11:00:08 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
btw, nis, haf u drank alcohol lately
11:00:11 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
11:00:59 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
no.. bt to tll u d truth, i gt an urge once b4 when i ws in p5 and tu mlm plk lst nite of terawih..hahs
11:01:13 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
pld times.. i didn't go..fllw my neighbour..
11:01:15 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
hmms why?
11:03:22 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
nah, im sumone hu've xperience all dis kinda shits,.. i dwank, i took ice, ecstacy, marijuana, u name it man
11:03:31 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
juz name em'
11:03:43 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
and guess wad i found out?
11:04:46 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
all of them destroys u bad
11:05:02 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i ama drug addict
11:05:05 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i admit it
11:05:25 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
but im gonna stop man
11:06:31 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
its de truth wen dey sae in books that, "drugs don't only destroysyou,but also your family and friends
11:06:34 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
11:11:39 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
okayy.. cz setahu aku dulu u jz push drugs man.. idk tt u ended up taking it.. bt i hope ur realtionship wf ur familia baik2 je kn?
11:17:16 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
alhamdullilah dat since i tried to change, everitink's ok b ut im on the verge of living a few yrs of my life in prison one dae..but hanis, i wan u to noe dat i dun mind living up to even a hundred years in prison juz to show how thankful i am to HIM for making me realise how important HEnd the Al-Qur'an is to me..
11:17:23 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i learnt it all de hard way
11:17:38 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
juz wan it to be easier for my friends or foes out there
11:18:04 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
so they dun hafta learn de hard way, juz lke i did
11:20:41 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
icic.. gd to hear (;
11:20:47 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
change fr the bttr..
11:23:11 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
if u need me in any ways, i'll try to hlp in a small or big way..
11:29:50 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
tanx mate
11:30:01 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
i'll alwaes nid u in terms of agame
11:30:05 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
11:30:19 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
insya'allah u can help in stuffs that i don'tknow
11:31:21 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
yeah as long as we regard each othr as frens.. we'll hlp each othr yar

11:32:09 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!

11:32:34 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!

11:40:29 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
anw, bro gtg ah..
11:40:33 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
tmr sch! Haha
11:40:39 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
tc, peace out
11:40:41 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--

11:40:51 PM
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
11:40:54 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!
11:41:06 PM
(*) --[ l'Être suprême ]-- (*) aka --[ Þ ð г й ѕ т д я ]--
Nis- Semberang jalan, semberang titi, haixz..aku kene blaja FTT!

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Yesterday was super duper cool lah! Thanks Fee for inviting me to go to Mediacorp for the 'Don't Forget The Lyrics' show. Hee. U peeps are so gonna see me on tv! Hahaha. I had lots of fun man..the clapping..the grooves to the song(oh anw, we won't allowed to sing along though as mch as we wnt to, the singers will be disqualified if we do so,hahs). Took 93 to Eunos and arrived there at close to midnite bt too bad no more train service. Nyeahs. Luckily the last bus fr 21 is at 0037. Board 21 at exactly midnite and gosh, the whole bus reeked of alcohol! EEeeee.

Just now during DPIC class was fun too! We had a makan-makan session(more like post Syawal thingy or should I say farewell party fr ustaz). There's lots of food..Pasta.3 types of pizzas..(i only tried 2 types though,haha) etc. Though all the fun, I'm so gonna miss Ustaz Lukmannul Hakeem man ): He's leaving on Wednesday fr the Haj period and will only be back next year. Hope everything goes on smoothly so that he'll be able to come back and teach us again! This ustaz of mine is cool yaw. After his studies at Jordan, he went to UK. Stayed at Leeds fr 6 mnths and did all kinds of work. Seriously, he can be damn rich if he were to stay there. While he was there, he lived in a semi-D hse and owns a BMW! whow. Only after returning from UK then he signed up wf MUIS...

I'm literally losing my spirituality.. ): Urgh. I wnt part of the old me back. Part of the new me scary ah.Hahs.
Qouted : "Yeah, I agree wf u..Ur new 'u' a little bit scary..

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Happy and frustrated. Bah! Well, I'm finally done with my Class 3A module one prac.. Drove to Tampines just now..Whee. But guess I'll have to wait till Jan to resume my module 2! Urgh. Coz all the slots are fully-booked..duh. Have to wait on the 14th Nov to secure places for Jan!! Damn lah.. I'll miss driving for 2 months )):

Anyway, its so freaking frustrating when again, u gt bypassed for something that u feel u truly deserves..Grr. Its sooooo not fair that those bastards got nominated and will be going for their interview for the Hainan trip! Seriously, I hope they don't pass thru the interview,hahs. Their attendance sucks and definitely my GPA is waaaay better than them! Pfft. But in the end, they're the ones who got nominated. Padahal, I'm the frst one u askd wthtr I wanted to go and when I said yes, u put down my name. Next day, u came up to me and told that I wasn't nominated. Like whaaat?!! I'm actually not that pissed bcz I can't gt to go..(This trip u'll hv to fork out $500 of ur own $$ anws..sch will only pay $200..) but because of the very fact that undeserved peeps gt to go and I don't. Rawr.

Life's A Bitch... (sometimes..haha)

Ehks brothers, next outing on Dec! Wanna bring u guys to 2 unconventional mosques in Singapore. The Ahmidiyyah & Shiah mosque amacm? Haha. But Sai's afraid though..takut akidah lari..-_-'..We settle for McRitchie then?

And oh, Atreyu's gig is cancelled! ): Here's my fav song by them anws..